\ 596 rUf 'R.eformedCatholil~t· of the appointed feafr or folernniry of the 1\ pafteouer:& yet the thingit fdfe was no more ---------------------·-------- :'facrifice then the feafr 111 Rarna was.Againe, The twelfth point: Offalling. ~t tt were granted rhar thepalfeouer was both, tt wtll not make much againfr vs:for the Cup– per ofthe Lord fucceeds the P•lfeouer onely mregard of the maine end thereof, which is theincreafe of our communion with Chrifr. I!I.Obi.tr, M alae, I ,JI • The piophtt fore– telleth ofackanc facrifice that"fi>all be in the new teflamem:& thar((ay they)is the facrifice ofthe MatTe•.Anfw. This place mufr be vnder– froodofafpiriruaU facrificc,as we fhaJI plainly perceiue ifwecompare it with· I . Tim. z.8. wherethe meaning of<he Prophet is firly ex– pouoded,lli'•Y (faithPaul) that menpray in aB places, lifting vp pure hands, without wrath or daubting. And this isthe cleane facrifice ofthe D;alog. Gentiles. Thus Iuj/inMar0'rfaith, Thatjitp1",':;,h. . plicatians&thank.;giuing are theonelyperft£1focrificepleafing God,andthatChrij/ians haue/cor– Ad sea~ nedto ( fft.'rt.bcm alone. And Terwll.faith)Wee pubm. facrift<eforthe healthofthe Emptrour-:.uGod hath comma11ded withpure prayer. And lrene1u L;h.•.c. faith, that tbisclcancoffcring to be of&red.in o~rconflnt. Our confent may be fet do~ne inthree con– clufions.J. Wedoe nor condemne falling,but rnatntame three fortsthcrcO{towir amoral! ciuill,& areligious fafr.Thc fitfr bci~gmorall' is~pradife offobriety or temperance, ~~he~ as mthevfcofmeatcs and drmkes,the appetite is rdlrained,rbat itdoth not <xceedc modera– tion. And this mull be vfcd ofall Chriflians in thewholec~mrfe oftheirliues, The f<cond Jl· euery place is the prayer ofthe Saints. IV. Obie!J, Heb q.Io. Weehau<an•lt4r, whereofthey maynoteate;whichfor Ne inthet~ber. nacle, Now(lay they)if we haue an altar,thcn we mufr needs hauea priefr; and alfo a real fa– crificc• .An[. Here is meant not abodily, but fpirituall altar, becaufe the altar is oppofed to C the matcriall Tabernacle ; and what is meant therby is expre!fed in the next vcrfe, ig which B becing ciuill , is when vpon fame particular &politicke confidcrations men abllaine from cerraine meates : as in this our cOmmon.. wealth the law inioynes vs to abllaine from flefh· meateatcertaine feafons oftheyeare;for thefe fpccial ends;to preferuetbe breedofcat· tdl, and to mainrainethe calling ofthe lilhcr– men. The third, namelya religious fall, is when the duties ofreligion, asthe exercifeof praier and humiliation are pral1ifediu fafling. And I doe now fi>ccially intreat of this kinde. Conclnf. Jl, Weioyne withthemintheal– lowance ofthe principal! and right endsofa religious fafr, and they are three. The firll is, that thereby the minde may become attcntilre in meditation oftheduries ofGodlinesto be performed,The fecondis,thatthe rebellion ofthe 8tfh may be fubdued: for the flefh pampered becomes an inllrument of licentiouf– nes. The thitd,and(asl takeit)the cheifcend ofa religious fall is,toptofelfe ourguiltindfe, ar.d to tdlilic out humiliation before God for our finnes: and forrhis end in the fall of Nini– oe,the very beafr was made to abflaine. he prooues that we haue an altar: TheboditJ of wfe. n, the b<aj/s, whoft bloodli'M bro•ght inte the holy placeby the high priej/f,.fin, wereburnt witho•t the campe: fo Clmflltfm,th<t he m;gbt fonEiifie the people withhis ownrbbJo/.,foffered withoNtthe gate. Now Jay the rcafou or proofe to the thingthatisproou(d, and we mufrneedes vnw der!land Chtifr himfelfe,who was both thc:al· tcr,the priefl:,and the facrifice. V. Obttlt,LaiUy,they C.1y,wherealtetation is bothoflaw and couenanr, rheremufi needs I be a new priefr and a new faqifice. But in the new Tdlamentthere is alteration bochoflaw and couenant:and thereforcthereis bothnew priell and new facrifice•.Anf.All may be gran– ted: inthe new Teframent thereis both new priefr,& facrifice:yetnot anypopifi> priefrbut onely Chrifr himfclfe bothGod & man. The facrilicealfois Chrifrashe is man:& the altar, Chrill as heeis God, whoiu the new Tefra– ment olli:red himfdfe afacrifice to his Father for the fins ofthe world. For though he were the Lambe of God Oaine from the beginning oftheworld,in regard ofthe purpofoofGod, in regard of the.: value ofhismerit, and in re– gard offaith which maketh things ro cogu:,as prefcnt,yer was he not attually offered till the fulnes oftime came; &once off<ring ofhifl\– fdfe,he remainerll apriell for euer, and all o– ther priellsbe!ide him ate fuperfluous:his one j offeriog once off<rcd,being al-fttfficicnt. Concluf Ill. We yetld Ynto them, that fa– lling is an helpe and furtherance to the wor– fhip of God;yea,and agood worke al[o ifit be vfed in agood maner. Forthough falling in it felfe becingathing indifferent, as eating and drinking are, is not to bee teatmed a good worke; yet bedng applyed, and confidercd in rel~tion to the right ends before fpokcn of, D and pta<'tifed accordingly,itisa workeallow– edofGod, and highly to bee elleemed ofall the feruants andpeopleofGod. Thedij]int 111' d.jfirenct. Our di!fent fr«>m the Church of Rorr.e in tbc dodrir.c of falling !lands in three rnir.gs. They appoint and prcfcribe fct·timcs of fa· !ling, as necdlary to be kept!but we holdar.d teach rhatto prcfcribe 1he time ofarehgiCu~ f. ll is in the·lib<rtie ofthe Church and th gou;rnours.t!Jerof, as lpcciall cccaficn fhall be offered. When the difciples of lokn asked Chrill,,why they & thePharificsfalledcftcn, but hi•dife>ples failed net, he an(wercd, c.nl thechiklrmofthe martPgt ch~o.mbcr mtJHfXIIU lbng A4 the bridegrc~me i4wtth thlm? bm the dnies Wt/1 came