Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

of Purgatory. ------~~~~~~~ -~~--~~--~~--~by afimple or implicitc faith,which afterward A H<rt si ~11 mniffion offinne: herebeetemp;.rions by the authority of a general! Councell are tharmooHevstojinn" 14f/ly,hereuthee••llfrom propounded to bee beleeued ofthe Church :t~hich "" defire to !' deli•ered: hilt there u none byexprdfc faith. Rojfenfis againfl Luthergw<S r>'fallthefo.And, 11 e•renot htre rmhootjinr.e,bllt De mb. c;ntu an c:xample ofthis ~,.V hen he conf~.ikt.1 that weJludJ goe hc:nce Wlthout finne. CyriO&ith, l~poft Purgarorie was lirtie knowne at rhe firft ~ bur They which ~tr~ once d~ad, '~n addenothing to the cu:rm. 3 1• was made knowne partly by Scripture, and thingH'Phich thryhaNedone, bHtfoal/ «main< as i~· l· 10 partlyby reuelarion in proceffe oftime. Th1s they were left, ••dr!Mtte for the time ofthe "if/ Ad pop. implicite faith t.ouching articles ofrehg~on illdgemtNt, Chryfonome, Afterehc endofehu Antioch. we reie.ft; hold1ng thatall th1ngs concermng liftthere be no occafions of merits, hom. ><. faith and manners neceffarie to faluation, are Secondly, we differ from them t0uchingthe plainly expreffed in Scripture: and accordingmeane$ ofPurgatioo. They fay, that men are ly to be oeleeued. purged by fu-ffering paine iu Purgatory, wher- ----- ·--------' by they fatisfie for their venial finnes, and for the temporal! ptinifbmenr of their morrall B finnes. We teach thecoritrarr, holding that nothingcan free vs from the !call:puni!hment ofthe fmallefi fin, bm the fufferings of Chrift, and purge vs from the leaft taint of corrupti– on,fauing the blood of Chrill:. Indeede they fay,tf!at our fulfc:rings in thcmfelues confide– red, doe not purge arid fatisfie, but as they are made meritorious by the fufferings of Chrifi: burro this I oppofe one text ofscripture,Heb, 1 ,3.where it is faid,that Chrif! bath pnrgedour Jinnesby hjmft/fe; where the lait claufc: cuts the 1 thtoateofall humane fatisfathons and merits: and it giuoth vstovnderfland,that whatfoeuer thing purgeth vs from our finnes, iuJOt to be found in vs, but in Chrifi alone: otherwife it fhould haue bin faid, that Chriflpurgeth the finnes of men by themfelues, as well as by himC.lfc: and he fhould merit by his death, that we 01ould become our owne Sauiours in parr. ' The I7· point: Of Purgatorie. Ourconftnt. Wehold a Chrill:ian Purgatory, according as the word ofGod bath fee dowAe the fame vnto vs.And lirfi ofall, by this Purgatory we vnderfiand the affliCI:ioAs of Gods childten here on earth.Lam.r.the people affliCI:ed fay, Thouhaftftntafireineo ourhones,P{41.66.u. We h•uegonethrwgbwattrandfirr. Mal.;.l· The childrenof Lmimuft bee purified ioaporging fireofafflitlion.r.Pet.J.7· AfAidionsare cal. led thefiery triall,wherbymenareclenfed from their corruption, as gold from the droffe by the fire.Secondly,the blood ofChril! is a Pur– gatory ofourfinnd. r.lohn I · 7• Chrif!s blood C purgeth vs from alloHrJinnes.Heb.9·14·/t pur- l gerh our conflitncu from dead workes. And M· h • Chrill baptizeth with the holy Ghofl &with ,:" ·,. fire: becaufe out inward wafhing is by the bloodofChrift: and the holy Ghof! is as fire to confitme and abolifh the inward corrupti· on ofnature.To this elfdr faith Origen,Withrn Lcuit. OJetdo14bt,wejlutftjec/e the 1.mqumchabfejire~vH- ! l.9. atlod. lrffc weejJHt!l no1w intrMt the Lordtfl finddowne Cyri!. from h('auenapurgatorie fire vntovs, whereby worldly defires may bet vtter!J confom~d in our DeAlt. mindes. Augufi, S~tppoftebe mercyofqoduthy Fcrltc. '· purgatorie. The diff~renct or diffint. We differ from the Papi[ls touching pur• gatorie in two things. And firft ofall for rhe D place. They hold itto be a part of hell, into which an entrance is made onely after this life • wee for our parts deny it, as hauing no warrant in the word of God: which memio– nethonely two places for men after thi• life, heo.uen and hell, with the two-fold condition thereof, ioyandtorment, Lul{, f6.z~ ,26. lob. 3•36.Apoc.,o.r4,15·andu.7,8· Matthew 8. 11· Nay, wefinde thecontrary, ReHei,I4·'>· they thlt die in the Lord are faid to r-flfrom their /•hours: which cannot bee true ifany of them goe to purgatory. And to cut off'all ca– uils:it is further {aid,thejrwork.§s,thatislthereTo this place I may well referre p<Jyer for the dead:of which I will propound twocon– clufions affirmatiue, and one ,'.!egatiue. I. Contl. Weholdthat Chn!liancharityis coextend it fdfe to the very dead: and it mull: thew it felfe in their honefi burial, in the pre– fernarionoftheirgoodnames, inthehelpand rdiefc oftheir pofierity, as time and occafion fballbeoffercd, Ruth r.8.loh.r9.40• II. Cone!. We pray further ingeneral! man. ner for the faithfulldeparted,that God would haften theirioyfi11l refurrtCI:ion, and the falth– fullaccomplifhment oftheirhappineffe, both for the body and the foule: and thus much wee askc in faying, Th7 ki.ngdomecome, that is, not onely the kingdome of grace, but alfo the kingdome ofglorie in heauen. Thus farre we come: but nearer the gates of BabyIon wee darenot approch. I I I. Concluj. To pray for particular men departed,and topray fortheirde!iuerance out ofPurgatorie,we thinke it vnlawfull: botaufe wee hauc neither promife, nor commande– mentfotod0e. The rs. point: Ofthe Supremacy in caufesEcclef~afticall. Hoi! wardoftbeir workes,foNow tbem, euen at the tom. to. heelcs, as an Acoluthor feruant cloth his ma- ~:~'· fier. A•g•f/ine faith well, .Afterthuliftthere 0Rrconftnt. rem.<rnes no compHnElion or fatisfaCI:ion. And, Touching the point of Supremade Ecclc. --------~----------------~-------~~-~-,F~f~f~.~~~rfi~all:~i~ca~lt.