Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

- ' ' 40 'Ihe oMer if the ca'!fei wonder be •'rought which he defir<d. A lh<r<•ht•Dtd•lfofor~htw;fimtn, •odSortt• Exprtffi, when one doth not ondy put his rers,<ndth•fo<h<r,.trulfo•f EgyptJid in lik, cOr.fid~:nce in Satan~ but couenanteth with mAuter with their tubn:tmtnt: f~r thty '11jl hin, vpon this condition, that he~giuing him~ ~~wnttHtrJ ,.,. tU r~ti, t~ndthty'JttrttNrtttd fclfe wholly ouer to the diuell, may ogaine, •nt•ftrpt1ils:but .Attrms r~ddtHourtdthtir r~Js. by obferuing certaine cerc:moniu, accom· Enchantment_ or charming,is that, whc:rby plifh his defire. btafls,but efpcCJally young children,and men Magiqae,is either diuining.or working. ofriper ycarc•, are by Gods pcrmifsion infeDiuining,wherby things to come are forea acd, poyfoned, hurt,boundcn, killed' and told by the hdpe of the diuell. Now of PreothcrwJfemoJdlc:d; or contrarily,fomr:rimc:s dictions, fomt: arc done with mcam:s; others cured ofSatan, by mumbling vp fome few •.vithour. words,makingcertaine charat\C'rs & figures Preditl:ionsdone with manes,arethefe: framing circles , han~ing amulets about rh; I, Soothfaying, which is diuination by the neckc,or other parrs, by hearbe3, medicines · flying ofbirds.Deut,8, I o. B and fitch like trumpcrie, that thereby the pu~ I !. The kind of diuination , which,is, by nifbment ofthe faithleffe may beaugmented looking into be3ftsentrals. The in r<pofing their firength vpon fuch roue~ ki•g•fBabel, &c., •ndt.., tlaues,and the faithfull may be tried whether /c!dinthtliutr. they will commit the like •bominati~n. pfal, I I 1. Nc:cromancie,orconiuring: bywhich s8+Thtir poy(onil tutn lik< tht poyfonof•ftr· thediuc:Jl,in th~forme of fome dead man, is ptnt : lif<!thtdt•Je.ddtr hilt'Yt, fought vnto for counfell. I .Sam.>8. 1t. Thto "'hkh heMtth ntJt t!Je 1J'.}ct ~J tht ?t,ch•nttr, ft:id thetl'o''"'~ Jt Whom ~t~iltthoH I C11611p 11nt1 tho•gh he bt moft t>'ptrt in charming. Eccl. I"· thee? Andhef•d,CaUvp SamHtlvnto me. vcrf. I I. If thejirptnt bit< ~htn be u charmed,&c. 15. Then[aid hevNtl her, Fearen~t, hHt wh~t Thus haue weheard Magique defcribcd out jo10ejltho•,? Andthe"'"'"" {Aid vnt• Sa11l, I ofGods word; the which how common it is g~ds P.ftcnding cHtoftheeArth.ver. I 4· ThfN asyer, intl.ofe efpecially whichare without fotd ht '~~"" he' , whatf•JI,ion u htof? ••dJhee God in the world, and whom Satan by all m~fwtrtd, An tJ/dm.mcommeth vp JappuJ in 1t meane• flrongly ddudeth, the lameHtable man:lt. .A11dSllul ~c\1' thAt it l\141 SAtnHel,and rxperience which m•ny men , and mofi plaht mcli11ttihilf.<~ctto thegr••"d,•ndbowedhim. c e<s haue thereof, can fufliciently prooue •nto ftlft. AndSamlleif•idtoSaHI, Wiry bafl tbo• vs. !lnd rurely,ifaman will buttakeavietvef m[q11ietedme~ tobri,gmt 11p! Then S411l111•- all poperie,he fhall eafily fee,thar a;reatpart f'ltlered; I""' i• grearrriiflreffi: for tht 'Philiofit is meere Magiquc. flims m•~;! 