Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

594 d 'R.eformedCatholi~. thing pall&done,as prefent. .Ai.gufiine f•ith, 11. cls anal>eration or repetition ofit. Now let When webeleeHein Cbrift, hei<•Jfmdforvs J.i. them choofe ofthcfe twaine w~ich they will: Lib.t. IJ· And,Chrift u thenjlainefor eHeryone;when he 1fthey fay,it is acontinuanccofthe facrificeon qudl. btlmw that hi u flainefor hi111. Amliro[< faith, thecroffe, Chri!l beting but thebcginne'r,and ., ~t.& Chriftufacrificedd•ilyinthemindesofbeleeoeri, the pric!lthc fini!herthcrof, they malie itim· Tea~: &11ponanttlt~tr. Hitrome{aith.a RetiiAiw~s perfet\:for tocontinue athing til it beaccomA~t Rom. offered to th1 beleeHers. plifbed , jsto being perfechon vnto it: but Chri!ls facrifice o~ the croffe was then fully Virg. Ad J J, Thl differrne<. perfeLled, as by hiS owne te£\imony it apDami!f. peares,wll.enb~faidConfom_matxmej/,it;.finiThey make the Euchari£\ to be a real!, tx· fhed•• Alatnc, tfthey fay, 1t IS a repetition of tcrnall, or bodily facrifice offered Vnto God: Chrifts acrifice, thus alfothey make it imper. holding and teaching , that the·miniller is a r,a : fot that is the r<afon which the holy pride properly: and that in this&cramcnt hee Ghoft vfeth to prooue that the facrifices of offers Chri1ls bodic and tlood to God the the old Teftament were impcrfet\ , becaufc Father really and properly vnder the formes B they were repeated. ofbread and wine. Wcacknowledge no reall, Reafon Ill. Areal! and outward facrifice outward, or bodily facrifice for ther<mifsion in a facramcnt, is againft the nature ofafa· of fiones, butonely Chrifts oblation on the cram~ntand elpecially the fupper ofthe Lordt cro!fe onceoffered. Here is the maine diffefor one end thereofis to keepeinmemoriethe rence betweene vs, touching this point: and facrifice ofChrift. Nowcueryremeillbraoce it is ofthat weight & moment,that they ftiffemuft beofa thingabfent,pa£\,anddone: and if ly maintJiningtheir opinion (astheydoe) can Chrift be daily and really facrificed,the facrabe no Church ofGod. For this poijlt razeth mentis no fitmemoriallofhisfacrifice.Agaiu, the foundation tothe very bottome. And that the principall end for whkh the ·Sacrament it may the better appear< that we auouch the wasordained,isthat God mightgiue&weretmth, fir(\ , I will cor.firme our dot\rine by ceiue Chrift with his benefits: and therfore to Scripture, and {econdly, confute thercafons giue and rake, to eat and drinkc, arc here the which they bring for themfduu. principall attions.Now in arealfacrifice God Ill.0Mr Re.[DttJ. dorhnot giue Chri£\ and the Priell receiue him ofGod ; but comrariwife he giues and cffers Reafon I. Heb.9.tS· anch6. C Chrift vnto God, & Godreceiues fome thing the holyGh~ft faith, Chrift cffered himfelfe ofvs. To helpe the matter, they fay, thatthis but once. T erefore not often:and thus there facrifice ferucs notproperly tomakeany fatiscanbenoreall or bodily oftering ofhis bodie fat\ion toGod,but ratherto applyvnto vsthe and blood in the facrament of his (upper: the fatisfaLlion of Chrift bceing alreadie made. textisplaine.The Papifis anfwerthus:The faBuc this anfwer!lil makcth againft thenature crifice ofChrifi(fay they)is one for fubftance, ofa facramec, in which Godgiues Chrill vn· yet in regard of the mann<r ofoffering, it is tovs:whereas in afacrifice GOdreceiues fcom either bloodyor vnbloody, & the holy Ghoft man, and man giucs fomething to God 1 aJafpeaksoncly ofthe bloody facrifice of Chrift: cdficethercforeisnofic meanesto apply any which was indeede but once•.An[. But thingvmovs,chat isgiuenofGod, · the auth<>r ofthe <fc[\le takes it f6r granted, Reafon IV. Ht•.7.24;2S•TheholyGhoft thatthe facrificeo Chrill i.anely one, & that makes adiffmntc betwcene Chrift the high a bloodie facrifice. Fer hee faith, Heb.9.~S· Priefrofthe m:w Tellament, andall Leuitieall Chrijld.dnot offerhimftlfeofien,.u thehighprifj/s pric(\s, inthis. thatthey were many,one fuc- ' did: and verfe 26. For then hermifl hAH<o{ten ceeding another : but he is oncly one, baui:Jf fofferedftnccthefoundati,nofthe world: but now D an crernall prie£\hood, which cannot pa c mthe end he h•th •ppear(don<etoput•wayjinne from him toany other. Now ifthis difference bythef,.rif.<e ofhimfilfe:and veri. Z2 Without be good , then Chrift alonciA hisowne very !hedding of blood i4 no remiffion of finnes . By perfon mufr be the Prieft of the newTellathcfewords it is plaine, that the Scripture nement,andnootber with,or,vnder him:otheraer knew the two-fold mqnner offacrificing wife in the new Teftameot there fhould bee of Chrift. And cuery di!lincticnin diuinitie moreprie!ls in numbenhenin the old; Ifthey not founded in the writtfn word, is butafor• fay,thatthe whole attionrcmaincs In rhe.per- __<!; gerieofmans braine. And ifthisdiflin{lion fon ofChrift, and thatthe Prie!lisbutan illbegood, how !hall thereafonofthe Apo£\le ftrument vnderhim(as they fay, )I fay againe ftand, Hedid not offer bimfelfc butonce, beit is falfe; bccaufcthe wholeoblation isat\ed caufc: hefuffered butonce? ordone bythe prieft himfelfe: and bee which ReaCH.The Romifh Church holds thatthe doth all,is mlire then a bare inilmment• . facrifice in the Lords fupper is all one for fub. Reafon V. If the Prieft doe otlir toGod fiance,which the facrifice which heoffered on Cbrifts reall body and blood for the pardon thecro!fc: ifthat be fo,thcnthefacri6ccin the ofour fins , then man is become a mediatour Eucharift, muft either be acontinuance ofthat betwccne God& Chri£\. _No~ th!Churc~of (acrifice which was begun·on thecroffe, or Rome faith, that the Pneft·m hts ma!fe ts a prieft .