p' Of "'R_epmtltf!ce.~- {J;f7 owne Church and people- · HeoLWill•\orha.~e A things well.confrdered_.iris rat~or lik<ll'<lead rhemfor externall'focie£1 tl>bet 'm•xtd w.l:h carkaffe, and b void ofall fpiritball hte;its<the· their·eoemies, and'that .for fj>eciall porpofc;: pop1fh trr0urs in the;foulrdatiifnde·l!1aoifefi. nafi1ely fuexcrcife thel'Alnlitity and ~afiehce ·lndeOI!Ic>a<khown, hariov;mayaftt'nvard ret.King. ofhis.f;w feru.mt,. ,Whe'nEii.u fil'V·i olatrie 1name-ll wtfe ahd .be fd tll&rmed•; yetiiftcr the fpre'ad ouer all Ifrae~,o hecwent-ap~h intothe bil o6dili0rccment b<gil!en;tfM ceafeth re 5e 19+ wilcletoe!fe, and lh~tiefe ddired rodie.- And a wife·,thoujih!hecanfhe,o•l:er marriagl.tln~: 'IJ,i,sidcried out: ' Wo? u m'ethJt)dnt'C'oilftr•ined 'now that\Church lhatfl reu iOed tirebil'6f her todwellin Mefhedk_;'aHdt9hau~•myh•bitation In .diuotcemtJltin rhc wrjttett 'Word,narilelh •· thttemsofKtriAr,'Pf.~ 2o:5. .Nild ltifi Lof'muft (Tin/f.z.and Reu: tg.r;t;r o'~;:.ob.< oo·w:, l. •; baue>li,UI righteous foule vexed wiill teeingand J:ourthermfiJre, in tbiscollrmandttffirut\vee beandgthe abomiilatians'ofSoaak:. , . rrray fenfiudy pormiilin:e of.:tJe tHteof-all 'Fhirdly, by'this- commandcmcnt wce<~re maakina;·Hefc w<feet~v"'fQrisoiitlctt'ifome taught what opinjon to carrle-0fate-prcfenl: · are pertaining ro Ba'byl61l ~:i!-pe<>.ple' ltihning ChurchofRome. It is-often deman<led, whe• on ·to their •deftrudioo~ lfoine agairk are a ther it bee aChurcb or no ; al)d tlie·anfiver ll people ofGod feuere.dii:6mol3~bylO'n~and romay hence befbrrne.t on this m~mrer. Ifqy _fe!'!ed toiifeeuerlafti':$ Jfany:asker,hecaufc ,;,~ this Churdtb< vnderUood aftare or tcgimont ol thu d1£lwctwo; I a .w~;~t ts •he-\'l!'fy-wil of the people, whereofthe Pope is head, and ofGod vouchfati~ mere~oof~i\_le;~ij'd'fot~ themembers arc all fuch"' doe acknowled~ £.kmgorhtr$bywuhdtl rbefrom him to be theirhead, atlddoe t>cleeoe,h~ tlo• them,fO'' &he bener dee .is luil:ice. thine efiablifhed in the CouneJlt of Ttent·; Thus JaioUrhe Lord, Rim.r1.;,:- ~-hiu~-rcferwee take itto beno Church ofGod. Bacaull: pedftauetl thf•fondthaMuller lto~eilrhs {,tee to Babylon, which I haue prooued •to bee die 11441: and<!"'Pwphet;E~{f'itli, Ifo. 1 .g,·Vn. Churrh of Rome , is here oppofed t<;> the if fe~he I:odl:h. drefer.edit erhfran{,we'ilildbeene Church or people ofGod\and Ge<:aufe We>art .rs Sod!m~ 'lmiJ Gomo>ThM :By this difllnl'iion commande<!.tocomc outofir:wheras we may weat<Uugbtaboue allthings'.to·feeketobe of not wholly forfake any people til the'y forfalie the numbcliotGods pe&ple,:fnd to labour for Chrill. Some will haply fay, thl:.((;flutth o'f afii1oanoe bffhis inouro\vneconfciene~s. Fer Rome bath the Scripturesand'fhe -$1\~rlilileh! ifall fhoulll befaued, le!fel:are "'ould {i,ffice: ofb~ptifme. I an~w.er firft of al~,,·rbey bauo (I but this.rncc{re is not comm-on to alh-•and mdced the bookes of holy Sdtpture amoh~ therefore the more to be thoughtv!'i>o• 11• them: but by the reltof their'<loltriuerhe Laftln here I ncne.tiJc fpeciall care that oueorhtow the true ftiife there6filft~c ioun. Godhart.hue> his Cl\.vne·children. Heiit!l gidati<Jn, as! haue preued before-.'