Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I of thg [upremacie. 6091 thecompanyofhisowne~eopktill he repent. A. h•Hebcen<,b•t 1h•u•notk!fown_e thml. · And fo it is inallecclefiafhcall a~tons. C,mfl: j , Reafon I V .Eph-4-rr. ·Mention is made o bath no deputie, but onely infl:rumeots: the g1fts whJCh Chrifl: gaue to his Church after I whole entire a~i0n being perfon>ll in refpelt · his afcmfion, whereby fome were Apofl:les, of Chrifr. This one conciufioo ouerthrowes fome Prophets, fome Euangelills, fome Pa· not onely t/~e Popes fupr~macie, butalfo mafl:ours an~ teachers. Now·if there had beene ny other pmnts ofpopene. an office mwhiCh men as deputies ofChrifl: Reafon I I. All the Apofl:les in·rcgard of fhocld haue gouerned the whole Church to power and authority werccqual: for the eomthe end ofthe world, the calling might here mifsion Apoftolicall both for right and exeltaue beene named firly with a gift thereto cutionwas giuen equallyto them 01\,as the ve• pertaining: and Paul (no doubt) would not ry words import,M#.28·t9• G•ete.chADmhere ~aueconcealed it, where he mentioneth tions,bapti~ingthem,&c,Andthe promife,lwiO callings oflelferimportance. iuetotheetbek!yesofthek._ingdtlmeofh'"•"'• is . Reafon V. The Pope~ fupremacie was not priuate toPmr, but is made in his perfon IUdged by fentences of Smpture, & condemto the refl:, according as his confefsion was in 'Il nedlo~g bef0rc it was manifefi in the world: the name ofthe refl:. Thus faith Thtophyla!f, the fptnt of prophcfie fore-feemg and fore· M.r.,6. They hauethe powerifc•mmittmgatril telling thefiate ofthings ro come••.Thef•·3, bindingth<t 'recciHethegiftofa7iifhoppe .u P.ter. 4• The~n ifftn(which is that Antichrilt)foa/1 Arid Ambroft faith in 'Pfo1.;8. Whatufoidto exalt himfelfe aboueafl that uca/JedGod, (J-c. 'Peter isfoidto the Ap•ftles. Therefore Ptter Now this whole chapter with all the circum· had no fupremacie ouer the reil of the A.po• fiances thereof, moft fitly agreesto the Sea of fl:les in re!pe~ of right t<'l the commifsion: Rome and theHead thereof: and the thing which they fay belongeth to him onely, and , wh1ch then fta1ed the rcuealmgof the man o the execution thereofto the refl:. Butletall be fin, ofthe mofl:expounded to bothe Rograunted,that Peter was in commifsion aboue ~ane Emperour.I wilalleadgeoneteftimony the rdl for the time ofhis Ilk: yet hei!Cemay m theroomeofmany. Chryfojl. faith on this uot any fuperiaritie bee gathered for the Biplace. As long .u the Empirefoa/1be hadin awe, fh~ps ofRome; bccaufe the anthoritie ofthe no manJhalftraightiJfobmithimfe/ftoAntichrift: Apofl:les was perfonall,and confe<juently ceabHt Afterthat the Empire]hallbediff91Hed, Ami. fcd with them,without becingconueiedto any chrif/]hall•m•detheeft•reoftheEmpirejfamling other: becaufe the Lard did not vouchfafethe C 7Joid,and]hall labour topuii7Jnto himfelferheEmlike honour to any after them. For firftofall, pirt both ofwumandGod. And this we find now it was the priuiledgeofthe Apofl:lesto becalin experience robe true: for the Sea o.f Rome led immediately,and to fee the Lord Ieft1s.Seneuer llourilhe:l, till the Empire decaied, and condly,they had power to giue the gift ofthe the feate thereof was remooued from the city holy Ghofl: by the impol!tion ofhands.Third- <ifRome.A.gainc,Reu,, 3.memion is made of ly,they had fuch a meafure ofthe aiSillance of two bealls, one comming out of the fea, rhc fpirit,that in their pnblike fermons,and in whom the Papills <onfrlfe to be the heathewritingofthe word,they could not erre: and nifh Romaoe Emperour: the fecond comtheCe things were all denied ro thofe that fol· ming out ofthe eartfl ; which doth all thatthe towed aftcrthem. And that their authoritie lirfl: beall could doe before him: and this fitly ceafed in their perfons, it !lands with reafon agreeth to the PopesofRome, who doe and alfo,bccaufe it was giuen in fo ampleamanner haue done all things that the Emperour did forth: founding ofthe Church ofthe new Te. orcoulddoe,and thatin hisveryfigl<r. fl:ament: which beeing once founded, it was Reafon VI. Tm iudgement ofthe ancient needfullooely, that there fhould bepafiours Church. CypriaR faith, Doubtlejfe the fom• De Go>. and teachers for the building ofit vp Vnto the D 'PP<rethereft •[theApoftlesthAt Pmrwn;:indsed plicir. end oftheworld. I withequallfeU..,foipbothofhononrandofpow. przlar. ReafonI! I. When thefounesof Zebedel<4 er: but abeginmngu madeof'llnity, th<t tht fued vmo Chrifl: for the grcatefl: roomes of/ Church may appca;e to be cm. Gregorie(aith, fo re ;. honour mhts k1n_gdome (deemmg hee fhould If one bee caUed vmHcrfolllJifh•ppe)thevniu1J7fo/ fho.l.g 6 . bee an earthlykmg) ChnQ anfwers rhern aChurchgoethtodecay. And chapter '44• 1foy "P· us. gain, Mat.zo.25 ,>6· Ye k!fowthatthe Lord; of! boldt:J, th.u whofeeuer caNethor difimh tocaU the gentiles haue domimon.& thry th.ataregreat, himftlfe vniNerfoOpriefl,inhi.opridtU4 forerunexercifea•thorityouerthem :.butitfhallnot be fo ner ofAntichrift. And , Behold, in the preface ~::~fi- , nmhyOJ<. JJernarda~phes tliefe very word•_to I ifthe Epif/le whichy~ direUed v,.,ome,yo•eau. Li~.7.c. E ; 1 ~ PopeE11gemmonrh1s manntr,lt u plamt,fauh ~dtiJ befttiJproud tttle, me~ vnUteifaO 30. ••. ... he, thatheredtlminien;. forbidtlm the Ap•Jfles. Pope. Bernard, c.. fsd.r that thou Art nor 4 Lord Goe tB then:d4reifyou wiK,to tak$ "'PO»)'•Hruling •f JJijhops , b~t oneofthem. Ch•rches are maitbd ~ug. AndApoftlefhip,orinyour Apoftlefhiprultordomimed, in that the Ro,ane Bifhoppe dr4Jl>eth nil 3 mon:ify~wwi/1hauebothalik.;, you fhallloftboth. P"•:r to himfelfe. Againe , Gregorie himfelfe Otherwifoyou mujf not thmk.;yourfelfe exempbeetng Pope fattb to the Emperou, 1which uilfr•n~thenu.,;erifehem,ofwho.ntheLordcom· am fubie~ to your commandcmen;__ ; p/ametht/nu,they hauereigned,but mtofme:tbry hANetuery ll'•y Jifch"YgeJth4t whichii!4SdJie,'m F ff 3 tbJt