Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'592- , vi 'R.eformedCatholik!. outward elements indeed a~e not better then A. is meateindtede, andmyblood;. drink! inJeede: man: the .end beemgalwa~es betterthenthe thete~ore (fay they) Chri!lsbodymuftbeeathmg ordamed to the end. Itremames thereten wtththe mouth and his blood drunke acfo~e that Chri~s prefence is not corporall but cordingly• .Anfw, The chapter muft be vnder• fpmtuall. Agame,ta the fupper oftheLor~,e- ~oodob fpirituall eating of Chri!l;his bodie uery beleeuer recemeth whole Chnft , God IS meate tndeede,but fpirituall meate and his an? man, thoug~ not the Godhead : now by blood fpiritualldrinke, to be receiu;d not by thts carnal! eanng, wee receme not whole the mouth,but by faith. This is the very point Chrifl, b~t onely a part ofhis ma;1hood: and that <;brill hc~e intends to prooue, namely, therefore mthe Sacramentrhere 1S no carnal! that to beleeue 10 him, to earehis flelh and to eating, and confeque~tly no bodily prefence. drinkehis blood,are all one. Again,this chapReafon. VII. Themdgement of theauactt~r mufrno:b~vnderfteodo! that fpeciall eaDiol. r. ent Church. Theodmt fatth, The fome Chrij} tmgofChnfrmthefacrament:foritisfaidgeimmu. who <a/led hi; naturall body foodandbread, who nerallr, v. ~ 3• ExetptyeeAtethejlejbof Chiijl, ub. - aifocalledhtmfelfeaVme, hevouchfofedthevifi·' anddrmk_rhu bt.od,yehauenolifei3you : and if blejignes the nameof huownebody, not chan- B thefeverywords (which are tAefubftana:of ging nature, butputtinggraceto nAture, wherethe chapter) muft bee vnder!loed ofafactaSame by he meanesconfecration. And,Themyfticall mental~ eating, nomanbeforethecomming Dialog. jignes afwfonaijic~t•on loft ~otthm proper••· of C~rtft":"' faued: for nonedid bodilyeate Lib. de .duab.n~t· Chrifi. tttre, Fortheyrematnemthe~rfirftnature,and ordrmkehrs body or blood, confidering it kfepetheir firft figure andforme: and .u bofore, was notrhenexiiHngin nature, but only was may bee tott<hed and feene: and which ~hey are prefentto thebeleeuing heartby faith. made, i; vnderj/ood,beleetted,andadored. Gelap114 II.Obie[f, Another argumentis taken from faith,Breadandwine paffiinto thefobftanceofthe thewords ofthe iniiitution, Thi; u my bodie. body and bloodofChrij}, yetfoanhe f.tbftance or Anfw. Thefe words muftnotbeevnderftood ~:·"· natureof bread and wme ceafeth not• .And properly, bur by a figure: his bodie bceing they arerurned intothediuineJitbj/ance, yet the put for the figne & fealeofhis bodie. Iris obLib. •· breadandwine remain< !tillin the propertieof iected,thar when any make theirlaft wils and di!t. "- theirnaturc. Lnmbardfaith, Jfit bea;ktdwhat teftaments, they fpeake as plainly astheycan; conuerfton tbu i;,whetherforma/1 orfubftanrial/,or now inthis fupper Chri!l ratifieshis laft wil& ofanoeher kj_nde,I am notable to define.And that teftament:andtherforehe fpake plainly,withrhe fathers held nottranfub!lantiation,I proue C out any figure•.Anf.Chrifl: here fpeaketh plain ir by fundry reafons. Firil:,rhey vfed in former ly,& by a figurealfq;for it bath beene alwaies ~ Hefych times ' to burne with jirethat which remained the vfuall manerofthe Lord infpeakingofthe b.c. s. after the adminifrration of the Lords Supper. facramellts, to giue the name 0f the thlngfig- ~h;~d~_' Secondly, by che facramencall vnion of the oified eo rhdigne:as Gen.17-10· drcumcifion di,log. breadand wine with the bodie and blood of is called the coRenantofGod:& in rhonext verfe Chriil:, they vfedto confirme thcperfonallvinche way ofexpofition,thefignt ofthecouenat, nion ofthe manhood ofChrifl with the GodAndExod. I>•ll• the pafchall Jambe is called head againfl heretickes: which argument they the angels pafsing by orouerthe houfc:s ofthe would nothaue vfed , if they had beleeued a Ifraelites; whereasindeede it wasbnra figne popi!h,it was acuil:ome thereof: and 1· Cor.10-4o Therock!w"' Chrift. in Conll:antinople, tharifany parts ofthe SaI. (or,S•7' The Paffi•uerw.uChrij}. And the cramctremainedafterthe adminiil:ratio therlike phrafe is to be found in the inftitution of E 1 of was ended, thatyongchildrenfhouldbefentfor this facrament concerningtbe cup, which the N~:!;ht jiomthefehoolttoeatethem; who neuerthelelfe Papiil:s themfelues confe!letobee liguratiue 1 17·'·'5· were barred the Lords table. And this argues when it is faid, Luk, ••· 20. Thucup isthtnew plainely thatthe Church in thofe daies, tooke D tlj/a,...-ntin myblood, that is, a fignc, feale, and the bread after the admini!lration was ended, pleadge there0f. Againe,thetime when thefe for commonbread. Againe,it was once an orwords werefpoken muft be confidered, and it der in the Romane Church , that the wine was before the pafsion ofChrifr, whereasyet Am,lu. fhould bee confecrated by dipping into ie bread, his bodywasnot crucified nor hisblood fhed: 1. de oa~ which hadbin confecrated.Butthis order cannot andconfequently neither ofthem ceuld be reEccleC. c. ftar.d with the reall prefence, in which the ceioed in bodily manner, but by faith alone. "· & l5bread is turned both into the bodyandbloed. Againe, Chri!l was not onely theautho_r, but L"b J NicholaUJCabafilm faith, .After hee hathvfed themini!lcrof this Sacra~ent ar the time ?-f e;p~C.~i~ feme [peech to the people,heereasrheirminds,and the infri;ution ther.of: and Ifthebread_ha~ bm curg. cap. liftstheir thoughesfi'omearth, andfotth, Sttrfitm truly turned mtoh1s body_, and the wme mto >6. corda, Let vs lift vp our hearts, let vs thmke on hts blood, c.C~nil: wtth hrs owfle hand lhould things aboue, andnot onthingsthatare vpon the haue taken h!Sown_e body & blocd! and haue earfh. They confent and["],that they lift vptheir gioen it to;>hts Ddctples,nay,whtchtsmore,h_e he~~rts thit.hrr" where there Utre~tfure, andwhere fh.ou1d wtth Ius owne han9s, haue taken hts Chrijlfits attheright handofhi;father, owne flclh, ~nddrunken hts o~ncblood, and ObieC/io•s ofPapij/s, haue eatenhimfelfe. ~or Chn!l_htmfelfe d1d 1. The firft reafon i•, Ioh, 6. 55. Myflefh eate the bread and drmke the wme , that he ----L---------------------------------------~------m~~~