ofintetceifion of Saints. thefi11Und.-wot thinft!thm•fil•ug~ilty,whogiHe A.~ (.ncl•f. I. The Saints depa(ted pray vnto thehona•rofGotlstt~~n" t..matnre, and ltAuing God,by gioingof th1mkes vnto him fortheir the Lord, adore their fellow feruants, M though owne redempllon; and for the redemption of ,there_,~':! thingmorerefir••dfor God. the whole Church ofGbd vpon earth, RtHel, ' . 5·8.7he(oHrtbeaf/t,andthefo•reandtwtntitEI· Obie{/ions of P•pif/s. tiers feN JawnebrforerheLambe, -, 9• andthry · · ' . unganewfong, Thouflrtr:rorti!JtotRk!_th(book£, I,Gm.48.t 6.Lttthe Angtlthatk[pt lf1e;blejfe •ndto opmthefialesthmofbcca•fi tho• waft kilthychet.lren.' Here (fay they) i• aptayermadc lcd,andh.jl r.de;medvsto qod-1 3• oAnda/J toA.ngds• .A•f. By the Angel is meant C~rilt, thecrea~umwhu:haremheaHm-,heard!,(ay· who is called the Angel! ofth, couenanr,i'!-f4· sng,Praifiandhono•r antlgt.ry andpower bt v.,,. lac. 3• t. and the Angel!that guided Ifriel in hsznth.,Jimthvjon the ihront,andtothe Lambe the wildemelfe, I• Ctr. 10.9· compared with lfare~iermore, . • Exod.zJ.>O· •·· I I. ConclHf. The Samrs departed pray gene• obiefl. !I. Exod·3•·' 3· Mofis praieth that rally fortheeltateofthc whole Church.Reu.6 God would refped: his peopk, for .Abr4h""'s B 9• .Andlfitrvvnder the altar, thejoulrs of them fake and for lfo•• & I frad his f<ruar.ts,which thAt wmk!Oedfor thewordofG•d~, andrhey wer~notthen liuing, .Anf.Mofis praye~ God cried,IO. How long LcrdholyawdtrHt.'dod/ tholl to be merciful( to the peopk,notfor the mrernot su~e •ndauengeolirbloodanthem that dweO cefsionof.Abrah4,.,,lfaac,and J.-cob,but for his •nthe earth! wherby we fee theydefireafinal! cd!Jfnant< fake'which he hadmadewirh them; deliuerance ofthe Church, and a dcllr'Ud:ioo Pfol.t;z.t o,u. Againc, by popifh dod:rine, ofthe enemies thereof; thatthey themfdues, the Fathers departed knew not the dtate of witha!thepeople ofGod, might be aduanetd men vpon earth, neither did they pray for to fulnelfe ofglory in body and foule: yea,the them; becaufe then they were not in heauen, dumbc~r.eatures,Rom.8,z;.arefaidtog•ooedbut in LimboPatrum. , 1 1igh,wamng for the adfptton, enenthe red,mption III.Obieit.Oneliuingman makosinrerccfof•urbodies: much more thendo the Saints in lion to God foranothcr:therefore·much more heauendefirc thc&me. And rhusfar we con• doe tho Saints in glory , that arc tilled with· Cent. . loue,pray ro God for vs; and we pray rathem Thediffint ordi/fertitct, no otherwife then wee de!ire Jiuing men to pray for vs.Anf.The reafon is naughr:for wee c h1ue a commandemcnt, one liuing man to pray for another, and to defire others to pray for vs:but there is no warrant in theword ofGod,forvsto defirernc prayersofmen de– parted.Secondly,there is agreatdifferencebe– tweenc thefc two:To requeltour triend either by word ofmouth, or by letter to'pray for vs: & by inuocation to rcquelt them that are ab– fcnt from vs anddcparred this life to pray for vs:for this is indeed a worfhip,in which isgi. uen vmo them a power to heare and hdpc all that callvpot> them, at what place or time fo– <Uer ,J:ea though rhey be not prefent in the rlacelll'whichthey are worthippcd: and con– fc:quent!yAle feeing ofthe heart, prcfcncein all places, and infinite powerto helpeall that 0 pray vmo them, which things agtte to no creature butGO0 alone. Thirdly,when one liuing man r<qudh another to pray for him, he onely makes him his companion and ftl– low member in his prayer maddn the nameof our mediatour Chrifr: bnt when men inuocate Saints in hca~cn, they being then abfent, they make them morethen fellow members, euen mediatours betwecne Chrifr •llld them. The XV. point. Ofinrercellion of Saints, Oor<•nflnt. Our confentwith them I will fetdownein two conclufions. They hold and teach , that the Saints in heaucn,a• the VirginMary,Ptter,P~Hl,&c.do make iotercefsion roGod for particular men, according to their feuerall wan!Siand that ha– uing recducd particular mens praier.<, they prefentthem vmo God. But this dod:rine we flatly rcnouncevpon thefcgrounds & rcafons. I.lfir.63·16·Tht {hNrchj~ithroGod,'lJoHbtk./fothoR .rtourf•ther,tho•gh.Abrah•mbe Jgoo· raotofvs,andlfrA<Iknow vs not. Now ifcA'– brahamknew not his pofrerity,neither Mary, nor Pmr, nor any other ofthe Saints depar– ted know vs,and our eliate:and confcquently they cannot make any particular intercefsion for vs. l fthey fioy that .AbrAham& IMob were tr.c in Lim/Jo, which they willhaue to beapart ofhell; what ioycould La..,tuhaueio .Abr4. hAmt bofome?L•k.;16.z5.andwith whatcom– fortcould l«ob fay on his death-bed: 0 Lord, I haHeWAitedforthyfol••tion?Gen.49·18. II. Reafon.:.King.u.,o. H•U.hthePro. phctdfetelleth/ofi«<, HemNftbegathmdtohi4 [4thm,andpH1 inhugr4Hein peace, th.thu eyes ''"'.Y notfiuO thttHi/1which God wo•ldbring,. thatplace. Therefore the Saints departed fee not the ltate ofthe Churchonearrh,much lelfe do they know the thoughts & praiers ofmen. ThisconclufionA•g•ftilleconlirmethatlarge. JII. Rcafon. No creature,Saint,or Angel, , can bee a Mediatour f()r vs to God , fauing Chrifr alone, who isind~ede theoneiy Aduo– catc ofhts Cburch. For ma true and fufficicnt Mediatorthere mufr be threeproperties.Firil ofall,theword ofGod mufr rcRealeand propound