Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

6o2. rU1 1\eformed [atholik!. ---;--~---,----_:_--:-c---=--.c-:--::--~'----,---- 1 ground I conclude, that wee may not pray to 'A I Angels ofGod: and they looked downeward' Sainrs departed : for in the Scripture there is vpon the mercy.feat couering the arke,whicbl no word, eithe.r commandingvs to pray vnto ' was a figure of Chrifr;& theirlookingdowne-i them, or affimng vs that wee!hall bee heard !ward, figured theirdefire to fee into the my~ when we pray. Nay we are commanded,one· flerie ofChrills incarnation,and our redemply to call vpon God; Him onely fbaltthouftrue, ti~n by him: asl'mr alluding, no doubt, to . Mattb. 4- xo. And How{IJaaw.callvponh•rn, thrstypcm the old Tcllamem f,ith r.Pmr · in whomwe h•JSt notbeleened? Rom,I0•14· And I·I •.whichthingJ theAng<lsdejiretob',hold:and wee haue no prom1fe to bee !teard, but for ,Pan/cfatth,Eph.J.Io. 7hem•nifoldwife4t>meo Chrills fake. Thcrfore prayers madeto Saints God u reu<Aiedby the (hurch, 'tlntoprim:ipat 11;" . departed,are vnlawfull. Anl\veris made, that andpowers inhea•enly pl4c<s, that is,to the An. inuocation ofSaints, is warranted by miracles gels:butl!ow& by what means? bytheCh•rch· & reuelations, which areanfwerable to camand thattwowaies: firll,by the Church, as by mandements and promifes. An[. But miracles an example, in which the Angels faw the end. and reuelations had an end before this kinde ltlfe wifedome and mercy of God, in callino of inuocation tooke any place in the Church B rhe Gentiles. Secondly, by the Church, asft of God : and that was about three hundred was founded and honoured by the preaching yeeres after Chrifr. Againe, to iudge of any ofthe Apollles. For it feemes that the Apopoint of do[lrine by miracles, is deceitful! ; llolicall minillery in the uew Tellament, revnlelfe three things concurrc: the lirll is, douealed things touching Chrill, which the An8:rincoffaith and pietieto beconfirmed : rhe ~elsneuerkn!'.w, before that rime: rhusCh>y. fccondis,praiervntoGod,thatfomthingmay ijlome vpoh occalion of this text of P..l be done for the ratifying ofthe faid do8:rioe: fatrh, Th•tth< Angels learnedftmething by the , the third, is the manifell edification of the preaching of John B•pti~. Againe,Chri!lfaith, f.:~~c;;:· Church by the two former. Where any of that they know notthehoure ofthelajlindge. ' thefe three are wating, miracles m'<ly be fufpement,.M•tth.•4·J6.much lelfe doe the Saints 8:ed: becaufe otherwhiles falfe prophets haue \know all things in God. And hence it is that their miracles, to try men, whethenhey will they arc faid to be vnderthe altar, where they cleaue vnto God,orno, Deut. 1 3.1.3. Againe, crie , How lcng Lcrdholyandtru•!wilt thou net miracles are not done, or to be done forthem ••engeoHr bt.ud? as bceingigr.orant ofthe day lteu. 6 . 10 that beleeue, butfor infidels that belceue not: of their full deliuerance. And the I ewes in asPaul faith, t.Cor.t4•»· Tongues areajigne, c afflillion confelle .Abr•h•m was ignorant o nottothem thatbeleese,but to vnbeke14t1's. And them,and their ellate,I;;..63·16. to this agreeChryfo}lome,Ambrofo, and lfidore, ReafonIll. M•tth+tO• Cbrillrefufed 10 who faith,Behoid, afigne u not necejfory to be/re. much as to bow the' knee to Sathan, vpon uers, whichhaue already beleeued, bnt to infidels,. this ground, becaufeit was written, Thou ]halt thatthey111•J beconumed. Lallly,ourfaith is to worjhip the Lordthy God,andhimonelyJb•lt thos beconfirmed, not by reuelation and apparitieru<. Hence it was, that Peter woold not fufonsofdead men, but by the writings of the ferCornelisu fo much as tokneelevnto him, Apoftles andPtophets,L•~16. 29. though Corn•lim intended notto honour him Reafon. II. To pray vnto Saints departed, as God. Therefore neither Saint nor Angelis tobowtheknecvntothem, whiletlleyare in to be honouredfomuch as with the bowing heauen, isto afcribe that vnto them, which is ofthe knee: ifit carry butthclcafllignifi~atiproper to God himfelfe: namely, to know onofdiuineorrdigioushononr. the heart, with the inward deGrcsand moti· Reafon IV. The iudgement of the anci· onsthereof: and to kno;v the fpeeches·andbeent Church. .Aug•ft. Wehonour theSaints with hauioursof all men~ in all placesvpon tarth charitie ~ ~rndnot by feruitudc: neithtrdoewee Devera at all times. The Papifls anfwer, that Saints D ereE1 Churchestothem,And,Letitnotbereligi- «Hg.cap. iuhcauen, fee and heare all things vpon earth, onforvstow.rfbip deadmm. And, They areto li· notby themfelues(forthat were to make them be heno•rrdforimitation, andnot to be Adoredfor 1 Gods) but in God, and in thegla£lc of the rrligion. Epiphan. NeitherTecl•, norany Saint Trinitie, in which they fee mens prayers reiJ to betfdored,. for that ancient crrour 1t111J not Hzr. 19· uealed vntothem.l aufwet firfr,Jhac the Saints ouer.rule vs,that wee{lsouldl<lllle the liuing G1d, are llill made more then creatures; becaufe andad.rethiwgsmader.y him.Againe,LerMathey are faid to know the thoughts,and all the rie beeinhonour: Ler the Father, Sonne.ndthe doings ofa! men at all times,whichnocreated h>ly Ghojlbe Let none adore e}l1ari•; power eauwellcomprehend at once. SecondImeaneneitbn-womannormttn.Againe)e)Jfarie ly,I anfwer, that this glalfe itl whichall things i; beautifuO.holy,•ndhono•red,yet not to adoraarefaidtobdcene, is butaforgerieotmans rion. When lulian obie8:edto the Chrillibraine; and I proouc it thus. The Angels ans, that they worfhipped their Martyrs as themfelues, who fee further into God, then God, CyrHigrants the rr..emory and·honour man candoe, neucr knew all things in God : of them, but denies thetr adorat~on: and L;b.9.& which l coufirme on this manner. In the ofinuocation, hee makes nomentJO)l ataU. 1 Io. templevnder the law, vpon the Arke were Ambr.onRom,t.Isany[omad thathewillgis<e l placed two Cherul!in~, lignifying the good to the Earlc the honour •fthe"I --- _ _ -· '