Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

r I •6ro rUf 'R_eformed [atholif?.!. l \•h•t I b~u• p<rfmnedmi>U! zlleogiance to the A tifme, and the giuingofbrcad in the LordS En!pcrour,andhalle~otconce•ledwh•t lthuHght Supper: eueo anhe orderly moooing of the ell Gfuds behalf•· And !'opt L.o the fourth,at<er pen vpon the paper by tke hand ofthe writer c. de"' Gr<gorie :oo. yeares,acknowledged rhe Emcauferh writin~-W_e holdthe contrary: namepitu!is. perour Lothanru forhufoueratglle'Prmce, and ly, thatnoachon mthe difpenfation ofa Sadift.lo. profe!fed _obedie~ce without gainefaying to crament c~nferreth gr~ce as it is a worke h!! tmpcnall commandemmts. done, that ts, by the efficacie and force ofthe . To conclude, whereas they fay, that ther_e ve~y facramentall aClion it felfe, thougl)ot- !S adou~lc_head ofthe Church, onel~]'ertd~med of G0 D : ~ut for two other waies. ~u, whtch ts Chrill alone, the other mmdleFu!l,by the figmficattoo thereof. ForGod reriall, whiCh is the Pope, gouerning th.e whole !lifiesvnto vs-his will and good pleafure partChurchvndet ~brill; I anfwcr, thisdi~inltily by the word of promife, and partly by the on robbetb Chrill ofhts honor,becaufemfetlacrament: the fignes reprefenting to theeyes ring vp their mini!leriall head, they are faine that which the.word doth to thceares: becing to borrow.ofChrifl rhin~;s proper vnto him, alfo ry~es ~nd certaine imar,e• of the very aAlieno as the pnutledges to forgme fms (A) properly B fame thmgs' that are promifed inthe word booke of and the powerto goucrne the whole_ earth by and no other. Yea,the eleme1;rs arenot gen,;.. pmfl· maktr.g oflawes,chatfhalas crucly bmdeconrail and confufed, ~ut particular figoes to hood. fctence as rhelawesofGod,&c. the feuerall commumcaots and by thevertue The nineteenth point:· Ofche effica– cie of the Sacraments. OHrC•nftnt. C•nclu.f. I. We teachandbeleeuetllatthe facrameutsarcfir,nestoreprefent Chril\ with hisbencfitsvnto vs. , (oncli•f. II. We teach furihet,ihatthe Sa– craments arc indeede inflrumenrs whereby God offereth and giucththe fore-faid benefits c vucovs. Thus farre wee confent withthe Ro– mane Church. ' The Jiffermce. I The difference bctwcenc vs !lands in fun– Bcllar.d' dric points.Fir!\ ofall,the be!\ learned among Sacram.l them teach, that Sacraments arephyjict~O in~ :z..c<Jp. rz flrum:nts, thatis,truc aFJd proper in{trumental ofthe in!litution : for wh~n the taithfull re– ceiueche fignes from God by thehands ofthe Mini!ler, itisas much as ifGodhimfelfewith hisowne mouth lhould fpeak vnto them fcuc– rally, and by name promifctothem remifsion offinncs. And things fa id tO themparticular– ly,doe moreaffe<t,and more take away doub– ting, then ifthey'Were generally fpoken ofau whok companie. Therefore !ignes ofgrace are as it were an applying and binding of the promife offalu•tian to euery particularbeleeuer:and by this meanes,the ofrncrchey arere– ceiued,thc more they helpeour infirmity,and confirme our alfurance ofmercie. Againe, tht: Sacrament confcnes grace, in that the figne thereof confirmes faith as a pleadge, by reafon it bath apromife annexed to ir.For when God commands vs eo rcctiue the f.gnes in faith, & withall promifeth to the receiuersto giue the thing fignilied,he bindes himfclfe,as it were in bond vnro vsto!land t.o hisowne word; t:uenas menbind tf.C:feluesin obligations, putting to their hand and fealcs, fo as they cannot goe backe. And whtn the fignes arc thusvfed as pleadges,and that often, they greatly incrcafe the grace of God; as a token fent from one friend to another, re– newes and confirmes the pcrfwafion ofloue. caufes , hauing force andcfficade in them to produce and giuegrace. They vfe to <xpre!fe their meaning by their comparifons: When the fcriucncr rakes rhe pen into his hand and writes, the aCli_on ofwriting 'omes from the penne,mooucd by the hand ofthe writer: and in cuttingofwoOd orfionc,tbcdiuifioncom~s from the fawe, macue·d by the hand of the workc-man: euen fo the grace (fay they)that is giuen by God, is conferred by the Sacra– mentit fclfe. Now we for our parrs hold,that Sacraments are not phyficall, but meere vo– luntarie infiruments. Voluntatie, becaufeit is the will and appoiocmenr of God, eo vfe them as certaine outward meansofGrace.ln· !lruments; becaufe when we vfe them aright according to the in!liturion, God then anfwe– rably confcrres grace from himfelfe. In this rtfpclt onclyrake wee them for in!lrumcnts and nootherwife• . D There are two principal! waies whereby The fccond differer.ce is this; They ttach that the very a{tion ofthe mini!lerQifpcnfing the .ta.cramCtas it is the: work!done, giucsgrace immediately,ifthe partic be prepared: as tho very wafhiug or fpriokling of watu in bapthe Sacraments are faid to conferre grace, namely , in refpelt oftheir fignificarion, ar.d as they are pledges of Gods tauour Vnto vs. And the very point her~ to be coofidcred is, in what order and manner they conlirrre.And the manner is this : The fignes aud vifible e– lements affe<'hhc fcnfes outward and inward: the fenfes com1ey thctr obielt to the minde: the minde dir<Cttd by the holy Gho!l reafo– nerh on this manner, out ofthe promife an• nexed to the facralnent: He that vfeththe ele– ments aright, !hall rcceiue grae< thereby: but I vfe the elements arigl.r in laith&repentice, faith rhe mind ofthe beleeuer: therefore !hall I recdoc from God increafc of grace. Thus then, faith is confiru1ed not by the workc done, !Jut by a kind ofrcafoningcaufcd in the min c 1