Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

of'R..ea/1 prefence. 591 formes of bread and wine , then is. hee not as yctafcended into heauen, but remaines llill a· mong vs. Neither can he be faid to come from heauenat thedayof iudg<ment: for bee that mutt come thence to iudge the quicke& dead, mull be abfcnt from the earth. And Lhis was the aunci•. nt f,i.h. .4ugujlmefaith,that Chrifl accfmimg to his maiejlieandprou.idence andgra'e, TraB-. r. 1 Uprtftnt with vs totheendbf the world: but ac– in loh. ,·ordirg to his a£fumed fldh hte is not 11lwaits • • 1 withvs. Cynlfaith,Hteuabfentinbody,and Llb. 9· 1 " prcftntin vertue,wherebyaOthings aregouerneJ. . .?lgibu.s faith,That he i4 gone:ftomvs according E~~~b.L 1 to his hum:milie : hebath leftvs inhis humani– r &. • · I tk: intheforme of afiruant abftntfom vs:when A the ligne is abolifbed, and there remaines "o– rhing but the outward formes or appeannce ufbread and wine. Againe, it abolifheth the CAds of the Sacrament, whereofone is to re member Chrill till his comming againe, who being prefent in the {acrament bodily , need• not to be remembred, becaufe helpes of re• membrance are of things abfent. Another end is to nourifh the {onle vnto eternal! life : but by tranfubllamiation the principal! fee– ding is ofthe body and notofthe foulc,which is onely fed with fpitimall foode: for though the body may' bee bettered by tre foode of the foule, y<t cannot the foulc be fed with bojhujlefowtfJonearth,itwMnotmheaum: being B Lib.t. ad on earth,he waonotin het~Jun: ~tndbeeing ,aw in ThraG. heauen,heUnottm earth.FH/gentim faith,One& miid,m. )thefomeChrift accordmg to hu hHmanefobftance, WM' abfir.tftrnn heauenwhcn hew.uon earth: ;~nd left theearthwhen he ~tflendedinu;heauen. Reafon.U.This bodily pretence ouerturnes the natureof'a true body, whofe common na– tureor etfemiall proporry it is,to haue length, breadth,andthicknelft' ; which being taken a· w&y,abodyis no more • boay. And by rea– fon ofthefe three dimenfions, a body can oc– copie but one place at once, as Arif/otle f•id, the property ofa body is to befeared in fome Cap. de place , fo as a man may fay where it is. They coregor. therefore that hold the body of Chrill to bee quant. in many places at ouce,doe makeitno body at c all; but rather afpirit, and that infinite, They alleadgethat God isal.nightie: that istruein– deed, but in thisand like matters we mull not difpute what God can doe, but what he will doe. And1fay further, becaufe God is omni– potent, therefore there befame things which he cannotdoe, as for him to deny himfdfe, to lie,ar.d to make the parts ofacontradiction 10 be both true at rhefametime. Tocome to the point, ifGod fhould make the very bodie of Chri!ltobe in many places at once, hdhoul:l make it tobeno body while it remaines a bo– dy: andtobe circumfcribed in fomeone place and not circumfcribed, becaufe it is in many places at the fame time:to be vifible in !Jeauen and inuiGole in the facramenr; and thas 010uld D he make contradiCtions to be true ; which to doe, is againtl his nature, and ~rgues rather impotcncie thenpower..4Jlgujlmc faith to this purpofe. If he coHldlie,deceme,be deceined,fteale De fymb. 1.miujl1J,hejhouldnot be omnipotent, And,There :!~.i~ r. _for.eheY omn~potent, ~ecaufe he ca.nno: doetheft e. 1• ithmgs. Agame,Heucal/edommpotent byd4ing that whichhewill, andnotbydoingthatwhteh bee willnit: which ifitJlm•ld befall him,hejhouldnot ~e omrJipotent. Reafon.UI. Tranfubllantiatjon ouerturnes the very Supper ofthe Lord. For'in euery Sa– cramenttRere mull bea figne,atbing fignified, and a proportion or relation betweene them both: but Popi!h reall prefence takes all a• way: for when the bread is really rurnedinto Chnl\s body,& the wiue into his blood, then dily foode. Reafon. IV. In the Sacramentthe bodieof Cnrill is receiued as it was crucified, and his blood as ir was 01edde vpon the crotfe : but now at this time Chrifts body crucified re– maines t\illasabody, but not as abody cru– cified; becaulethe aa ot crucifyingisceaftd. f herctore it is faith alon<, that makes Chrill crucified eo bee pn::fenr vnto vs in the Sacra~ mcnt.Againe,that blood which ran outofthe teete, and hands, and tide of Chrill vpon the crofle,was nor·gatileredvp againe and put in– to veines: nay, the colleCtion was needletfe, becaufe after the r<furreitio,holiued nomore a naturall but a f,>iritualllitc:and none knowes wh•t is become oi this blood. The Papills therefore cannot fay it is prefent vnder the forme ofwine locally : and we may better fay icis receiued fpiritually by faith whofe proper tie isto giue a beingtothings which are not. Reafon. V,J,Cor,Jo.;.The Fathers ofthe old Tcllament dideatthc fpiritual meat, and drinke the fame fpiriruall drinkc: for they drankeoftherocke, whichwasChrht. Now they could not eate his bodv which was cruci– fied, or drinke his blood lhedde bodily, but by faith : becaufe then his bodie and blood were not innature. The Papills make anfwer, thatthe Fathers did eate the fame meatc, and drinke the fame fpuituall drieke with thcm– fdues,not with vs. But theiranfwer is againll the text. Forthe Apollles intent isto prooue, that the I ewes were eucry way equall ro the CorinthiAnJ, becaufe they did eate the fame tpiriruall meate, a11d drinke the fame fpirituall drinkewiththe Corimhians;otherwife his rea– fan prooues not the point which bee natll in hand,namcly, thatthe Ifraelites were nothing mferiour tothe Corinthians. Reafon•.V I. As itisfaid, the Sabbathii'<U mAdefor man, andnot manfor the Sabbiltb: fo it Mori<. •· may be faid, thatthe Sacramentof the Lords ' 7 • Supper was made for mao;and not man tor it: and therefore man is more excellent then the Sacrament.But it the fignesofbread and wine bee really turned into the bodyand blood o.f Chrifi, then isthe Sacrament infinitely betl ter then man , . who in his beft ellate is·onely toyned to Chuft, and made a member of his myllicall body: whereas the bread and wine ate made very Chrill. But the Sacraniem ot outward