'ltlarrl •g•inft me,(joc, This S<mMtl, They which Cpread abroad by theirwriting was not tll" true Prophet of God, who anor otherwife, that Wirches are nothing elfe, nointed S.tHI king ouer Ifrael:for I. thefoules but mclancholicke doting women , 1Vho ofthe Saints deputed,are far from the diuels through the diuels delufion,fuppofC thatthey clawes and dominion. •·That goodSamuel,if themfeluea doe that, which indeed thediuell it had bin he indeede , would neuer baue ptrdoth alone: albeit they endcauour c11nningly mitred s.. t to wodhip him. 3· Ho fa\thto to cloakethls fi•me, yet by the fame meanes wicked S••l, tomorrow fhalt thou be wtth they may defend murther,adultery,andwhat me. •. I i· Neithorcould this be abare illufio, other finne foeucr. and,as I may fay,kgerdcmaine oftheWitch, I I. Thofe which doe tonf•lt with Magifor he plainly foretoldSa•lt dellruC\io, ..hich tians., doe alfo worOtip the diucll : for they an ig.norant woman could not know~ much "uolt·from God to the diuell, howfoeuer leffe dutfi lhoe connantly auouch any fnch they'plafierrp their impietie with mtempe. matter to the kin~: it rcmaincth then, that D red morter, that they feeke Gods helpe, thisSa,.tl, was a meer< illufion ofSaran. though by the meanes ofMagitians. t. Sam. Diuining without meanes,iscalled Pytho. J8, 13. Tht W•m•nfoidto S••l, ffo,Gods nifmo, whcnfuehas arc polfeffed with an vn. •Juotlingfr~m thrtArth. Leuit. ••· 6. If •11] cleane fpirir, yfe immedutly the helpe of the tMriii<Jter(uch 114 ~rork!, 'Wrthj}irits, and•Jter (ame fpirit,to reueale fecrets. Aa.t6. I 6. v! SSith-[ii.Jl;.IJt t~lQtlll\thooringt~~fter thtmlt tbelf 'trt.tint m4Ult hlfHing 11 JPirit •} diHin11tWn, »ltt Will/ fot '"Jf•re •g•injJ th<tttrfon,Aod )lo;i/1c•t 11f; \tlhir;hgate her m•fitr m~~ebvttntlfgt ~ith hi••fffron,.,.ng hu pt~plt. Ef3.8, 19,20. JiNining,Efa. 29+Tlry'lloi&eJh•llbt.,lt•ftht Whtnth'}Jh•DJ•ytoY'"•EnqHirt., them whrch gro~md, J;k._ehim tht~t h.ath "fPirit P(diui114ti~n, b11ut A JPirit QfdtHi114thlf 4ndill 1 h' S#olhf"'.J'rs, •nd thy tdltftgfh.O \~hiJPtroHt •{the d,.ft. wbich~hiQierilnd murmH1't. Sh1Hld not•peo. Magiquc operatiueor worki11g, bath two ple enquir1 M their G(ld? from tht liHi"g tithe plrts : lugling, and lnchanrmeots. dt;rd? tl thtlAir, •nd t•thttefli,mlt? lugliug, wh<r<b)', throughthediuels conThe affirmariue part. ueyance, many great andveryhard marters, ThouJb•lt,orjhip qodi•J}irrt & trHtb Ioh 4· arein fhrw<ffi:Cl:ed. E:t~:(.)d.7. 101II,I2 . .At~r•n 24,G•dis •foirit,&th<Jlhat "'•rfh•p ~ilfl,m•ft I c41lorth bu rod before Ph.r•oh, Andbefort hu \lmjhiphiminfPi"it "'" trHth. 'Forfo Coon< os prH"ncs, ~tnditWMnmuel int•"firpenl : thtn any man btgi~ncth to w011hip God afttr an ~ ---' ouerrhwart -