604rU1 1\eformed[atholt~. pound him vnto the Church, that we may in A they gather, we may gather alfo that the wic-\ confcience be a!luredthat praying to him, and kedinhell haue compafsion and loueto their ro God in his name, we fhall hee heard. Now ~rethren on earth,and azealcto Gods glorie: I there" no Scnpture that mentioneth eirher all which arc falfe. S~~nts or,,Angels as M_ediatorsin our behalfe: I I r. Obua. The Angels in hcauen know f>ne Ch,n(b!one. Seco_nclly,a mediatour mull: euery mans eO:atc : they know when any fin- ~~ perfeaty wfr, fo a~no Gnne 0ee found 111 nerr:p•ntetb, ••dreioyce tbertat: and pray for Luk.rr. htm at all,! .!oh.a.r.lf••Ym.utfton<,w< ba•ean parttc•lar men: therefore the Saints in heauen ro. atU.oc.tt withtbe Fatber, Ic[U! Chrift therigh· doe the like, for they areequall to the good teom. Now theSamt~ '" heauen, howfo~uer Angels,L•k,2o.36.An[w.The placeinLu~is they befully fantti,(ie.dgy ChriO:,yet ip.themtobe vnder{\ood efthe dlate of holy men at felues they were con~ciijed andbAnte in Gn: the day of the !all: iudgement : asappeares . and therd'ore mufr needs eternally Qaad beM4t,u. 30. where itis faid, that the fc:ruant; fore God by the mediation and meri~ofanof God intbtrtforrtCJionare as the Angels in other, Thirdly,a mediatour '!l"fr be apropitiheau~n- Secondly, t.hey ar.e like the Angels, atour, thatts, bnngfomethmgtoGod., that B not m office and mmt!\ene, by which they may appeafe and fatisfie the wrath aod iuflice are mini!\ring fpirits for the good'ofmen:bnt ofG<?d for o~r finnes: thorefore /skn.addeth, they are like them in glorie. andhe (1~ propit~ationforourfins, Butneither Socondly, wee dilfent from the Papifis,beSainr norAng~lcan fatisfie forthele~Qofour cauft: they are not content to fay that the fins: Chrifl onely is the,propitiation foothem Saints departed pray for vs in particular; bnt all. The virginMf') ~ndthereil: ofthe Saints they adde further,thattheymake intercefsion beeing finnecs, could nor&tisfie fo much as for vs by their merits inheauen. New Iefuits Lib. 4. · forthemfdues. .. . denie this:but letthem heareLumbard,l thin~ di11.41·P· I V. Rcafon.The indgement ofthe Church. (faith he, fpcaking ofone that is but of meane 6. Angnjlin~,, All Chrlflianmmcommtndtdt4Chogoodneife) th<t h«, IU .it W<rt p•Jli•g ";J th<fire Lib.J. theri'ntheir prayers to God. And,whopraies for fha/1 brfouedby th< ments •ndtnt<rc<fflonsofth< 'Parmcn. all, 411dforwhomnone praies, heUthat one anJ heaNen!J Church: rrhU/:{doe alwMs mlfk.!intcrcif. c.J.T<ali true medi<toHr, And,Thuforth thy S•HioHr,thou IJtonf.rthef•ithfuObJrtq•tflandmerit,tiOChrift On thefe iuloh.H haj/ no whether togoefiUt t,o me,thouhajl no way {haO bee compk•t in hu members, And the Ro- <ood cu. De P"fetogoe but by me. ChrJfoflome,Th•u h4f/no need mane Catecbifme faith asmuch' S•ints.refo mand. llu£ti,ng ofPatrons to God, or much diftourfo thu tho~ C ·muchthemorttobeworjhipp<d,.utdcaUedvpon,br- ' fh•uldeflfooth'othm: buttho~tghth•ubt .Jon<411d cauft they ""'it! Jr4yer RAily forthe foluation ~ want aPatroll,andbj thyfflfepr"Jv•to God,thou men: andGodforthtir merit andf••••rb<f/owts fhalt obtaine thy d<ftre. And on the faying of manybentfos "F"""''· Weedenieoot,thatmeo loho,lf·~yfptne, (joc. Thy prayers haurno1feli vpon earth haue helpe and benefitbythe faith ~,;nkffi rbeybefoch"' theLord commends vnto aRd pietie which the Saiots departed!hewed, thy Father, And Auguf/ine on the tame place when they were in this life. For God fhewcs haththefewords, Hrbtingfochamanfoidnot, mercie on them that kecpehiscommandeye ha11e anAduocate,but if anyftnne wt haue:hte ments,toathoufand generations..And eA'ugM- 9 4 [lt' foidnot ,yehaue,neitherfoidh<,yehaue me, .flintfaith,Itwas goodfor the Iewcs,that they p;;r,"~d. werelouedofMofts, whom God loued, But wee Vtterly denie,thatwee are helped by meObicCficns ofP•pifts. rits ofSaints, either liuing or departed. For 1 r I. Reu<l 5.8,9• Thefo•reandtwentie Eldtrs Saints in glorie hauereceiued the .fulk,eward Ifall d•wne before the Lambe , hauing ruery - .of all their merits , ifthey could mesll : and harpes andgoldenvialsfu/1 ofodDHrs,wbicharethe therefor~ there is nothing furthti that they pr"JerJOjthe SaiRts. Hencethe P•piO:s gather, 'D can mcm. that the Saints in heaucn receiue the prayers of men on earth, andoffi:rthem vnto the fa– ther. eA'nfw. There byprayersoftheSaints, aremeanttheirowneprayers, in which they ling praifes to God and tp the Lambe, as the verfc:s foil<?wing plaiucly declare. Aqd thefe ptayers aro alfo prefentcd vmo God, oncly ,b,p.S+ from the ha~d of the Angell, whichis ChriO: himfc:lfe. II. Obietf. Luk,t6.17· Diuesinhdl pray– Fth for his brethrep vponeartp, much more ~oe t~e Saitjtsinl:jc~u<n pr~y for vs. Avf. Out ofa par.ablenot~jngcan be gath~re9, butthat which ,is agreeable to the intent ana fcope thereof\ for bythe fame reafon it m~y aswell be gathered, that th~ foule ofDiHrs beeing in i hell,\lad atongue->\gaine,ifitwerenue which The 16. point: o~lmplicitc or infolded fa1th. . Wee hold that there isakindofimplicite, or vnexprc!led faith: yea, thatthe faith ofe– uery man infome par;ofhis lifo,as inthett~e ofhiscoDuedion, &mthe ume offome grtc– uoustemptati6 or di!\rc{fe, isimplidte or in• folded. The Samaritans are faid to bel«•e, lob. 4·4'' becaofe they taoke Chrifr for the Mefsias and thtreuponwere contentto learne and ob;y the glad tidings of faluation •. An~ in the fame place,verfe 53. the Ruler wnh h1s fami1y