Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

To!et. Concil. u.c.r. rf the Sacrifice of. &c. 595 prie£1: properly,& his facrificc a real! facrilice, A therefore as Mekhi<!dech offered bread-and differing onely in the manner ofoffering from wine,fi> Chri£1: vnder the formesofbread and theSacrificeofChri£1: vponthecrolfe: and·in wine offers himfelfe in facrilice vnto God. the very canon of the M1lfe they infinuate Anfw. Melchiudec"wasnorypeofChriit in rhus much, when 1:hey requeit qod to accept rega_rdofthe act offacrilicing '· but in regard theirgifts andofferings , namely, Chri£1: himofhis perfon, and thmgs perraming thereto, fclfeoffered, ashedidthefacrificesofeAbci which are fully expounded, Heb. 7· the and 11&•· Now it is abfurd,ro thinke that any fummewhereof is this: I. v'11elchi~edtck£ was crtlture !110uld bee a mediatour b:rweene both King and Prio£1:: fo was Chri£1:: II. Hee Chri£1: and God.Therefore Chri£1: cannot pofwas a Prii1ceofpeaceandrighteoufnes:fowas fiblybeoffered by any creature vnto God. Chrift. I I I. He had neither father nor moReafon VI. The iudgementofthe ancient ther:becaufethe Scriptureinfefting down his Church. AcertaiKe Councellheldat Toledo hi£l:orymakesno menti6 of either begiwing in Spaine, reprooueth the Minifiers that they or ending ofhis daies : and fo Chri£1: had neiot'fered facrifice ofton the fame day without ther father nor mother: no father, as bee was the holy communion.The words ofrhe Canon B ma A :no mother,ashee was God. IV. Melchiarethefe: ReL.tienumadevntovstbat cmaine <tdeck_bceing greater then AbrAham blefled prieftsdoe notfomany timesrecei~tethegraceofth• him , and Chri£1: by vertueof his prie£l:hood holy commMnion, M they offerfacrifices in oneday: blc{feth,rhat is,iuftilierh&fnntlifiethall thofe butinone day,ifthryojfer mar,yfocrifoestoGod,i(l that beeofthe faith of eAbroham, In thefe 4// theoblations,thry fufp.~JlilthNVftlllesfomthe things onely ftands the refemblance, and not ClmmHnion-. Heremarke,that the facrifices in tbeofferingofbread and wine. Againe,thc in ;.ncient Ma!feswere norhh1g elfc: butformos end ofbringins forth the bread and wine, was ofdiuine feruice; becaufe none didcommuninortomakeaC:crifice, butto refrdh oAbi4Mileuet.c care,no not the prie(l himfelfe.And iAanother ham&his feruants thatcame from the flaughu.Con- Counoell the 11ameof the Ma!fe is buronely teroftheKings. Andheiscalledthereaprieft cii,Tol. 4 for aforme ofprayer. It bath ple<(edvs, th4t ofthemo!thigh God, not in regard ofanyfa- "P· u. praicrs,(upplications,M«jfis,which[hall beaN•wcrifice; but in confidcration ofhis blefsing of &c.hco'> in the Co•nce/1-, be vjid. And inthis fenfe it Abrahaw,asthe order ofthe words teacheth, 1' "'d'fr is taken whon fpeach is vfed ofthe making or Andh• wa.thepmjlofrhemoft htgh God&therm. ' :! compounding ofMalfes:furthe facrifice pro- · for• hee bleffid hm•, Thirdly, though it were pitiarorie of the bodyandblood of Chri£1: ad- C granted, that he brought forth bread and wine co•po,.& mits no compofition. .Abbot Pafih•fim faith, to olferin facrilicc, yetwill it notfollow, that fong. Beca•ft wefinne daily, Chrift i&facrificedfor vs in the SacramentChri£1: himfelfe is to be offe- =~rn.cap. myfrically, and hiop4ffum M giNon ill myfttrie. red vnro G 0 D vnder the aaked formes of Thefe his words areagain(hhe reall facrifice: bread and wine. MelchiZJdeck.! bread and wine buryet he expoundes himfelfc more plainely, were abfurd typesofno bread and no wine, or cap. to.Thebloodis dr"nkjnmy£l:ery fpititually: offormes ofbread and wine in the Sacrament. and,it i&all fpiriruall which weeate,and,cap.u. II. Obie[/, The pafchalllambe was both a The pricjl--d.ftrib"res to eucry one not"' facrilicc and a facrament : now the Eucharifi mHth auheo.rwardfight giueth, b1tt "'"'"'h .u comes in roome thereof. Anfw. The pafchall faith in,..ardly.capot 3·The full fimilirudli& out. Jambe was afacram~t,but no facrifice. Indeed >vardly, andthe immacuL.te flejh of the lambe i& Chri£1: faith to his difciples, Goe andpreparea faith inwardly-,ehat the truth be ndtwanting place to.facrijice the Paffiouerin, o.Mark,t4.1z, toth:facr4mmt 3 & it benot ridiculous ttJ Pag4ns, butthe words, tooffer, or tofocr.ljice, doe often that we drink! tbebloodofal,i0cdman.cap.6.0ne fignifie no more but to !,ill. As when Jacoband ••m the fief/, ofChrif/JPiritually anddrinkts hu Lab•nmadeacouenant,it is faid,lacob focrifiblood~ another foemes to receiue notfomHChlt4tt. D ced beafls" andcalledhis brethren to ttlte bre11di morji/1 ofbreadfrom the handof the prieft: his Gen. 3I ·54· Which words mu£1: not be vnderreafon is,becauferhey come.lnprel'ared.Now ftood ofkillingforfacrifice, but ofkillingfor then conGderingallthefe places, he makes no a fea£1:: becaute hee could not in good confcireceiuing but fpirituall, neither doth he make ence inuite them to his facrifice, that were any facrifice bur fpirituall. out ofthe cauenant, beeing (asthey were) of another religion: fccondly, it may bee called Vl,Obie[l.OjPapijls. I.Gm.t4.v.t8. When Abrahamwascom– ming from the Uaughrcrof the kings, VJ-!11chieed:cb met him, and brought forth bread and wine: and he was a prie£1: of the mo£1: high God. Now this bread and wine (fay they) hce brought forth to offer for a facri– /ice ; becaufe it is faid, he was aprie£1: ofthe moil high God: and they reafonthus, Chri£1: was aprier\ afterthe order ofo./lfelchi<edech: a facrilice, becaufe it was killed after the maner ofa facrilice. Thirdly, whenSaHI fought his fathers a!fes , and asked for ihe Seer, a maide bids him goe vpinhafr,for (faith fhee) thereY4n offering of the people thi& day in the bigh plAce, x.s.,. 9· t 2. where the feaft that was kept inRama, iscalled a facrilice : in all likelihood becaufe at the beginning thereof, the prie£1: offered afacrilice to God : and fo the palfeouermay becalled afacrifice, becaufe facrifices were offered within the compa!fe ~'"'·'6· Eec • of