.And though ~erh tht!JI.Warmng todfi>ltt,before hee begin rhey hauerheouiw',Jril forme o'fllaptifme;· yet to exccato las tudgemthC' vponhis~enemies they ouerrurne the-inward baptifme', whicl] with wh<>in:hey hue:•tbat-they;might not be~ iSthcfabllaRce ofal, ·!landing iatlfe iuftific,\- partakersoitheirfmS'anll:poniilimtntf.' Thus tiori and.fandificati~10fa linnet'•' Againe,'I before Ood would punifhHi~ru(alenr an Ananfwer,that theyhauethe word an\1 baptifmej gel is fent ro marke th~mirHile fore-h~aa{hat E~ec. 9.4 no! for themfelue•, but for the' true Church mourned for the abominations ofthe-people. of God among tpl:m: like as the laoterne hol: And in the deftrudiM><bfthe firfi .bOrne of defh the candle,not'fbr it felfe' out for others. Egypt, the Angell paftild .oner thli Muks ot · Secondly, ir m,ay bee andisalle~dged, that if rhelcws,~hathad theit'/>ofts fpriockkd with Exod.u. •.Tbef. the Pope be An,tichrift, hee then· fits in rh<: the bloodof rhePaahJ.ttlambe I anifthis paf.. ' l· Z,t• temple, tlufis, tl\e·Church<lfGod,& bythis ling ouer, betokeneth fafety andpreferuation meanestheRomane Church !hall bethetrue in the 'Cemmon deftmflion, to thofe·that Church. o.t£n[w.l'lefits in thetempleofGtld; I1 haue their•hearts fptinkl~d with •t-he blood bbt'matke furthef how: M Go'd;tllar is,not as a ofChrif\'. This blefsingof protechon fhould mem8e'r, butasa manifell:vfurpeh :like as the mooue 'lS all, to become true arrd heartyferrhcefe fits in the tnieimashoufe. Forthe PouanrsofGod. Menvfually become men,bers pifh Church and Gods Church are mingkd ofthofefocieties&corpO'rations, wlie're!hey likcchaffeand corne in one he'lpe: anll the may inioy many freedomes and priuiledges. C~urch of Rome may bee faid to bee in the Well; behold: in the focietie ofthe'Saintsof Ch•rchofGol), & the ChurchofGod in the God, whichistherrue'Church, there is the Church ofRome, as we fay the wheateis'a. freedoine from danger in all commdll 'd'ellrumonglhechaffe, and thechaf~'ein the wheate. llion>, and from erernall ver.gance at-theila_tl Againe, he is laidto fit in theTemple ofGod; day. When Hefter had procured 'fafety for bccaufcthe Romane Churc!), thcughfalfely, the!ewes, andliberly to reuenge themfelues rak<s vnro it felfe the title of the true Carh,o· vpo11their enemies, it is faid, that-mauy ofthe like Church.Somegoc about todelay and <jua· peopleofthe landb<eam• Iewes: Euenfo,con- <' lifie'tbe matte!', by'co'Jl:aring the'Church to fidcring Chtift bath procuredfreedome'from amanlyingflck~ful of <>ar.,s;·!iauingalfo'his htll, de.rh,and damnation for all that beleeuc th~OatcUt ; yei:Jo Hi\bo'dyand folllt are~ol'- in him:- we lboold labour aboue all things to ned tdgether 1 a'!.d lifl: is remainingUill. But'all becomcneVicreature's ,'loyning our-kluesalGgg waies