of Jauing faith. ' 613 i tcacheth vs thus m"ch. For in the end ofthe t\ info/d thyftlfe in thil dwh: and if the Lordwill world >t thebarre ofGods iudgement, wee iudgctheeJay;Lord,Jp~ttthede.thofourLord/e. I mufl bring foruc,kind ofright.eoufnesfor our flu Chrij/bctwerne me andth;•iudgement, andby iuflificarion, that may /land m rhe r~gour ol noother meams I conter.d rmh the• .And if he 1 the law according to which we are to be iudg. jhaNfayvntothu,that thouart afiwmr,f'9'' Lord, cd. Bnt our inherent righrcoafrlcS is impcrthede.rhofmy Lerdl efi:o (hrijf, I putbctwune feet and flained with manifold defeels , and tlmand myfins. Ifhe fr. allfay vmothee,tk•ttholi fhalt'beaslongas we liue in this w>rld, asexhaft dtferued da,. natton, fay: Lmi, loppojf the periencc tels vs: and confequemly it is not fu· dwh ofcur Lmflef"' Chrijl betweenetheeand table to the fubiect ofthe law: and ifwegoe my eu;a rmrits, andI cffi:r hismerit forthemeo"tofour (dues, we fhallfinde no righteoufrit which I fhould haue, & haue net. lfhe jha/1 neffe feruing for our turnes either in men or foy ,tkot heuangrie I!Nththeef<ry: Lord,! oppofe Angels, that may or can procure our abfoluti· the death •four Lordiefu; Chrijl be(wcene me& on before God,and acceptati;,n to life cuerlathinunger. Here we ke,what P, pills doe and fling. We mull: thereforehaue recourfe to the haue done in the time of death. And that perfon ofChrill:; and hisobedience imputed B which they hold and pral'life, when they are vntovs mufl ferue not onely to be a fatisfa<tidying ; they {hould hold aud pracbfe eucry on toGod for all our !lnnes, bat alfo for our d•y while they are liuing. · perfefr iuflification, in that G 0 D is conceRt In tbelafl: concluGon they teach, that wte toaccept ofit for our righreoufnelfo, as ifit mull not onely beleeue in gen<rall, but al(o were inherentinvs,or performedbyvs. apply vnto Gnr felues the promifes of life Touching the fourth concluGon, they hold euerla!Hng.Butthey,differfromys in the very it the fafell and the furefl courfe to put their manner ofapplying. They teach,thatthe protrufl and confidence in the mercie of God amifcis to beapplied , not by faith alfuring vs lone for their faluation: yet they condefcend, of ourowne falnation: but onely by hope, iu ,Bdlar.l. that men may alfo.(a) put their confidence in likelihood coniellural!. We hold that we are 1.q.dc the merit of their owne workes, and in the bound in dutyto apply tbe promifeof life by iuRific. meritsalfooforhcr men, fo itbeinfobrietie. faith without making doubt thereof, and by But this dodrine quite marres the conclufi· hope to continue the certainty after the apoed ciM "' on; becauTc, byreaching rhatmenarc to put prehcnGon made by faith. We doe notceach confidence in the creature, theyouerturneall that all and enery roan liuing withinthepreconfidence in the Creatour. F.or in the very c cinllsofthe Church, profefsing the name of firfl commandement we are taught to make Chrifl,is certaine ofhis faluation, and that by choice for the true God ofour God, which fairh:butthatheought fotobe, and.mufl in· thing we do when we giue toGod our hearts: deauourto attaine thereto.And h<re isagreat and wegiueour hearts to God, when wee put point in the myfle~ic of iniquity to bee conG. our whole confidence in him for the faluation dcrcd:for by this vncertain application ofthe ofour foules. Now then, to put confidence in promife offaluation, and this wauering hope, men or inworkes, i<to make them our Gods. they ouertarhe halfe the doctrine of the Gof. The true and ancient forme of making conpel.For it inioynes two things: firfl to beleeue f<fsion was oo this maner: l be/eene in Godthe the promifes thereofto be troe in themfducs: Fatber,in le{ mChrifl,<ndin thehoiyGhoJiwithfecondly to belceue, & by faith toapply them out mention making of any confidence in Vnto our felues. And this latterpart, without rworks or creatures, the a~ncient Church newhich the formeris voideofcomfort, is quite l\lerknew any fuch confefsion or confidence. ouerturned. The reafons which they alleadge Cypri•n faith, He be/eeuerh not in God, whoputagaiaflour doctrine, I haue anfwered before,: teth n•t affiance conmnsng hil fols•tion in God now therefore I let them paffe. a/onr.Andindeed the Paptfls themft!ues when 0 To conclude, though in coloured toarmes death comes, forfake the confidence oftheir they feeme to agree with vsin doctrine conmerits, and flie to the meere mercieof God in coming fairh; yetindeed they deny and abo- '· Chrifl. And for aconfirmation of this, I a!- lifhthe fubfl:ance thercot: namely,the particuleadge the teflimony ofoneVlinbergi111ofColar and certaine applicationof Chrifl crucifilen, who wrireth thus. There was a booke ed, and his benefits vntoour felues. Againe Lib.dc found in tl~e V e!lry of a certaine parifh of they faile, in thatthey cut offthe principali caufi; cu< Colen, Wntten m the Dutch tongue, rn the duty and officeoftrue faumg faith, whrch is, au,nz. p. yeareofour Lord,t475· which the prie_fls vto apprehend and to apply the blefsing pro4J6. fed in viGting ofthe Gcke. And iu it tbefe quemifecl. ~~•IP•b. ~~ft~:.{,~"(.Z~jb~?b~hfJ.::z:y~h~~~t'-t: que~?on~ lf~elz.e perfon4n[wered,Te4.Thm it U{ai<J11ntohim, of An.. ~Goe too then,whill bre.:hremain~sinthee,putthy fehne:. co~den" inthit deathalone: h~ue4ffi"nce in no· thmgelfi"ommitthyfelfwho/Jyt• thif death:with .'a/o.,_co:<Cr thyftlfe: diuethyfo/fe in <aery part ("'o thll d<ath: meoery f4Tt pim:et by[elfwith it: The XXI.point. OfRepentance. 0Hrconfmt. C111<1N[. I. That repentanceistheconuer• onofaGoner. Thereis a two-fold conuerGon, pafslue ··~-.