rUf' 'R.eformedCatholi~ . ~ny thing in way ofreligion,to worfhip God; much lctlc the creature thcrby. For the fecond A 1 /itjfertd in 4ny common hrmfe: for it Unotmeete R c So faith omane accch. '· on c 0>1· and. Del. ol.c.3. Etym. s. InHay~ 1· commandement faith plainely , Exod. 20. 4• Th,. jhalt not mak! to thy ftlfo ""Y grauen ;. mage, or the !Jf<!neffi of anything in heaJU71 1 &c. The Papifls fay, the commandtment is meant of the images of falfe G 0 D s. · But , will they, nillrhcy, it mull beovndedlood of the images ofthetrue Iehouah ; and it forbids vs *to rcfemblc God either in his nature,propertics,orworkes, or tovfe any rcfcmblauce of him for any facred vfe : as to helpethc memo· rie, when we areabomto worfhip God.Thcs much the holy Ghofl, who is the befl ex· roundcrofhimfelti:, reachcthmofl plainely, Dext.4·1),t6. Thol<jinveftnoima£eatall (ei- B ther of falfc or true God,) and t erofore thoN foalt not m.J:! any lilztnes ofany thing.Andogai1L rhe propner £fo·40•t8. reproouing idolaters, ask<th" whom they willlik!n God: or, what Jimilitude will they fit -up1mrohim? and v. 21• Knowy eenothing? haueyoumt heard? h11th it not beenetoldyou from the beginning? As if hee 01ould fay : h;u.te yee forgotten the fccond commandement , that God gaue vnto your fathers? Andtlms he flatly reproouesall them that refemble the true God in images. But they fay further, that by Images in thefecond commandcment arc meant idols, that is (fay "they) fuch things as men worfhipfor Gods. .Anjiv. Ifit werefo;we fhould confound the firl! and fecond commandements. For the C firll, Thou lhalt haue no other Gods before my face, forbids all falfe Gods, which man v,:ickedly frames vnto himfelfe by giuing his heart and principall affections thereof, to them ' and therefore idols alfo are here forbidden,whenthey are cflcemed as Gods. And the diflinction they make , that an I rnage is the reprefentation oftrue things, and Idol of things fuppofed,is falfe : (a) Tmullian faith, that euery forme, or reprdentation is to bee rearmed an Idol. And;(b)ljidore faith that the hearhen vfcd the n•1>1es of image and idol indiffrrently in one and the fame fignificatian. AndSaimStcucninhisapologie, .Aa. 7·4'• cals the golden calfe an idol. Hierome faitb, ( c)that Idols arc imagesofdead men. Aunci· D ent Diuinesaccord wtth all th!swh~eh I hauc faid. La[/anttiU faith, Injl.ltb.z.cap.I9· Where images arefor re/ fak..6, there is no religion. The Councelof Elibera,can.36. decreed,that nO'hingjhou!dbepaimed on thettMls ofChurches, Contr. whi<:h u adl>redof"thepeople.(d)Or~gen.Wefoffer not lW) to worfl,ip1ef U4 at altar!,im11gcs,ttndtern· Cclf. J;b. 7· pies: becaute it is written, ThoH {halt hai,ettonc Epifr: other Gods•.And( e)Epiphal!itu{ar;h,/t u agai>tfl ad lob. thet~uthoritie oftheScnptrtra tofee theimaga of Hieruf. Chrij/ or ofany Saints hanginginthe {hllrch. In the leuenth Coun<cll ot (onjlantinople, thefe words of cpiphanimare cited againt! the Encratita:; Bee mindefult beloHed children not to bring images into the (h11rch. norfit them in the places where the Saints are buried, but alwaies carry God in your hearts : neither let them bee thata (hrijlian jhoJ<Idbe occupiedby the eyes, but by the medttatwn ofthe minde. Argumenrsoftb! Papijls. The rcafons which they vfe to defend their opinions are thefe: ~· In S_~tlomons temple were ereCl:ed Cherubms, whtch were images ofAngels, on the Mercy-feat where God was worfhipped : and thereby was refembled the Maieflie of God : therefore it is lawfull to makcimages to refemble God• .Anjiv. They were eret\ed by fpeciall commandementfrom God, who prefcribtd the very forme ofthem and the place where they mufl bee fet: and thereby Mofts had a warrant to make them. otherwife hee had finned : letthem lhcw th; like warrant for their imasesif theycan. Secondly, the Cherubins were placed in theho. !y of holies in the moll inward place of the Temple, and confequently were remooued from the fight ofthe people,who onely heard of them : and none but the high l'riefl faw them,and thatbut once a yeere. Andthe Cherobins withouttheveite, though they wereto be feene, yet were they notto be worlhipped, E.~od. zo. 4• Therefore they ferue nothing at all to iullifie the images of the Church of Rome. Obit£/. !I. God appeared in the forme ofa man to AbrahAm, Gen.I8·I·I3·and to?J4ni~ el, whofaw the Auncient of daiesfitting on a throne, Dan. 7·9· Now as God appeared, fo may he be rcfembled: therefore (fay they) it is lawfull to refemble God inthe forme of a manor any likeimage, in which bee !hewed himfelfe to men•.Anfw.Inthis reafon the propofition is falfe : For God may appeare in whatfoeuer forme it pleafeth his Maidlie; yetdoth it notfollow, that men lhould thereforerefembleGodinthofeformes: man hauing no Iibertic to refeinble him ia any forme at all: vnleffe heebec commandedfo to doe. Againc, when God appeared in the forme of aman , that forme was a figne of Gods pre. lence onely for the time where God appeared, and no longer; as the bread and winein the Sacrament are fignes of Chrifls body and blood, not for euer, but for the timeof adminiflration: butafterward they become againe as common bread and wine. And when the holy Ghofl appearea in the likenetfeof a doue, that likenclli: was a figne of his prefence no longer rhcnthe holy Ghofl fo appeared. And therefore hee that would in thefe formes reprefent the Trinitie, doth ~ready difhonourGod, and doethat, for wl11ch hee harhnowarrant. Obie£1. Ill. Man istheimage-ofGod,butit is lawfull to paintaman, and thcrf~reto make theimageofGod. A •f.Avery camll:for firll, aman cannot be paint~d,as he is theimag~of God which flands inthe fpiritual gifrsof righ· teouG1es andtrue holintfie. Againe,the illlage of r King.~. >7·