Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

i ,oftheSacraments. 911 1 minde, the argument or proofe Whereof~ \ ! ·borrowed from the elem;n,ts , beeing Ggnes and pledges ofGods m;esc•e. The third dift<rcnce. The J'apilts reach 1 that in the Sacrament by the worke done, the Iverygraceofiu(hfication isconferred. We fay ;no: becaufe aman ofyeares mur\ fir(! belecuc 'and be iu(hfied;bcfore he can be ameete par· :raker ofany facrament. And the grace chat is Iconferred, is onely rhe increafe ofour f•ith, ,hGpe.fanctification,&c• . • 0Hr Rrafons•. · · I Reafoo I. The word preached and the fa- !hall bodily a('l;ions about bodily elements cooferrc g!ace inimedia~ely? Reafo" IV.P•ni,Rom.4.£l:andsmuch vpon this, to prooue rh>r iufhfication by taith is notco>1ferred byrhe Sacran1enrs. And from the circumftance of rime hec garhereth ;that Aln-•h4mwas fir£1: iufrified, & rhen afterward receined circumci!ion, rhe figne and the ftale ofhis righreoufoeffe. Now we kn{/w,rhar the generali conditionof all facraments isone & the fame, and that baptifme fucceeded cir– cumci~on. And what can be more plaine ~hen theexampleofC•rntliut, ,ACI.{o. who before 'Peter came vmo him, had the commendation ofthe feare ofGod, and was indued w!t!t the, ! cramenrs <liffer in the manorof giuing Chri!l: 'and his benefits vntovs: becaufe in the word 1 the fpirir of God teacheth v• by avoice con– /ueied to the minde by the bodily eares: but in the faerament< annexed to the.word, bycer1 taine fenfible and bodily !ignes viewed by the aAug.J. eye; a Sacraments are nothing but vifiblc <" words and promifc:s. O:herwife for the gi– Faun. ! uing it felfe they dift"" nor. Chrifr himfelfe cap.r 6 . I faith, that in the very word I u~Jtten hU"w11e B fp!titof praier: and afterward when7'mr by preaching open:d more fully the way ofthe Lord, ~e&rherefr receiued the holy Gho!t? And after all thisrh,y were baptized. Now if rheyreceiued rhc holy Ghofr before baptiline, rhenrhcyreceiued rtmifsion offins,and were iufrified before baptifme. [flefh, ~Jhi<hhew.utogil<efor tbe.bfeiflhewor/d: l and what can be faid moreofrhe Lordsfup· Sem1. ad per? Auguftinefaith, thlt beleeuers ~repart/1. inf.<m. ad I J:!rs ofthe body &bloodofChrifl ill baptifme: and 31tJ.rde. H ierome tnEdihia 1 th4t inbapti[meweie4te tmd Sacr. 1 1Jrink!thsbodyandbhodofChrij/. Ifthus much may be faid ofbaprifme, why may it nor alfo be faid ofrhe word preached ? Agait1e, Hie– ,.,,. vpon Eccle!iafres r.i.h,lt u pr-fi••bleto be c filled W•tb 1ho bod.e if Chrifl, •ud drink$ hi< Cap.3· blooJ.noe omly in myfteri: bu1 in k._n•-,ledge ofh•ly Script~<rc. Now vponrhis it followes that fee– iag the worke done in the word p'reached conferres nor grace, neither doth the work~ done: il) the facrament conferre any grace. Rcafon II. Matth. .J.Il· Jbaptiz.•youwith 1~attrto repenta!JCe:b:tt bethat comJ;;eth4fterme :sftrongerrhen1-, hejha/1 baptiz.eyoMwitbt~e holy Ghofl and withfire. Hence ic is manifefr that grace in the facramenr proceedes not fro:n any action ill the Sacrament : for hhn tho~gh he doe no~ di!ioyne himfelfe and his a~'floo from Chrifr and the action of his (pi– m, yet doth he dilhngui01 them plainely in number, perfons, andeft<ct. Tothispurpofe 0 Paul, who had faid ofthe Galarhians,rhathec Ga1. 4 ., 9 . trAiuDedof thm1 andbtg•t thembythe GofPeO, :.Cor.p fJ!Ch ofhtmfelfe, that hee u not •ny1hing, nor onely as he wasa man, bur as he was afaithful Apofrle: rherebyexdudingrbe whole Euan– gelicall minifrery, whereofthe Sacramentis a parr, from the lea£! partof diuine operation Reafoo V. ):he iu.dgement ofthe ancient Church.B•Jil,/fthn-ebeanygr"'einthewattr,it · notftom the nttturtof the W4ter " bNtfrom the prefence ofth' Spirit. Hierome faith, o_Man L"b d giues WAier,bHtCjodgiuesthe holyGhoft.AHgHft. s~;;. fan. (airh, Waltrto.cheththebo-!J, and wajheth the cap.rr. heart: but he lhewes his meaning elfe-wher<• In Efa.r4 There u onew•ter(f•ith he)ifthefocramm•,••o· T.aa;. therofthej}irit:thtW4tt':oftheSacramentU vi.. ~:b:' · 1ble,thew.rer •f theJPirit in•ifib!e. That wajhtth thtbodie, and fignifitthwh•t u d.nein thefoHie; Bythuthefo•le il p•rgedAlldhe•led. Obie£1.Remifsion offins, reg~neration,and faluarion;is afcribed ro the f>Cramenr of bap. rifme,Aa....I6.Eph.5·26.Gal.l·•7·Tit.3·5• Anf.S"luarion and remifsionoffins isafcnbed to baptifme and the Lords (upper, as to the '!'ord; which isthcpowerofGod to faluation to all that bcletue:and that, as they are inllru– mcnrsofthe holy Gholl to Ggnifie, feale, and exhibire to the beleeuing minde the forefaid benefits: bur indeede the proper infrrument whereby faluation is apprehended, is faith, & facramenrs arc bur props of f.irh furthering faluarion two waics:firfr, becaufe by rheirlig– nification they helpe to nourifu and preferue faith: fecondly, becanfe they fcalegraceand laluationtovs; yea God giues grace and falua– rion when we vfe them well: fo be it we be– leeue the word ofpromife made to the facra– tnenr, whereofalfo they are feales. And thus we keepe the middle way, neither giuing too much, nor too littleto the Sacrament. or cfficacie in conferring ofgrace. ' Reafoo III. The ble.ffed Angels, nay the Thill. point. Offauing faith: or, '<"ery f!e01 ofthe Soone of God harh nor any rhe way ro life. I quickning verrue from itfelfe;bur all this effi. cacie or vertue is in and from the Godhead of 0Hr&~n[ent, ·the Sonne:who by meanes ofthe f!efb appreC~~~t!Nf. I. They teachirrobethc properrie ~ended by faith, deriueth heauenly and fpirioffaith, tobeleeue rhe wholeword ofGod ~u>lllife from himfelfeto the members. Now and fpecially the redemption of mankfndby Ifthere bee no efficade in the f!efb efChrifr Chrifr. bu:-t_b_y_re_a_fo_n~o_f_rh_e_hy:.:p:_o_£t_a_ri_ca_ll_v_n_io_n_: _h_o_.;___c_•_»,_IN:._<f..:_·.::.I.:.. I ._T.:_h:::e~y.a~ouch that th~y beleeue Fff 4 and