Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

~-6~o-------rd --=--==1\:-efi-;:-or-m-ed-c--::C-at-=-ho-=-li-=-~-. -- ----- Reafon I I!. Luk.et7·IO· When,.ee haue A done all thqfe thi11gs that •retDmmllndedvs~ wu are vnprofitableftruants:we hAue done that which w.u o~trtlarytotb. The Papifrs anfwer,that we with fingle efrate,thatthey may with more li– berty without difrral:lion further the good e– frateofthe CQurchofGod, orthekingdom_e ofgrace in rhemfcluesand others. This js that can be gathered out ofthisplace; hencethere– fore c:umot be gathered the merit ofeucrla– fringglory by fingle life. are vnprofitable to God,but not to our fel•es1 but tllis fhift oftheirs is be!ido rhe very in– tent of the place. For a feruant in doing his duty is vnprofiuble euen tohimfelfe, & doth not fo much a.sdeferue thankes ar his mafrt'rs hand,as Chrilt faith,verf.9.Dorhhethnnk.fhat (erHAnt? Secondlythey anf..ver,that we arevu– profitable fcruants in doing things comman– ded:yetwhen we doe things prefcribed in the way ofcvuncell,we mayprofitourfelues,and merit thereby. But this anfwer doth not !land with rea{on. For things commanded, in that they arc commanded , arc more excellent then things left to our liberty; becaufe the will and commandcment ofGodgioes excel– lency and goodne(fc Ynto them. Aga.ine, councels are thought to bee harder then the commandements of the Iaw:and if men can– DOtprofit themfelues by obedience ofmorall P'ecepts,which a~e more eafie,much le!fefhal thoy be able to profit themfclues by councels which are ofgreater difficulty. Reafon IV. If it be not in the ability and power of man to k~epe the law , then much klfche is able to doe ally work that isbeyoad •ndaboueall the law r~quireth: but nomao is able to fulfill the Iaw.andtherefore no mao obieil. Ill. Ma<th. J9·••· Chrifrfaithto the yongman, lfthou,.ilt bee perfcil,gueje/J thatthou haft,andgioeto thrpoore, andtho•Jh~!t haue trettjure •• he•uen. Therefore fay they a mag by forfaking all may merit notonly he~uen, butalfo treafure there, that is, an excee– ding meafure ofglory• .Anf. This yong man being in likelihood a!hia I'harilic, tho~ght B to meriteternalllife by the workesofthelaw, as his firfr quefrion importerh, G•odm.jler, wh•tfoa/11 tbe to beJituedland therefore Chrifr goeth •bout to dilconer vnto him the fecret co•ruption of his heart. And hereupoa the words alleadged area commandem:entoftrial nor common to all, but fpeciall to him. The like commandement gaue the Lord to .Abra– ~am faying, eAbraharn,Mk! thineonelyfonnt 1-. 14ac~and ljfer'1Jjmvponthemolll1tAincwhich IJlu~l Jbew thee~Geu.2~·2· IV .Ohiea.,,Cor.7.8.PAu!faith,ltisgoodfor to b"finglemhe WtU: andverfe 38.hefairh,lt u betterfor'!lirgins n•tt•~~Mrrie:and,thisheJPeak!s bypermi!Jion,not bycomrnandmtcnt ,v.25• .Anfw. is able to fupererogate.Here the Papifls deny C the propofition : for (fay they) though wee keepenot the law, yet wee may doe things of councell aboue the law, and thereby merit•. But by theirlcaue, they fpeake abfurdly: for 10 common reafon, ifa man faile in the le£fe, heecannotbutfaileinthe greater. Now (as Here the fingl~ life is not preferred !imply, butonely in refpea of the prcfent gecefsity, becaufe the Church was then vnder pertCcu· tion:& becaufe fuchas liue a!inglelife,arefre– ed from the cares&.di!\.rallions ofthe world V. ObiefJ. 1. Corinth. 9• r5.17,18. P4ul preached the Gofpell freely , and that was more then he was bound ro do: and for fodo– iag he had areward. .An f. It was generallyin P.tHis liberty to preach the Gofpell fi-eely or not todo it:but in Corinth vpon fpeciall cir– cumfrances , he was bound in confcience to I hauefaid)in popifh dol:lrine,itiseafierto o– bey the moralllawthento preformethe coun– fels ofperfeaion. Obicaions ifP•pifts. preach itftecly as hee did; by reafon of the I. 1fa.56·4· The Lordfaith,VntoEonuclm falfetcachers, who would orherwife hauetath•t ktepe hi<Jablwh, andchoofo the thing that ken occalion todifgrace his miniflerie, and pleafetb hrm, wr/1 hegtue apl•ceand••me better haue hinderedthe glory ofGod. Now it was thenthefonnes .tndtlaut,hters Now(fay they)an 'l'•u/sduryby allmeancs to preuentthehindeEun•ch isonothat liues a fingle life,& keepes D ranc_es of the Gofpell and the gloneof~od_: the vow ofchafrity and hereupon he is faid to aod tfhe had not fod<me, heh•dabuftdhtsJi. deferue agreater m'eafure ofglory•.Anf.Jfthe beny.v.x8. Ther~fore he did no more i11 that wordsbe wcl conlidered,they proouenothing caf~th~nthelawJt felfe requtred. For anaatle!fe: for honouris promifed to Eunuches not on mdttferenr, oranaatonmourI!berry, ceabecaufc they make and performe the vo~of feth tobciuour liberty, and~ecom'"morall fingle life butbecaufe (asthe rextfairh) they mthe cafeofotfence. What 1~morefreeand obferue the Lords Sabbath and choofe the indifforenr then to eatc Befh? yetin thecafe thing thatpleafethGod , and keepehis coueofoffenceP••Ifaid,HeW1Hidn11e11tefojhM lcng nant, whichis, tobeleeuethe word ofGod,& mthe,.or!djlood,J.Cor.S.x;• ro obey the c<imandementsofthemoral law. Obieil.II.Matth.J9.l2•Chrifr faith,There arefomewhichhnuenMde themfilues ch.jlforthe i(!ngdomeofhe•um:rberefore the vow offingle hfe IS warrantable, and is a worke offpeciill glory inheauen. .An[. The meaning ofthe rext is, thatfome hauingrcceiued the gift ofcon– tinency, doe willingly content rhemfelues ThcXIV. point: Ofrhewarthip– piogofSaints, fpecially OflllUOCatiOR• ORr<onfont. Concluf. l· Thetrue SainrsofGod,asPro• phets,Apollles,aod Marryrs,aud fuchlike,are to