rvf 'R.eformedCa[holikj: pafsiue,and alliuc:pafsiue,is an aClionofGod wherby he conuerrerh man beeing as yet vn– cohuerted. A[fiue, is an aCtion whereby man beeing once turned ofGod, turnes himfelfe: and of the latter mu!} this conclufion be vn– der11ood.For the fir/1 conuerfion, confiaering it is aworke ofGod turning vsvnro himfelfe, is not the repenra~ce whereof the Scripture fpeaketh fo oft, but it is called by the aame of regeneration:andrepentance,whereby we be– ing fir/1 turnedof God doe turne our felues, and doe good workes, is the fruite thereof. Conc!Hf. II, That repentance llands fpe– clallyfor praetife, in contrition ofhearr,con– fefsion of mouth, and fatisfatlion in worke or deed. Touchingcontritionthere betwokinds .B thereof:Legal,andEnangdicall. Legall con– trition is nothing but aremorfe ofconfcience for finnc inregard of the wrath& iudge01ent h pall is, to indeauour d;~y by day, by God• grace to 1eallc :1nd u.nouncc all and cuery fin and in all things to doe the will of God. And here Ietic~e ICf!1Cmbrc~, that wee arc not pa· trons of hcenctoufncfle and enemies ofgood works.Fotthough we exclude rhem from the allofou' iu11i6cation aodfaluation: yet we mamtame a profitable and necdfarie vfe of them in the life ofeucry Chri!lian man. This vfcisthrce-fold, in refpca: ofGod, of man, ofour felues. Workes are to bee done in"re– fpellofGod, that his commandement may be obeyed. ~oloh.>·••· that his will may bee done,I.Theff+>·that we may !hew our felues to be obedient children to God our Father I, Ptt ,1•14· that we may!hewour felues tha~kfullforour redemption by Chri/1, Tit,2.1 4 . ofGod, and it is nograce ofGod ataU: nor any part, or caufe ofrepentance : but onely an occafion thereof, and that by the mercie"f Gud:for ofitfelfe,it is the11ing ofthe law,and the very entrance into the pit ofhell.Euange• licall contrition is, when arepentant linnet is grieucd for his finnes,not fo much for feare of hell, or any other punifl1ment; as bccaufe hee bath offended and difpleafed fogood and mer– cifull a G0 D. This coorrition is caufed by the minifrerie ofthe Gofpell, and in the pra– Ctife ofrepentance itisalwaies nece!farie,and C goes beforeas the begioning thereof. Secondlywehold and maintaine,that confefsioR is to be made, and rhatin !undry refpells; fir/1 to God, both publikely inthe congregation, and alfopriuately in our fecr<tand priuate praiers. Secondly to the Church, when any perfon hathopenly offended the congregation by any crime, and is therefore excommunicate. Thirdly, toourpriuateneighbour, when wee haue vpon any occauon off<nded and wron– ged him. M•t·5·2J· 1/thoubringehygift to the •ltar, andthert remembrefl th4l thybrothtrhAth oughtagainjlthee,gofirjlawdbereconciledtohim: now reconciliation prefuppofet~ confefsion. La11ly, in all true repentance, we hold and ac– knowledge there mu!l bee fatisfaclion made; fir/1 toGod, and that is, when we intreathim D in our fupplications to accept the death and pafsionofChrilt, as afull, perfeCt and fuflici– ent fatisfalliun for all our linnes. Secondly,it is to be made vnto th(; Church, aftercxcom– municar!on for rhe publike offences; and it 11ands in duties ofhumiliation that fitly !erue to tdlifie the truth ofour repentance.Tllirdly, fatisfallion is to be made roour neighbour:be– caufe ifhc be wronged, he mn/1 haue recom– pence and re11imtion made, Ln~ I9.8. and thercrepentice may iu!lly be !itfpelled,whete no fatisfachonismade, ifit lie iuonr power Co1rciH.f. II I. That in repentance wee are to brlng outward fruits worthie amend– ment of life : for repentance it felfe is in the heart: and therefore mu/1 bee te11ified in all mannerofgood work<S: whereofthe princithat wee might not gritucrhe fpirit ofGod, Eph. 4· 30. but walke according to the fame. Gal,6.o2.that God by our good workcs may beglorified,M•t·5, I6. that we m•y bee good foll.owersofGod, Eph.5·I· Againe, workes are to bee done in regard of men : that our neighbour may bee helped in worldly things, Luk_ 6. 38.thathee may bee won by ourexam– ple togodlines,1.Pet-3-I4· thiwemay pre– uent inour felues the giuingofany offence, r. Cor.I0.32· that bydoing good, wee may !lCDp the mouthes of our aduerfaries. Thirdly and lallly, theyhaue vfein refpell ofourfelues: that we may!hew our fclues to be new crea– tnres, •· (or.5.17.·thatwce may walkeasthe children oflight, Eph.5 .S.thatwee may haue fame allurance ofour faith, and ofour faluati– on, o.Pet.l.8.to.that wee may difcerne dead andcoonterfeit faith, from true faith, Iam,z, 17. that faith and tbegiftsof God may b«x· ercifed and continued vnto the end, z,Tim.r. 6. thattbe punifhments offinne,bothtempo– r:ul and eteroall may be preuented:Pfa/.89·32 thattberewardmaybeobtained~ which God freely in mercie hath promifed to men for their good workes,Ga/.6.g. The difference. Wedi(fentnot from the Church of Rome in the doctrine ofrepentance it fdfe, but in the damnableabufestherof; which are oftwo forts, generall , and fpeciall. Generall, are rhofe whichcocerne repentance wholly con– fidered; andtfueyarethefe. Thefirll is, that they place the beginniug ofrepentance, part– ly in rhcholy Ghofr, or, inthe power ofzheir naturall free-will, becing helped by the holy Gh0i1: whereasPa•lindeede a{cribeth this v;orke,whollyvnto God,I.Tim.,,z).Pro;ring ijGodat anytime .,.;IIgi•e them repentanct. And men that arc not wcake, but dead intrefpalfes and finoes, cannotdo anythingthat may fur– therrheircoiluerfion, though they be helped Dl'Uer fo much : no more then dt·ad men in theirgrauescan rife from thence. The f<cond abufe is that they take penance,or rather re– pentan~e for thatpublike difciplinc and order of --~----------------·--·------·---