I. mc~tes,hath r<fpctt to confcicnce and religi- A wiilied, that falling were more vfed of ail on, and thereforo is ofanother kind, and can Chnfitans mall place<: conlidering the Lord 1 houe nowarrant thence. dothdaily giue vs. new and fpcciall occafi~ns I . II. ~bieu,'Dan,to, 3.D•nidbeeing in hcaofpubhke and pnuatc fa£\ing. umes for three wetksofdaies,abflaintd from fleili:and his example is cur warrant. .Anfw.Jt I was the manner ofrht holy men in aunciem i times, when they fafkdmany daies together, •oftheir owne accords fteelyro abfrainc fro\'1 The XI I I. point, ofthe !lateofperfel}ion. I fundry things! and thus Dan~tl abfiained from · Ourconft•t. I fleili. But the popifh abfiinencc from Bclb is Our i:ohfent I will fer downc in two connot free, but !lands bycommandemenr, & th~ dufions. J, All rrue bdeeucrs haue a!lateof I omitting ofit,is mott>ll ~nne. Againe,ifthey true p:rfeltion in thislife,M•tth.~ . 4 g, Beyou wd follow 'Dame/mab!lauuogfrom A<fh,wl·y peifell M your father inht•utn u peifell. Gen. doe they ~:ot alfi>ab!laine from all pleafant 6·9·1r{•«hw.u a'"~ andperfellm•n in hutime, I bread 2nd wine;yea fro.moyntments:and why B -.ndw.f~"Jwirh G•d. Gen.t7·l• Wal~ before wdl they eate any thmg m the ume oftheir mte<ndbuperfe!J, And fundrit kings ofJM<iah fJfr ; whereas they cannot lbcw that Danitl are faid to walk< vprightly before God with , y,. ~- ;.1 ate any things at a!!till euening? And ,YI-!o/4. apede[! heart, as DauiJ, lofi.u, Heuchitlh c.u. lnw h.rhnoted, tlmour ancc!loursabfhined &c. 2nd Pa•l accounteth himfelfe with the conc.S.I from wine and dainties, atlll thJt fomeofrhe!ll r<!l of the faitl,full to bee perfe[l, faying, at~nothing for two or three daies together. Llt'rn an th4tare per/tfl btthHs mind<d.Phil. 3' Thirdly, they alleadgethe diet ofI.h•ll•p1~. Now this perfe~hon hath two parts• ufi, whofeme,arc was Locufls and wild hony: The fir!! is,imputation of Chrifis perfc6:o- &.ofTir;JOthy,whoabfi, ioedfrom wine, .An[. b•aience, which is the grouod and fcuntaine Their bind cf di.r, andrhat abflinence whtth ofall our p<rfttlicn whatfoeucr. Hcbrewu rh<y vfed, was ondy for tempennoe fake; not I 0.14• By one •ffering, that is, by his obe. for confciencc or to merit any thing thereby: bienceinnis death and pafsion, hatb he c••feict them prooue the contrary ifthey can. ~r~ted, or made perfrlt, for eu<r them that Thirdly and lafily, we dilfent from them belm~e. The !econd parr of Chrifiian perfetcuching certalne tnds of f.,£ling. Forthey crionisfinceriry, or, vprightne!lr, llar.ding make. abflinence it !elfe in aperfon fitly pre- C in two things•.The fir!l is, to a~knowledge litark.7.6 pared,tobee a part ofthe worlbippe of God: our ur.perf<o!hon and vnworthmell"e in rebut v:ee take it to bee a thing indrffcrent in ir fprlt et our fdues: and hereupon, though f<ife,and therefore no part ofGods wor!hip, l'~xlbad faid he was perftcr, yet hee addeth and yet wit hall becing well vfed,weefieeme funher, HrdidaccouKtofhimfi('t,not m thoi<gh r il lit asaproppeor furtl:eranceofrhe worfr.ippe, he h.a• .,flin<dr. peiftEii.n: bot did forger the ,J.&';$, ia that we are made the fitter by it tO worfhip g..d thmgs behtnJe , 1111d endt..UDHr<d htmfilfe I God. And hereuron feme ofthe mor< Icarto th<t whith "'"' before. Here therefore 1t 01cdfortofrhcmfoy: Nottheworkcoffa!ling mufl bte remembred, that the perfctlion\ !I done, butthe d<uotionof rhe worker, isro whereof I fpeake, may !land ><ith fundrie . be reputed the feruiceofGod. Againe, they wants and imperfct'lions, lt is faidof oA(o, r.Krng:... fiy,that fafri1~g in,or-'with deuotion,is awork that hi~ he~trtwa& p'rftEt w:th GDdAilhU d11ses: :~l~ro. offatisfaltionto Gods iuflicc for toe tempoand yet hep•Ntdr.ortkwne thrh•gh plACe., and Jzr f7.&, rail punithmcnt of our fins. Wherein we t"k<: beeing dtlcafcd tn J.1s fecte, Hep•t hu truftm r6.a. it they doe blafphemcuOy derogate from thephifiti•n~<ndnotmtheLwd. Secondly,this ,Chriit our Sauiour,whois the wholcand p<rvptigntnelfc fi•nds in a confrant purpofe, i fel} fatisfar!tion for finne both in refpett of D mdcauour, and care to ke<pe nor fame few J tauit and puui01ment. Here they alleadgethe burail and euery ccmmandement of the la~ 'example ofthe Nineuites,and .Ach.bJfatlirg, of God, a• 'D••id(airh. l'fol. 119.6. Then Wl1creby they nrrned ~way the iudgements Jha/1 I"" bee confo•nded, ,.htn I h..e rejpt/1 ofGoddeoouuced again!! them by his Pro- " aN thJ comm•ndemenu. And this indeaphe~s. Wc anfwtr,that Gods wrath was apuour is a fruite of pcrfct1ion, in that it propeafed towards the Nineuites, nor by their cc:edestfomamanrcgencrate. For as all men fafling, but by f>ith laying hold en Gods through.Ad.-msfall, hauc in them bynanrrc mercic in Chri!l , and tf·ercby !la)ing his rhe foedesof all finne, nooeexcepted, no not I iu?gcmcnt. TLeir fafling was onely a figr.e the finne agai,fithe holy Gho!l: fo byg~ace ot their repentance: their repentance afruite ofrcgc~e.ratiOn rhr~mgh.Chnfi, aH the faithand figneot their faith , whereby th<v bcleefull haue m rhem hkewtfc. the fc:edes ofall Mar.u. ucd the preaching of Ion M. As tor .AchAbshuverturs nccdfliil to faluauon: and hereupon 4 • .... 1 miiiatiO,itis norbil')o t0 the purpoft:tOr 1t was they bothcan and do indeauou.r to~et Id per- ;in hypocriGe: ifth,y getaoythingthereby,kr felt obedience vnro God, accordtng to the Jti·.em t,,ke it to thcnrfclues. To conclude, we whole law.And they maybe rearmed perfc~, ! tor our parts doe notcondemnethis exercife asachi!d is calleda pe•l<lt man: ttough tt offalling, buttheabufc ofit:and.it were robe want perfeellonofag<& ltatare & reafon:y<t bath