Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I .. ofFajling. . 597 eo"" when the bridtgri/Dme fha/1 bee tak!n aovny A whatfocuer,cuen from:foftappareland fwccte .ft•m them,andthen !hall they faU,Matth.9·1 S. oymments. lot/.2.15. -S•nEiifie •f•ft-: where be giues them tovnderlhnd, that they let the bridegrome goe fonh of his chamber, mu!Hall, as occaGons of mourning are offe- & thebrideoneofherbridechamber, Dan,1o. 3. red. Where alfo I •ather,that a fet timeoffaI'"" nopleafant brtad, neither cameBefh nor fiing isno more to 0 be cnioyned thC afet time winewithin mymouth, ne·ither did1annoint my t ·n. 86 . ofmourning. It was theopinion ofAugnftine, felfe aa/J,tillthreewttk!sofdaies werefulftlled, 1 P' that neith<rChrij} n.rhit Ap•Jlles appuinttdany Cor.7·S, Difrandnotenrawther, except itbee times offafting.And Tertullian faith,that thry of withconfentforAtime,thatyemaygiueyourfeiMei C nt. hiuimefajfedoftheir owne accords freely, with. to falling arulprayer, Phychio~tlAwor commt~nderJI<nt,a. occAJ'wnandtimeferAgaine,we hold this prad:ife to be wicked, ,.,. HiR. Ntd. A~dEHjibi'" fa.irh,that Mont!lnm w.u the becaufeittakethaway the liberty ofChriilias, l.r.c.t7• [firft UJttt~lAws offafliwg, Itisobicd:ed,that by which, vntothepure 48things arepnre. And there~· a fet time Qffallingprefcribed. Le11it. the Apofile, Ga/,5 ·I. biddes vstoftmafaft ;,; Moh. traa .3. C. I I. aNanar. 16.29· An[011. This .fet and prekribed fall was thu libm;e,which the ChurchofRomc would commanded of C!iod as a patt of the Legall B th~s abolifh. For the better vnderfianding of worfhip, which'hadhis cnde in the death of th1s, let vs confider how the Lord himfelfe Chrill:.Thereforeitdothnotiullifieafettime hath from the beginning kept in his owne I Effa!ling in the new Tellament, where God ha~ds, as !l mall:erin hisown houfe, thedifpo. bath leti: man to bisownelibertie without gifit10nofh1s creatures for the vfe ofman, that uing the like commandement. It isagaioc hemigbtdepend onhim&hiS\vordfortemalleaaged, thatZioreh,1·5. there were fet times porall blefsings. In the firllage,he appointed appointed for the celebration of religious vnto_him for meate euery hearbe ofthe earth fallsvnrothc Lord, the fifth and the l<:uentb beanng{eede, andeuerytreewhereinthereis moneths. An[.They were apoointed vponocthe fruite of a tree bearing feede, G<N.r. cafion of rhc prefenr afBithons of the Church 29. And as fer Befh, whether God gaue vnto in B•byt.n, and they ceafed vpon theirdelihim libertic to eateor not to eate, we hold it uerance. The like vpon like occalion may we V?certaiae.Afrcrthe Bood the Lord renewed appoiur. It is further obieded, that fome h~sgranrofthevfeofthecreatures, and gaue Churchesof the Protdlaats obferuc fet times his people libcrtic to eate the Beih of liuing of falling. Anfw. In fome Churches there be creatures: yet foas he madefome thingsvn• fctdaies and timesoffa!ling, not vpon the C cleane,andforbadtheeatingofthem: among necefsiti:, or for confcience or religionsfake, the rd},theearingofblood.Butfincerhecombut for politicke or ciuill regards, whereas in ~ingofChrill he hl th inlargedhis word, and . the Rqmifh Church it is held a n\ortalllinnc gmenliberty to alboth Iewesand Gentiles, to . to deforre the fet timcoffafting till the next eaeeofa!Jk!ndJofjlefh, Thiswordofhiswere!l day following. . vpon; holding it a do0rine ofdiuell~,forrnen ?N.;,. 4 , Secondly, wee dt£!Cnt from the Church of to command an abfimence from meates for 4 • Rome touching the manner of keeping a fait. confc1ence fake; which the Lord himfelfe For the bell learned among them allow the bathcreated tobe receiued with thankfgiwing drinking ofwine, water, eletluarics, and that SKr•tes a Chrifiian h1lloriograph<r faith, (•) often within the compatfeoftheirappointbatth~ .Aplj/les liftit ftee to euery oneeo vfe tcd fall:yea,they:allow theeatingofoncmeale wbot /ttnde ofme•te they would onfaflmg dayes :~~.r.num on afa!l:ingday at noone tideJ& vponareafo. •ndt~thertjmes J Spiridi1ni11 Le11t drejidfwines . nable caufe,onehoure before: the time offaflefo 1 11nd[etit be[weaftr•nger, eating himfelf• 1Trlp.hill !ling.notyet ended. But this praftifeindeedis and~IJding theftrang<ralfo to eatt,whorifHftng·l 7abfurd, and coatrary to the prad:ife oftheold 4ndprifeffing bimfelfetobee"Cbriflian, thmfore 1.:.,:~~:·>< Te!hmentyea itdoth fru!lratethe end offa- D (foithhe) therather-ft thou .J.eit: for tothe r.Saon.r. fiing. Forthebodily abfiinenceisanourward purea8thingS4re pure, a.tbeOIIordofqodteacb. meanes andfigne whereby we acknowledge tth7Js. our guiltine!fe and vnworthine!fe of any of Butrheyobiett, Ier.;s.6. wherelonAdab the blefsings ofGqd. Againe,theyprefcribea commanded the Rechabites to abfiaine from dilference ofmeates,as whit-meatunely to be wine : which commanclemene they obeyed, vfed on their falling daies, & that ofnecefsiand are commended far doing well in obeyry,and forconfcience fake in moll cafes. But ingofit: therefore (fay they) fome kiade of we hold this di!linftion ofmeates, bothro he meates may lawfully be forbidden. Anfw. /o. foolifh and wicked. Foolifh, becaufein fuch nadab gaue this commandement not in awe meates as they prefcribe, there is asmuch filofreligion, or merit, but for other, wife and ling & delight,as in any othermeates:as namepoliticke regardes. For he inioyned his poly in fifh, fruits, wine, &c. which they l'ermit. fierity not to drinkwine, norro buildhouf~s And it is againlltheendof a religious fall: to notto fowfeede, or plant vineyards, ort~ vfe any refrdhing atall; fofar as nccefsityof haYe any inpo!fefsion: buttoliuein tents; to healtha~dcomelinc!fe will permit. Thus the theend they mightbee prepared to oeare the Churchmtime•pall vfed to ab!l:aine not onecalamities, rhat fhould befall them in time to ly frommeate Be drinke, but from alldelights co111e. But the popifh abfrinenccfrom certain u . Ecc ~ meates,