Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

--------------------~--~~--~~-- lfor vs:defendvs fomo•rtnemi,,andi:.~~=e:,C~:::~~·finne is ~ •gick!, forcer: I~ Greg. cap. g. de conf:UJg. ! ofdeath rcctiue vs, /()()ft the bond! of tbeguz!r~e ~ wzt~bc.,.,ft, mthe con_fc:cratJon ofthe ?ofi, 111 bri•g l~ght to theblinde,dri•• •way aldiueHs.Shew whiCh they make thetr Breaden-god:mexo~- thyfc/fetobeam~ther: Let.him recei~e thy_ pr'!Jctfmes o?erholy bread,hcly wat<r,a~d falt;m crs. Againe,thetr tdobtne ts mamtell:, mthat the cafhog \)Ut or drtumg away ofd!Uds, by they worlhip God in at or before imaoes: ha, the fignc ofthe rroffe, by folemae coniuratiuina no commande~e~t fo to doe bbut the ons, by holy water, bytheringingofbels, by co,;'rrary. They 'alleadge,that they vCe &wor- · lighting.rapers,by reliqnes, and litchlike, F~r fhip images onely in a remembrance ofGod.. thefc thmgs ~aue not theirfuppofed force etBut this is all one as ifan vnchalt wife tnould ther by creanon, or by any mlhcutton ofGod receiue many lo~ers into her houfe in the ab- . in his holy Word:. •.nd therefore ifany thing fence ofher husband : and bc:eing reprooued, be done by them, .uts from the fccret opera· fhold anfwer;tharthey werethefriends ofher tton ofthe d!Ue!l htmfelfe. . . husband, andthat !beekeptthemondyin re- 'The ~fth fib tS, that mthetr doc.'l:nne they membrance ofhim. Thirdly, their Idolatrie mamtamepermry,be~aufeth~yteachwtthone cxceede• the Idolatrie ofthe heathen, in that B ccnfene, that a Paptfl exammed may anfwer they worlhip a Breaden·god, or Chrill in and doubtfully againll: the direc.9: intention ofthe vndertheformes ofbrf'adandwino. And if exammer: frammg another meamng vnto Chrill: accordiog to his humanity be abfent himfelfe in the ambiguitie 0fhis words. As from theearth, as I haue prooued,thc PoP.ifh · fo: example, when a man is asked whether he hofl is asabominablean idol! as euer was. fa~dorheard Maffehfuch aplace: though he The third iinne is the maintenance of .Adid: they affirme he may fay,no: and fweare iiJ.Iterh. Andthatis manifell::firll: ofall,in the · Vnto ir: becaufe hee was notthere to rcueale rolerationofthe flewcs, flat againll: the corn. itto theexaminer: whereas in the very law of mandementofGod, Deut.•P7• There fhall . nature, hee thattakcsan oath fhould !iveare benowh•re ofrhe'daughtersoflf•el,neither fh•ll according to the inrenti011 of him that hath there be~<whore·kfeperofthefcnnesoflfael.And power eo minifler an oath:and that in truth, this toleration is an occafion ofvacloannes to ' iuflice, iudg~menr. Let them dearc their do. many young Men and Wot'nen,ihat 6therwife c.9:rinefrom all defence ofpe;iury ifthey can. would abll:aine from all fuch kind offilthines.' Th~ ,fix(' lbme is, thar they rcuerfi many of 1 And whatan abomination istbis, ~vhen b~~~ C Go~s r:o~ndemmts, maki~g that 119 finnc therond brother, father and fonne, nephew&: whtch Gods Word makes afinne. Thus they vncle, !hall cometo oneandrhe fame harlot, r_each;h•t if•nyman flealefcmelittlething,th<t onebeforeorafter theother? Secondly,their 14 th1ughtfi9i tof'u:foanynotable hJtrt,it fs nomor~ law beyond tbefotll\h degreeallows the mart•llfmne:'that,theofficious lie,andthe!ie madein riage ofany perfons:and bythis meanes, rhcy f}ort, ~tre vmillflfmnes: that, to P''9for ourenefomerim~allow incefr.For in thevnequal col~ miu inptr~ticalar,io no prrctpt, bst acounceiJ;ttnd bterall.Jtne, the pcrfon n1xt the common tht~t noneu boJmd to fa/me his enemie i"thew~ llockeis ifathei or mother to the brothers or ~ffiendfhipp•, flatte againll: the rule of Chriil fillers poflericy,as for example: M•t·f•47·Whtrethe word -"""'• lignifieth , Ioh~ 'r-J-.Afinfl Nichol.u 2ThomM 3 Lewes · i 4Roger 5 .Amonie. 6'Iames. · Here Anne and 'J'{_ichol.u are, brother and I fifler,and .Anne is diflant from lames fixe de: l grees,he being her nephew afarre.olfi and the marriage ber(veene them is allowed by the Cho11ch ofRome, they not b~eing within the c.ompaife offoure degrees: whicw neuerthe– leffe isagainfl thelaw ofnature. For Annebel ingthefill:erof'l(ichol.u,isinll:eaaofamother to all that are bogotten of 'J(ichol.u, eliel1 io /ames,and lames hiS poll:erity; Yet thus much I grant, thatthedaughter of.A"'I•,mavlaw– ~ully marry 'l•~es or Anthonie, the caf~bee– mgaltered, becaufe they are not oQe to ano– ther as parents and children. all manner ofdu<ie and couttefie: that, r.jh iHdgement,t!'ou{Thconjintc~~ thertto,i.f but~ vem-~tft ]fnm: tlrat,lt u lamfHIIotherwhiles t•f.Une holini"that theprlintingoftlufaceioordi. nlfrslybut 4 'VIniatL]inne: that, it if not laWful/ to forbidbegging: wheyeas the Lord torbad there lhouldbeany beggariciifrael, Againe, they D teach, that men in their choler, when they are achiding, and fwearewonndsandbt..d, are not indeede blafphemers, Laffly, their writer~vfemanifefllying to iufiifi~thei!~oarine•.They pleade fallly :hat allanttqumuson thetrfide; whereas it isas muchagainll: them, as for them : and as m~ch for vs as them.Againe,theirmanorhath beene andis ll:ill to prooue their opinions by forged andcounterfeitwritingsofmen, ro'me where.. ofiwillname. t S11e'nt lames Liwrgfe. • TluC•nonsofthe Apof/les; 3The bo•k/if'lJionjjim AreopagitA, andname- !J/De Hter~trchJ~t Ecclefiajlic4. 4Tht DecrezaiiEpijflesofihe Popes. • 5P•pe Clemenpwork!s. 6 S•m<oftht Epif/lcsoflgn•ti,.;. Ggg • Mob.. rract.2. C;tp.of.Cal) l· ftdob. · tra8..2.c. 7.COD.J. prop. 6.i· derncom~ muniu:r onUles. Mola. ~.con. r. damex uri. Deur.Ir. Greg. de J.dif.I. q.zJ.and C:tictan.