Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

618 .A.'R.eformed. C~tbolik! waie.uo the true Church of God, . Ajhismanhood. Yea theydifg~fHJthetto I haue fpoken ofthe commaodeIJi~es.}'oronc Jefus~hrill the onely king,lawment: now followes the rcafonthcrofdrawne ' &1Uer,& head ofthe Church, they ioyne vnto . ftomtheend;h•tthrybewotp•rt•k!rs.flrtrfins: h10J the Pope, notonely as a Vicar, butalfo ~~~oesof ••~ tbm they r<ctsue notofherpl•g;m, H<..:re.J asafellow • int~atthey giuevnto him power <hurch of mJg\lt lland lon8 to !hew wbat be the fins of to make !awes bmdmg confcience, to refolue Rome. the C~urchof Rome: but I wilt onely name &deterJ!lipevnfallibly the fence ofholy fcrip- '· tlie pttncipall, ~ firlllinocis .Athei[me:and tore, properly to pardon fin bothin refpttl of that! prooue on thiS maner: ..dtheifm<JStWOfault and temporal punilhment to haue aurtofold,opcn,celourtd• Open Atheifme is,when rityouerthe whole earth and ~panofhell-t~ meo bothin word and~eed deoy Goda~his dcpofe Kings, to whom vnder Chrih e.u;ry word. Coloured Athe1fmels not foman1fell: foule IHO be fub1ll't, to abfolue fubiells from & it bath twodegrees. Thefirll isjwhen men theoathofallegiiice,&c.For one Iefu• <lluill acknowledge God the. Cteatour and gouer- ~heonly reall Pridl ofthe new ttflament th<y nourof heauen ancl earth, and yet denie the Io>:ue ma~y fec'!"'l!'tY priellsvntohill),~hich Father, Sonnc, andholy Ghofl. ThustheE- Jl offer Chrrll dally mthe Maffe for thclins of\ phelians before theyrcceiucd theGofp<U, arc thequicke and the dead. For one Iefus Chrin l!ph.>. r> ~aid to be,;tb.~Goil, whom in their naturall the al-fuflicient Mediatour of ioterctfsiou, 1ud~;cmet)t they acknowledged; bcca~ they .they haue added many fdlowes vnto him ro denied Cilrlll; aod confequently worlh1ppecl makerequdHor vs,namely, ao manySaintsas anidolofthcirown.e brajne, in that they worbdn the Popes kalendar. Lallly,fru; the ontly lhippcdGod outot Chrifl.Ancl in this refpc<'l merits ofChrifl, in whom alonethe Fatlleris though the Samaritans worlhipped the God well pleafed, rhey haue dcuif<d aTrcafuric of of.A~rah.ut~,yetour Sauiour GhriiHaith,llhn the Church, containing bcfide the m<ritsof ..,•••.theyworfbifPtdth'Jf<!7<Wnotwhllt.Andthe Chrill, theouerplus ofthe merits ofSainrsta Pfalmill faith ofthe Genrilcs, 'J'fol.96.s. that be difpenfed to men, atthe difcrction of the th<irgodurtitlq/s. Inthis degree QfAthcifme Pope. And thus y;e fee,that Chrifl,and confeare pia.ced Turkcs and Iewes at this day : the qucntly God h1mfdfc to bce.worlhipped io Anti.Trlnitaries, and Arians,andallthat conChrifl , IS tra~sformed in aphantalic oridol ceiue and worlhipGodoutofthe Trinity.The. ofmans conceit, Again< , there is alwaies a fecond , when men doe rightly ac- C proportion betweenc the worlhip ofGod,and -knowledge the vnity of rhc Godhead in the ourr.rfwafion ofhim : &men in giuinJilvnto 'rrinityofpcrfons: yet fo,as by other llecedaGo aoyworlhip, haue tefpea to his uature ry confequents partly ofrhcir dcfuinc, a~d that bothmaybe futable, af\Q he well pleaf<d: partly of the feruice ofGud, they ouer-turne Let vs then fee what manner of worlhip the that which they haue well maintained. And Romaoe religiou alfoardcth.Itis fortbe greathus Ilay,that the very rcligionoftbe Church tell part meere wil-wotlhip, without any alofRomeisakindeofAthcifme. For whereas lowancc or commandement from God, as it makcsthe merit of the workes of men to Dorand in his Rllli•n•l<in elfe<'l acknowledconcur with the grace ofGod,it ouerrhrowes geth. It is acarnallferuice llaoding ofionumethe graceofGod, R•m. If• In word they acrabic bO<jily rites and ceremonies borrowed knowledge the infinite iuflice, and merric of partly from the Iewes,& partly from the heaGod:bur by confequent both arcdenied. How then: itisd~uided berwecnc Godandfome of can that be infinite iullice,which may any way hiscreatures;intbatthcy areworlhippcd both be appeafed by hulflane fatisfaftion? And how withone kind ofworlhip: lett\lcm pilint is as Olall Gods mercie beinfinite,when we by our rheycan. Thus then,ifby theit maner ofwor- (llisfactions mull addc afupply to the fatisfalhipping ofGod,we mayiudgehow thcyconDionofChrifl? Againe,t./oh.,•• ,. H<tth•t D ceiueofhim, aswe~ay; tbeyhaueplain<!Y hAthnottht Sonnt,b•th IHttbeF•ther: and hee turned the true God mto aphantafie oftheu that bath neither Father nor Sonne, denies own.ForGpdisnoQiherwifctobeconcciued, God. Now the prefent Romanereligion bath thenhe hathrciJCalc~ hi~JCife i~his creatures norche Sonne, thatis, IefusChrifl, Godand aud wor~,andefpcclally mChnll: whoJSthe man the Mediatourofmakind:but harh tranfmgrauen Image ofthe per!Onofthe Father. forn:ed him into afained Chrifl. Ai!d I !hew The fecond finnc is irbt.rri<, and thar •.• itthus:Forone Idus ChriO:, in allthings like !Srolfe as was.eueramongtheh~athen. And 1t vptovsin his humanity, finncooelycxcepted, Jstob~C.ene m_rwo t~lngs•. ~ull, thatt~ey they haue trameda Chrifl, to whom they afworlh1p ~he Samts Wt~h r~hg1ous worllup, fcribc two kiudes of one naturall, .whiCh Without ex<ep!JOD u prope~ to GOd. wherby heis vifible,touchable,ll<: circumfcri· Yea they transfo~mc fom~ ofthem Jut~ detebcd inheauen: the otherpot anely aboue, but 14blcidols,.mak111gt~em mtrut.h '."cdJatours a8ellu.l. alfo againfl nature;by which,be is fubllantialofredemption, fpec~ally thev11gm Vlf"'J, I ,.deW.. ly~ccordingto hisllclhinthe hand.§ofeuery whomthey~llaL...u<, •GotiJI.fe, "~""'• ~i~~i;a pncll,in eueryholi, and in th~ mouth ofcucry •h••(")Chrijlh1rS""'' .llry~am"'··~~~~ "m•- j Br<Uiario commuoicant,.jnuifibiJ', vntouchablc, vocirJi•rr<Ji:~r/ift, h•!•• the ,..J;cmeofthtdi/eaftd: lrcfor. cumfcribed. Aud ,thus in elfe<'l they-abolilh and theypt~y vntoher thus, Pre1Ar•tb.•gl"')' . for