r I 6n. and looke to be faued by l;:hri£1:, atiJ-by·Qbrl/1 A ··:rothe fecond conclufion, touchingfaluati· aicm, and by the metre !'"rcie ofGoa In I i OO·by Chrrfr awne, there isamanifefr deceit= ChriU. • ' ' ' 1 : becaufe they craftily include and couch thdr Conolilj. III• Thirdly, the in9fr l~aroed a. ~ owne workes vnder the nameofChrifl. For rnong them hold and c6cfe!fe,"thafthl:obedi· 'I (faythey)work• done by men regenerate, are ence of Chrifl is impu'r.cd vmo them forthe i ·not their owne,but Chri£\s in them; & as they ~atisfa<l:ion o~thelai'v, 'and for the,it're~onci- ;. are the workes ofChrifr;they faue, and no o– hatwnwith God. ' · · ; I therw1fe. Butweforourparrslooketoheefa. Crmcl. IV. They au6uch that they puftheir'· · ued !Jnely by fuch workesas Chrifr'himfelfe whole t.rufr and confidcnceinChrifr; and inll ' did inhisowneperfon, and notby any workc the meete mercy ofGhd,fortheil falu~tion~ :1 . at all done by him in vs. For all workes done, Concluf.V. Lafrly,thef hold thatiuery mlm ' arein the matterofiu!Hfication and faluatien mufr aprlythe promife Oflife euer!afringby o~pcifed to the grace of Chrifr: Rom.u. 6: Chrifl vrito himfe!fe <·and thi3 they" grant 1 Et.Riowuofgrace,notifworf<!s:ifitbeofworkf.,it we are bound to doe. And inthe(e fiue'points I u nomoreofgrace, Againe,whereasthey teach do they'& we agree,at leafr in fhew of words. B that wee are fa•ed by the workes ofChrifr, By the auouching of thefe fiue cohclufions, which he worketh in vs, and maketh vs to· Papifrs may eafily efcape the hands o.f many work;itisllatagaivfrtheword.ForP••/Iilith, magiflrac~s. And vnlelfe the mrflctieofpo· WurenotjitNtdbyfoch worf<!s .u Go1hAthordAi. p1il1 dollnne be well knowne, any·ooinmon nedthAtmenregenerattjhoiddwalfc!m,Eph.:.ro man may eafily bedeceiued, and take fuch for And he faith further, th•t hecoontedall things, good Protelhnts that ate but popifh priefrs. euen after his conuerlion, loffi vnto him,thnt he To thisend therefore, that we may the better .mghtbefoundin (hrifl,not h••ing huownerighdifccrootheir guile, I will fhew w~ere'iathey teoufoeffiwhichu oftbe iAI!I, 'Phi/.3.8. Agaioe, failein eachofrheir conclu!ioms, and wherein Heb.r-3- Cbriftwajhtd••"'J ourfinnes by him. they differfrom vs. fi!fe: which l•frwords excludethemeritofall worke•done by Chri!l: within man. Thus in– deede the papi!ts ouerture all that which in word they feeme to hold touching thei~iu!HTouching the firfr condufion, they belceue lication& faluation. We confeffe with them, indeede all the written word of God , and that good workes in vs are the workes of more tbenalhfor they alfo beleeue the laookes C Chrift: yet are they not Chrifls alone, but Apocryphall, which antiquityfor many hun· our.$ alfo, . in that they proceede from Chrifr drcd yeares bath eJ<ciuded from the canon : bythel)iilideand will olman: as water from yeathey bdeeuevnwritten traditiosreceiued the fouoraine by the channell. And looke as (asthcy fay)from Councels , the writings of the rhannelldefiled, defilesthe water, that is the Fathors, and the determinations ofthe without defilementin the fountaine; euen fo Church : making them alfo of equall credit the minde and will of man defiled by the with the written word of.God,giuen by infpi· remnants oflinnc, defilethe workes,whichas ration of the fpirir. Now wee for our parts they come from Chrifl, arevndeliled. Hence defpife notthe Apocrypha, a.~ namely, the ltis,thatthe workesofgrace,which wedoby bookesofthe Macchabecs,Ecdefia!licus,and Chrifr,or Chri!lin vs,aredefelliue: and mufr the reil, but wee reucrence them in all con· be feuered from Chrifr inthe aftofiufrilicati• ucnient manner, preferring them before any on,or b.luation. other bookcs ofmen, in that they haue beene The third conclulion is touchingthe impu. approoucd by an vniuerfall confent of the tationofChri!ls obedience, which fome of Church : yet we thinkethem not meetc to be the malt learned among them acknowledge, rcceiucd into rhe Canon of holy Scripture, D and the dilfereace betweenevs !landsonthis and therefore not to be belceued, but as they maaner. They hold that Chrifrs obedience is are confentiug withthewritten word.And for imputed onely to make fatisfatHon for finne, this ourdoing, webaue direCtion from .Ath~- and not tO iu!lifie vs beforeGod. We hold& naftm, Origcn, Hicrome,, and the Couocell of beleeue that the obedienceof Chrifi is impuLaodicea. As for the vnwritten Traditions, ted to vs cuen for our righteoufueffe befure they come not within the compatfe of our God.P~ullilith,r.C.r.I ·30·Chrifti4m•de'IJ111• faith,neither can they: bccaufe they come vn• vs <{Gad, ,.;fed.me, righteoufnefie, fanetifica· to vsbJ the hands of men, that may deceiue tion, ondrede,.ption. Hence I reafon thus. If and bedeceiued. And we hold and beleeue, Chri!t be both our tanttification, and our that the right Canon ol the bookes ofthe old righteoufnes; then he is not oncly vntovs inand new Tefl:ament, containes in it fuffident herentrighteoufnelfe, but alforight~oufndie direC\ion forthe Church of God to life euerimputed. Buthe isnot onely our fanll•ficatlon la!ling,borhfor faith~ndmanners. Herethen (whichthe Papifrs themfeluese~pound ofiR· isthe point ofdifference, that they make the hert:ntor habituall righteauli>es) but alfo '!ur obicet offaith.larger then it fhould be, orcan righteoufnes: forthusby }'•ularethey d1frm• b<:& we kecpe our felues tothe written word, guiibed; Therfore heis vntovs both inherent bdeeuing nothing to faluation o.:.u.:. t o.:.f:.:i_t.___:__•_nd_:.:im:.:pu'..:....t_ed_r_ig~h-t_eo_u_fi_ne_ffi_e_. _A_n_d_v_e-:ry::cr::e"af<""on 1---~~--------~---·-----------------------------------~~---- -