Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Of 'Repentance. ofcarrectiontbat was vied againfr notorious ,\ moj/ vehement forri:iw: 4Jtd thatthe hatredof offenders in the open congregation, FGr the ftnntmMj/ beno~•neiy thegrratej/, bnt aqQmofr Scripture fc:tsdowne but one repentance, and vehement and prrfeCl , fo"' ;t may ex•itfde all that common to all men without exception: Jloth andjlack_nes.Indeed afterward it followes and to be pra<tifed in euery part of our liucs th't true contrition may be effeCtual! though for the nece!farie mortification offin: whereiroe iniperfeCl: but how can this iland,if they as open Eccle!iafiicall correaio9 pertained wtll not onely commend but alfo prefcribe not to all aod euery mao within the compa!fe & auouch, that contrition mufr be moft perofthe Church, but to them alone that gaue, any openoffence. The thirdabufe is, that they that God requires not fo much thqneafurc, make repentance to be nor ooely a vertoe, but as the trurhofany grace:and thatit is adegree alfo a Sacrament: whereas for thefpace ofa ofvnfained contrition, to begrieued becaufe thoufimd yeares after Chrifi, and vpwatd, it we cannot be grieued fot our finnes as wee was not reckoned among the Sacramets: yea, lhould; The fecond abufe is, that they afcribe it feemes that Lumbard was one of thdirlt to their contrition the merit ofcongruity.But that called it aSacrament: and the fchoole- B this cannot!!and with the all-fufficienr merit menafter himdifjmtedof the matter & forme of Chrifr. And an ancient Councdl faith, ofthis Sacrament; ilot able any ofthem cerGoe intp;m imo vsfirjl of all thefaith andlour tainly toddin.e, what lhould be theour~ard •fhim.fifc,nomeritsgoingbtfore, thatwem.ry elemet. Thefourth abufc: is touching the cffell faithfully reqHire the Sai:ramrnt ofb•pti[trne, and and efficacie of repentance:for they makeit a 4/urb<pu[me doerhethings thatpie.p him. And meriroriouscaufe ofremilsion offinnes, and wefor oorpartshold, that God rtquires conof life euerlafting, flat again!! the word of trition atouchands, nottcl merioremifsion of GOD. Paulfaithnotably, Rom.3.24· Wee fins; butthatwemayacknowkdgeourowne •r""~ifiedfi'eelyby hi4graccrhrough theredemp. vnworthitie!fe and bee humbled in the fight tiOI<WhichismChrij/ lefm , whom Godh4thfont ofGod,and diftruCl all our owne merits: and tobe• rec'f'cili•tion byfaithin his blood. In thefe further , :thatwe may make:he more account wor.des thefe formes offpeeches,redrmptionin of the ben<:fits of Chrifr ,. whereby we arc Chrij/, reconcili.<ti•n inhisblood, byfaith,feeiy by receiu"<linto the fauour ofGod : lafily, that gra<e, mufl bee obferued·and confidered: for we might more carefully auoid all Gns in time they fhew plainely that no part offatisfaClion tocome,wher'"byfo many paines and terrours orredemption is wrought invs, or by vs: but C ofconfcicnceareprocu(ed. And we acknowout ofys onely in the perfon of Chrifr. And ledge no contrition at all tq be meritorious, the.refore we efreeme ofrepentance only as a faue that.of Chrifi: whereby he was broken frutt of faith,and the effelt,or efficacie ofir,is for_our iniquities• The third abufe is, thatthey to tellific remiGionofour linnes, and our remake imperfec.CJ: contrition orattritionar'ifing conciliation before God. It will bee faid,that ofrhe feare ofhell, to be good and profitable: re~nifsionofl:nnes& life euerlafiing, are pro- & to lt they appLy the'faying of the Prophet, m1fed to repentancc.Anf.It is oo,tothe worli. Thef<Are ofGod is the beginning ofrepentance, but to the perfQnWhich repenJ feruile feareofit felt'< is the truit ufrhe law, teth,and that not for his own merits o~worke which i• the minifrery of death and condemof repentance, but for the merits of Chrifr, nation:and conGquently it isthc way to eter. wh1ch hce applieth to himfelfeby faith. And nall deftru[lion,, it God leaue men to themthus we are to vnderfiand the promifes ofthe felues: and ifit turne to the good ofany, it is Gofpcll,in whichwm~kes are mentioned; pre; opely by accident: .becaufe God in mercie fuppofing alwaies m them the reconciliation makes it to be an occa!ion ,going before, of ofthe perfon withGod,to whom the pronufe graceto 5e giuen:otherwifo remorfeofcofci· IS made. Thus wee fee wherefore we dilfeJ!S D enc<;.[Qr finne is no beginningof repentance, from the Romane Church touching tbe doorthe rellrainement ofany finne : but rather , 'arme ofrepentance. is, and that properly, the beginning ofvnSpecrall abufesdoe concern• Contrition, fpeakable horrours ofconfcience, and euerlaConfefs,on, and Satisfaction. The firfr abufe fiing deat!J,vnleile God fhew mere)(· And yet conceromg contrition is, that they teach·it this feare of punilhmenr, ifit !re'tempered m~frbe fufficient & perfel'l:. They vfe now to and delaied with other graces& giftsof God helpe thematter by adif!inaion: Ji~ing,that in holy men, it isnotvnprofitable ;in whom Ap?mi. thcforrowincontriti6, mufrbeinthehighefr there is not onely aforrow for punilhment ~~~~{ion degree in refpcct of(a) v.tlue and eftimation. but alfo, and tharmucb more, for the offence: 'q.r.:; · Yett!leopinionof(b) Airi•.• wasotherwife, And fuch a kind of feare or forrow, is thar rn true repentance a man fhould be griemanded,.Ma/a.I.G.lf1be a Father,where u my l •-&quod ued according to all his indeauour. And the honour? If./ brea Lord.whtreis myfeare? And :•b;~;'~'· Ron11ne C_ltechifinefaithas much, (c) th.e. t;hryfof!ome fmh , .that thefeare •f heR in the de.s.!r th,forrowcocemedofo~rfins tlt~ftbefogreat,th.r ~eortif<>•Hf/ m""~ u aj/rongw<narmedagai.•fl pernit. none can be coAcelued to be greater: tbJtt wetbeef1es.anci tofbl:rS to driHe themfiwn the hoNft. miiflbe contrite in thr: .fomem4nncr we lo": God, .• AndAmbrofC J.. ~th;tbAt ~4rt]rs inthetimeof andth"t is, with all our htart(mdjlrengtb, in theirfojfeyiRgs, carjirmedthrm[trlues againj/ the , crHeltie J