616 _ cv11?.,eform,ed [atholikt• . · mdtieifperfocums byfitting the f•~;• ifh11/ be- ~ A 'Chri~, which ofit f;lf<:-c-w-it_h_o-ut_a_n_y-fu_p_p_ly is~ foreehm""• .. . • . · 4ilfficicnteuery way for the remi!Sion both <>f Abufes touchmg confefsion arc thefe. The fault and punifhiRcnt. But ofthis point I haue ·firfr is, that they vfe aforme ofcenfe!Sion of fpeken betore. theirlinnes vnro God, vttcred in an vnknown Hirhcrt0 I hauebandlcdand prooued by inlangnage: becmgrherefore foohfh and ndicudul:hon offimdry particulars that we arc ro lous,withall requiring the aide and inrercefsimake a feparation from the preti:nt Church on ofdead men and fuch as be abfenr: where- . !lfRome, in refpeC\ofthefoundation & fub– as there is bur one Mediato~!r betwocHc G~ fr~•ce of true reli&ion. Many more things .and man,t.he man Iefus Chnfr. Th~ fe£ond,~s ; m•ght beadd~d tothts~ery purpofe, but here that they m prarhfe make confefswn ofrhe1r l conclude thiS firfr pmnr: adding onely this finnes not onely to God,but to the Saints deone caueat,that we make feparation from the parted: in that they make prayer .to them in Romanereligi6without hatred ofthe pcrfollS whichtheyaske theiriotercefsion for the parthat are mainrainers ofit· Nay we ioynein afdonoftheirfinnes: andthisis', notonely~o (eo!tionmore with them, thentheywithvs. match them wirhGodin feeingandknowing B Th•y die with vs nor for their religion (4 the he~t, but aifoto giuea partof his.diuine though1hey.deferue it) but for the trcafons •Dm. worfh1p vnto them. The thtrd and·ptmClpall w.hich they mtend& cnterprife: we areready 'l·>· abufe rs, that they haue corrupted Cnnonicall to doe the dutiosofloue vnto them inioyncd confef•ionby rurllingit into priuate auricular vs·in the word:we rcuercnce the good gifts in confcfsion : binding all men in confcience by manyofthem:we pray for them,wifhingtheir a lawmade, roconfeffe al theirmortallinnes, 'r~peutaoce and eternall faluation. with all circumfrances that change: the kind Now I meane to ptoceede, and to touch oftho finne (as farre as pofsibly they can re• briefly other points of docftrine contained io member once euery yeare atthe leafr, and this portion ofScripture,whichI hauenow in that to a priefr, vnle!fe itbein the cafe ofexhand. Inthe fecond place thcrforeoutof this rreame necefsity. Bur in the.word of God commandement,Goeo•tofhcrmypf'ple,Igathere is no warrant for thisconfefsion,[nor in rber, tbattbetrue Church of God isand bath the writings of Orthodoxe antiquitie for the bin'in the prefent Romane Church, as come fpacc ofmany hundred yeares after Chrill, as in the heapeof chaffe. Though Poperie reigB one of thdrowne fide auoucherh. And the nedandouer-fpreadthefaceof the earth for l\h~~~"'' commandement of the holy Ghofr, Confej[e C many hnndred yeeres; yet in the mid{hhere· on Ter ontto an.rher,andprayoneforanother,Iam,5,J6. of,God referued a people Vnto himfelfe, that tull.lib. bindes as well the priefr to·make confe!Sion trucly worfhippcd him: and to this effcd: the dcpa:nit. vnrovs,asanyof\1&totheprie£l, And wheras holyCilhofi faith, that the Dragon, which iris faid, Mat.3.6.that manywer•b~ptiudcon· is the diuell, caufcd the woman, that is, the fejfing theirjinnes:and .AEI·I9·I8.m•nythatbe. Church, ro llie into the wildernetfe,where he lecurdcame& confcffid& jhcwedthcirwork.f,the fought to defrroy her, but could not:AifdJhte confefsion wasvoluntarte ¬confl:.rained: fl.i!t rttain(J aremnant ofher fecQe~whichk[ep itwas alfo gcnerali and not particular ofall & theco11UI'JifndtmentsofGDd,andhauethttejli1110ny Reu.u. euery finue, with the necetfariecircumllances ifI<[m Chrift.New this which I fpeake ~f the 17 • thereof. And in this liberty ofconfefsion the Church ofRome, cannotbe faid in like manChurch:rernained -tzoo,yearcstill the Counner ofthe congregations of Turks and otber •ell qfLatcran; in which the law ofauricular infidels, thatthe hidden Church ofCil 0 D is oonfefsi6,was fir!l,inai'Ud:being a notablein. preferued among them; becaufe thore is no uen1ion feruiug ro difuouer the fecrets ofmen meanesro faluatioa aral: whereas the Church & to inrkh that couetous and ambitious, See, of1.Rome· harh the Scriptures , though in a withrhereuenewesohh<world. It was not D !Ualigelanguage: andbapnfme, forrheout· ConfclT. known to .At<guftin( when he faid,WhAt h~ue I ward furme:which helpes God in alages prelib.!o ' ·J tsdoewithmcn thattheyjhould hcarem.y<onfcjfi. ferued that hiseleC\ might be gathered our of ons,,u thoughthtyfhoukJ.ht"'e myd;ftafts?norto the inidfr of Babyl'?n· This ferues to froppe . Chryfofto~, when hce faith, 1docnotdompeN the mourhes ofPapifrs, which demand ofvs, 0 • ~" thee toconf!ffithyfmncs ~others. And, if thou where our Church wasfourefcoreyear•s ago, ~~:~.::.7· be aflJ4mrdl(o<olifejfo tbc,.,toanyman, bccanft before the dayes of Luthtr: whereby they Horn.,. thouh•fl {i1!11td,foythemdadyinthineownemind. would inlinyatero the world,thatour Church io Pfal.ro I doenotbidthecconfejfnhcmtothyfeOowfcru•nt, and~eligioo is grecneornew: bur they areanthat hcefhoHid moek! thee: confeffithem to God fwered outofthis very text, that our Church that «mth thee. barb euer beene lincc the dayes ofthe ApoThe a6ufe of CttisfacHonis thatdJey baue files,and that inthe·very midlt ofthe papacy• turned canonical fadsfl!llion ,~hich \v.s made It hath beene alwaies a Church, and did not· to rhecongregarion byopen' offende~, i~to:r lirJl bciginoeto bei>: LHthm tim". bur .onely fatisfallionofthe iulliecof God for the tiem· then beganto !hew lt felfe, as haumg bm hid porall punifhmont of!heit' fins. Behold here by:an vniuerfall·Apo~afie, fer many hundred a moft horrible priphanation of rho 'whole yearesrogirher. Aga1oe~wehauehere~cca~- Gofpell, and efpeclally of the fatisfad:ion of on to confider the deabng of God Wtth hts owne .