Mat.Ui. !S ofimp!iciteoririfo!dedfoith. ~~~--------~~~--~--~--~~~~~------~--~--\ ' familyisfaidtobeleeoe,whodidnomorebur A to walke in obedienoe according ~o tb:it generally acknowledge that Chrift was the which they know. And fuch perfous:s ~pQ!lgh Mefsias, and yeelded himfelfc to belceue and they bee igno_r~nt in many things, yet haue obey hisholy dottrine; beeing mooned therethey a meafurc pi:true faith: and that w]1ich 1 unto by a miracle wrought vpon his young is wanting i11 kjl.owlcdge, is fupplyed in {anne. And Rahab, Hebr, 11· 13• is faid ;o affetlion: a'\l9~n fj)l1!e re[peds-they are pre· beleeue, yea, fhee is commended for faitheforred before many tl]at haue the glib rongue; uen at the rime when fhee receiued the fpies. and the braine fwimmipg with kno,wledgd. Now iothe word ofGod wee cannot linde , To this purpofe Me!Anll~on \ai<j w~ll, W< m•fl ~~:0:· that fhee had any more but aconfufc:d, geneack!Juwledgethegreatmercy ifGcd,whcpNtteth !< "l.d~ "" rail, or infoldedfaith, wherebyfhee beleeued difference be~eene[mnesofigllo,.nce,aNdfoohp 1gr.d. that the God of the Hebrewes was the true are done wmmg'J:•ndforgrNesrn••ifold.gn6r~n· deh.t. Gad,& his word to be ebeyed. And this faith ces" them,tbat ft..>IQJ/flthef~undatw»..dbet£4fP· (as it feemes) was wrought in her by the reable;aunaybeftenebythe Apojlles inwhomtbere port and relation of the miracles done in the wnunuch wantof1!nderfl•ndi~gbeforethereforlang of Egypt, whereby ihee was niooued to B refJion of Clmjl. But ."! h.•!h beene foid , bee ioyne her fclfe vnto tile people of God, and requires th•twebeteachable,and he•mlnot h4ue to beleeue .S theydid.By thefc: examples then vs tc be hardenrdin•Nrfluggiflmeffe andduinejfo. it is manifell:,that in the very fc:ruants efGod, As it i<foid,Pf~l.r. Ht meditateth inhi< 1-!w day there is and may bee for a time an implicite nndnight. faith. For the better vnderftanding of this The fecpnd kinde of implicite faith, is in point, itis to bee conlidered rbar faith may regard of .hpprehenJi~R.I. when as a man bee infolded two waies: lirft, inrefpeCl of cannot fay diftini.Hy and_~~t~m~lv, 1bdeeNI knowledgeofthings to be beleeued: fecondthep•rJ.nofmyftnnes;but I; doe vnfained/y-deftre ly, in tefpea ofthe apprehenfion of the obto beiuuethe pnrdonof th,tiJaN, a»d I defiret• ieltoffaith, namely, Chriftaodhisbenefirs. repent. This cafe befalsJil'*'Y of Gods chil• Now faith is infolded in refpea of kn<>wdren, when they are t9uqljed in confcicnce ledge, when as fundrie thing• that are ne- ' for their finQeSl But,wlJe~qJl!l.!'narcdifpleakd celfarie to faluation are net as yet dHtina!y with themfelues for their10tfences , and doe knowne. Though Chrift commended the withall cqnltamly from. thJ: heart defire to faith ofhis difciplei, for fuch afaith, againft , beleeue, aQdtpbee reconciled to God, there whichthegatesofhdl{hpuldneuer p(euaile; c is faith, aos;l many other gracesofGodinyet was it vnexprelfed or wrappedvpinrefolded: as U, thelittleand tender budde, is gard offundry points of religion: for firtl of infolded theleafe,the blollOme,and the fruit<:. all,Pm rrhatmadeconfefsionofChriflinrhe for thaughadefire to repent and to beleoue name ofthe reO:, was at that time ignorant be not faith apd repentanc<: in nature, yet ofthe particular rneanes wherby his redempin Gods acceptation it is, Godacce~tmg the tion ihould be wrought. For after this, bee wiil for the deede. lfo. 4•• 3· Chrifl: wilnat went about to diflwade his ma(ter fmm the quench the fmo•k! flaxc, which as yet by tUffering of death at Jerufalcm, whereupon reafoo of"Weakene!le giues neitherlight nor Chrifl: iharpely rebuked him, faying, ·VW•t· heate. Cnrifl: faith,Matth.,.6.7Jlc!fod•retkey thew I6.23· Come behindmee SAthan, thoH4rt thAt ~unger 'and thirft •fter r;ghteoufoeffi, for anoffence vntomec.Againe,they were.all ignofhryjl,~a be[AfufiFd.• where by perfons bun. rant of Chrifl:s refurrection , till certaine gring and thirfting are meant all fuch , as women', who firlt faw him aftethe wasrifen feele with grie.fe theirowne;Want ofrighteagainc,had told them' and the~by experience oufnefle, and withal! delire to be iafl:ified and in the perfon ofChrift had learned rhc truth. fanaified.Rom,8.26. Ciod heares and regards Thirdly, they were ignorant ofth:e afcenfion: D the vcrie groanes and lighos.of his fc:ruants: for they dreamed ofan earthly kingdome at y_ea, though they bee vnfpeakable by reathe very time when he was about to afcend : fon they are eftontimes little , weake , .and {aying,Wilt thou At thi< timereflcre the i(!ngdume confufed: yet God batll refpelt vnto tl1em, oflfraellA Cl. 1 .6. And after Chrilts afcenfion, becaufethey ate tile wor.keofhisowne fpidr. Peter knew nothing of the breaking downe Thus then we fee,thatin a touched heart dofi• ofthe partition wall betweene the Iewes and ringto beleeue,there isaninfoldedfaith. And G entiles, tillGod had better fchooled him in this is the faith which many ofthe true fer• a vifion, And no doubt, we haue uants ofGod haut: and our taluation ftands ordinary examples of this implicito faith in not fo much in our apprehending ofChrift fundry !'<rfons among vs. For fome~herebee, asin Chri!ts comprehtnding.ofvs: andthere~ which are dull and hard, both for -vnderfran- (ore. P.rul faith, Philip. 3· u. heefo14wetb, ding and memorie, and thereuponmoke no namely,after perfeltion, ifth•iheemigbt P»nfuch proceedings iH knowledge , as_ .many prebendth41,forwhoftfok!bee i<comprehendedof others doe: and yet for good aft<:aian and Chrijl. Now if any fhallfay, that"withouca c6fcience intheirdoings, fo farastliey know, 1Jiuely faith inChrifrnonecanbefaued: I anthey ~omenot ihort ofany; haufng withal! a l\v<ir,tbatGad accepts thedefireto btleuefor cootmuallca•• to increafeinl\nowJec\ge., .and Jiuely faith, 'inthe timeoftemptatio,& in rl•e Fft time