I ! ·-/59~- A CR_eformed.[atholik!. fl':"ur=r=e=r-:a-n"'d=t-:'h-:at-:n-:o~f:;:-a;-in"=e';d-:,b~u=,-.-:t-:ru_e_a~nd-;--r-ea-;1;:-1A-:-~i·s~d;-e-ri:-u-ed 7 . -=-r,~'?:._m_. t-,-h-e-:!l:-o-re--h-o-ufc-,-e_o_f_n-·g -h-te-o-uf· prefence which mufl: be cofidered t\Vo waies, nelfe!wh•ch 1s mthe manhood ofCliri!l; for firll, in refpett of the fignes, fecondly; in re- . the nghteoufneffe of all the members. is but ! fpect oftho communicants. For the lir!l,we the_fruit there?f,euen as thenatural! corrupti• hold and teach that Chrifls body"and 6!ood, on mall mankmde, is but a ftuitofthat oriaretrolyprefentwlth the bread and wine,beginalllinne which was in Ad.,., Thus we fee ing figocs in the factamct: but howl not in rehow <i>od for his part giues Chri!l: and that fpectof place or coexifience: but by Sacrareally. To pwceede,whenGod giues Chri!l, mental!· telation on this manner~,.When a ,heg!ues W>.thall :i~ 1he fame.tirne the fpirit of word isvttered, the fouu'dcomes tothe eare; Ghr~fi,wluc~ fpmt createun.theheartof the and at the fame in!hnt, the thing fignified reccmerthe m!lrumentofrruefaith,bywhich. comes to the mindi: ; :uld thus by:relation the ,the heart cloth really recciuc Chri!l giuen of word and the~hing fpokenof, are both pre- <S~-dlby telling vpon the promife which Golf· fent together. Euen..fo at the Lords table hathmadeth~the willgiucChri!l&hisrigh. breadandwine mpll not be confidered hardy B teoutneffe to euerytruc belecu<r. Now tlie'o as fub!lances and creaiures, but as outward When God giucs Chrifi with his benefits and fignes in relotion to the body and blood of man for his partby faithreceines the r.U:.e as Chti!l. And this relation,arifing from theve· they are giuen, there rifeth that vnion which ry in!HrutionoftheSacrament, !landsinthis, ts. betweene euery good rcceiuer and Chrift that when the elementsofbread and wineare huufelfe. Wbichvnion is not forged,butare• pref~nt to the band and to the mouthaf tile all,ttue,andneereconiuntlion, ne<rer then l receiuet; at the very fame time the body and · which,noneis orcan be:bccaufeit is madeby blood of Chri!l a~e prefented to the minde : a folemne giuing and receiuing that paffed 1 Ithus and no othcrwifc is Chri!lrruelyprcfent betweenc God and man: asalfo by thebond I with thdignes. The fecond prefencc,is in1e· of oneand the fame fpirit. To come then to I fpect·ofthe communicants, to whofe beleethe point,conlldering thereis areallvnion, & luing hearts he is alfo really prefenr. It will be contfquently areall communion bctweene vs ll faid,whatkindeofprefence is this? Anf.Socb and Chri!l, (as I haue proolied) there mull: as the cornmunioa in the facrament is, fuch is needs bee fuch a kinde of prcfence, wherein irhe prefencel and by the communionmufl: we ChriR is truly and really preftntto the heart 1 iudge ofthe prefencc. Now the communion is C ofhim that recdues tht Sacramentin faith. ,on this manner: God the father according to And rhus farre doe we confent with the Ro· ' rhctenour ofthe Euangelicall couenanr,giucs mifb Churchtouching r.call prefencc. Chti!l in his facramcntas really and tlucly, as. anythingcan be giuen vnto man, not by part and peece-mcalc (aswe lay)but whole Chri!l God and man.on thisfort. In Chrifi rhere be two.naturcs,the Godhead, &manhood. The Godhead is not giuen in regard of fubJlance, oreffence: bnt onely in regard of cfficacie, Ad Sim.. merits, and operation conueicd thence to rhe plic.lib. manhood. And further in this Sacrament •·q·J· Chrifi• whole manhood is giuen both bodie We differ not touching the prefenceit felfc, butoDiyin the mancrofprefenct• Forthough we bold a reall prefence of Chrifis body and blood in the Sacrament,yetdoe we nottake it to be locall,bodily, orfub!lantiall,butfpiritu– all and myfticall,to rhe fignes by facramcntall relation, and tothe communicantsbyfaitha– lone. On the contrary the Church of Rome mainraines.tranfub!lantiation,thlt is,a local!, bodily,& fub!lantiall prefence ofChtills body anllblood, by achange and conuerlion of the bread and wine into the faid.b<><ly aadblood. 0HrrtAjins. ·and foule,in this order. Firfiofall,is giucn the v:ry manhood in re.!pc&offub!lance, & that really:feoondly,the merits and benefits there– of, as namely i the fatisfaction performed D by and in the manhood to the iu!Hcc of God. And thus the intire manhood with the bene– fits thcrof,are giueo wholly andioyntly toge– ther. For the two diflinct fignesofbread and wine fignifie JJot two di!linct giuiugs ofthe I.This corporal! prefenccouerrurneslisndry body apart aud the blood apan; bu£ the full 'articles offaith. For we belecuc thatthe lieand pC:rfeB: nourifbmeut ofour foules. Again, dyofChrift was made ofriie pure fubfl:ancc the benefits of Chrifis mJtntood are diuerfly ofthe VirginM•ry, &that butooce,uamely, giuen, fome by imputation, which is an allioli when hee was conceiued by cl!e hol1 Ghofl, of God acccpti"!l that which is · done by and borne. Bufthis cauoot !l111d, ifthe body Chri!l as doneby vs ; aod rhus it_hath pleafed ofChr.i!l beemade ofbread and hisbloodefl God to giue the pafsionof Chri!l & his obew'jne,astheyniu!l needs bc,ifthere be no wcdience. Some agaid~-ar~giuen bf a.'kinde of cclsion or annibilatiou, buta rcall conucrlion j propag.rion, which I cannot fit!y expreffc in offub!lances inthefacramenr:vnleffc wemull; tcarmcs,buti rcfemble it thus. Asoue candle bcleeueconrrarieries,thathisbodywas mil4e j is lighted by anothtT, &·one torch or candleofthe fubfiance ofthe Virgin, and n6t of'the light isconueied to tweutic candles , ~nen fo Virgin; made onee, and not once bat often. ) 1 the inherent righteoufncat of euef¥'balccyer Againe, ifhis body and blood bee vnder the • -~--~ ~-------------------------------~f.~o~rw~e~s~l--