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ofthe ejlate ofperfiElion. 601 to bee worlhipped and honoured '· and that A three \vaies.I. Bykeepmg a memone ofthem in godly manner. Thus the VirginMarie,as a Propherelfe foretelleth, that alln.,ioni[hallcall htrbleffidLuk., 1.48- When a cettaiue woman powred ~ boxe of oynrmenr on the head of I Chrill, he faith, Thuf•EI:~!aObeffiok!nofinre• • /.,embranceofher, whmfoeuerthot GofPe/1foould I . be preachedthronghout the world•..M<frk!-t4·9· This duty alfo was rratiifed by Dauid ro· wards Mofor, .Aaron,PhiRea&, and the reil: that are commended,'1'.falto5. and t o6.and by the Chap. n '\ author ofthe·Epillle to the Hebrewes, vpon the Patriarkes and Prophets,and many others that ·excelled in faith' inthe rimes ofthe old and new Tellament. I!. They are to be ho– noured by giuing ofthankes to God for them, and tlie benefitsthat Godvouchfafed by them \'ntohis Church. Thus'l'aulfairh, that when the Churches heard of his conuerfion, they glorificdGodforhim,or,inhim, Gfl.t.23· And thehkeis tobedone forrhe !>ain.rsdeparted. I I I. They are robe honoured by an imitation oftheir faith, humility, meekeneffe,repen– tance, th<feareofGod, and all good vertues wherein they excelled. For this caufe the exor ciuill. Religious wodhip, is that which is done-to him that is Lord of all things, the feacher and trier ofthe heart , omnipotent 2 e– uery. where prefenr, able to heare and helpe them that call vpon him euery where, the au~ rhor and firft caufeof eucry God thing: and that!implyfor himfelfe,becaufe he is abfolute gooduc:ne it felfe. And this worfhip is due ro God alone, beeing alfo commanded io the firll: and fecond commandement of the firll: tabk. Ciuill worfhip is the honour done to men fer aboue vs by God himfelfe, either in 1 refpeaoftheir cxellcot gifts, orin refpea of theiroffices and authority, whereby they go– uerneorhers. The righrcnd ofthis worffiip is, l amples ofgodly men,in the old and new Te– llament,are called acloud of witnejfor by alluG– on: for as the cloud did guide the Jfraelites through the wilderndfeto rhc land of Cana– an;fo the faithfull now are to be guided tothe heauenly Canaan , by the examples of good c men,tharhaue beleeued in God before vs,and lmue walked the ll:rait way to life euerlalling. B to rellifie and dccl.tte, that we rcuerence the gifrsofGod, and that power which he harh placed in thofe that be his inll:rumenrs. And this kind ofworlhip is commanded oncly in the feeond table, and in'the firll: commande– mentthcreof,Honourthyfatherandmother.\rp– ?n this di!linllion we may iudge, what honor IS due to euery one. Honour is to be giuen to God,and to whom he commandcth. Hecom· mandeth that inferiours 01ould honour or worfhiptheirbetters. Therefore the vnreafo– nable creatUres, and among the reft images, are not to be worlhipped, either with ciuillor religicus worfhip: becingindeede farre bafet then man himfelfe is.Againe, vncleane fpirirs the enemies oftod, mu!t not beworfhippcd: yea, to honour them at all , is to difhonoor God. Good Angels, bccaufe they excel! men I Conoluf. II. Againe,thrir tme Re!iques,that is, theirvermes and good examples left ro all porlerity to bee followed , we kecpe and re– fpctl: with due: reuercnce. Yea,ifany man can !hew vs the bodily rclique ofany true Saint, and prooue it fo to bee, though wee: will not worlhipit,yetwill we notdefpife it,but keepe itas amonument, ifit may conueni~ntly b~e donewithoutoffence. And thus farre we con... fent with rhe,Chur<h of Rome. hrrherwee muftnot goe. ThedeJfont, Our difference Ctands in the manner of D wor01ippiugofSaints- The Papills make two degrees of religious wor!hip. The highell they call L.rri4, whereby God himfelfe is worlhipped,andthatalone.The fecond lower then the former, is-calledDouli•, whereby the Saints& Angels that be io the ·fpeciall fauour ofGod, and glorified with euerlall:ingglorie in heauen,are wor01ipped. This worlhip they place in outward adoration, in bending of the knee , and bowing ofthe body to them being 111 heauen: in iouocation , whereby they call vpon them: ia dedlcarion of Chur<hes and houfes ofreligion vnro them: iR Sabbaths and fellmall daiesdaftly,in pilgrimages vnto their reltqnes and images. We likewife diftinguilh adoratto~or worlhip: for it is either religious both in nature and gifts, when they appeared were lawfully honoured: yet fo, as when the leafi fignification of honour was giucn, that was proper to God, they refufed it. And be– eaufe they appearc not now as in former times; not fo much asCiuill adoration in any bodily gell:ure isto be done vnto rhein. iall:– ly, gouernours and Magillrateshaue ciuill a• doration as their due: and itcannot be omit.. red without offence. Thus .Abroh•mworfhip– pcd the Hittircs, Gen. 23. and lofophhis bre. thren, Gen. so. Tocometotheverypoinr:, vpon theformerdi!lintiion, we denieagainll: the Papifis, that any ciuill wor!hip in the ben· ding ofthe knee, or proll:rating ofthe body,is to be giuen to the Saints, they becing abfeot from vs:muchlcffe any religious worfhip; as namely, inuocarion Ggnified by any bodily a– doration. For it is the honour of God ~im• felfe,let them tallit l•tri•,ordo•IU.,or bywhat name they will. Our Reafonr. Reafon I. All true iouocation and prayer made according to the willofGod,mnll haue adouble foundation: acommandement,and a promife. A commandement, to mooue vs to pray:and apromife,toallitre vs that we lhal bo heard. For all and euery prayer muft be made in faith : and without a commandement or promife,there isnofaith,Vp~nthis vnfallible ground