Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

620 'IhepraElife of a 7 Origms book$ of rtpcntance. Hu hotnilies in A try &conmry. The firfiis, theltagseofc~ncord J.iuerfosfoniloJ:Commentaries on lob:& bt~ok! w~cnone kmgdom bindsit felfto iiue inpeace t~f Larmntation. wuh another.,tor the maintenance: oftrafficke 8Chry{ojlomes Liturgic, · without di£\urbice:& rhis kind of league may 9Bajils Litnrgitondhi.Aftttica. £\andbetw<~ne Gods Church, &theenemies 10 .Aug•flinesbook! de 8qu<tfi.D•kitii. A book! ~herof,Thc fccond is,theleagueofamiry:which of true andf11lfe repentance. IS when men, plople, or countries bind them.. Serm.defeftoc9memorationis animarNm~book.! felues todef(:tJd e,;~ch other inall caufes:and to dedogm.Ecclejiaj/.Se'rm,adfratres in Htreom. makethe watres ofthe one,thc warresofthe S<r,o{Pettrsch•irc.Book..ofvijitingthejick,_&c. other; and thi• league may not be made with li. luj/in .51/<rtyrr !f2..utj/oonund .A>f•r~<rs. thofe t.hat bceene~iesofGod." l<b.foph.r, o1aAthan<Jiru Epif/lc to 'Pope Frzlix,' • therw1fe agood kmg,made this kind ofleague 13 Bernards Sermons ofthe Lords S•pper. with Ahab, ~nd is therefore reprooued bythe 14. Hieromes Epijl/e •a Demerriademfououring Prophet,faymg,Wouldeftthouhelpethe wicof'PelagiUI. ked,& louethem that hatethe LordI 2 , Chrr de Monogamia. 19,•· Nowthe marriagesofProtell:antswith 16 ()priande (hrifmatt& de abliuio11epednm. Papifrs,are priuate leagues ofamity, between I ?lntheCounce!lofSard.cathe.3·4·•nd5 .conoos perfon andperfon: and therofore not tobcal- •rt forged, lowcd.Again.ludahhathdefiiedth.:b.iines oftht J8.lnthe Coun<el of?{ice allfo•e >o.areforged, LordwhschheloHed,&hathmarriedthedaughttr 19{erti<in Romane (oHnctls vnder Syluej/erare B ofaj/rangegsd:where isfl•tlycondemnedmar. forged For he,..,, at thu ti,.,e dead,Andthere. riages made with the people of a falfe god: forccoold mt confirm<them:Zoum.lib,,, Now the papr£\s by the conkquents oftheir 20 To thejixtcano» ofthe Cou'1Ce0of'lj,iceare dodrine &religio, turnethe rrue Iehouahinparched theft words, that the R.omaRe to an idol oftheirowne braine,asi haue thewChurch bath alwaics had the Suptemacie. .ed, and the true Chrifi nuealed in thewritten 21 Lajlly, IwiU notomit th.r'l'opeSoiimus,Bo word,intoa fainedchrill: rnadeofbread.Yetif nifacim,&CO!lcj/in"'falftftcd the CARos of the fuch amarriage be once made and finifhed, it Counce/1 of'l{j_ce,to prooue app<Aits from •Ipiamay not be dilfolued. For fuch parties 6n not ets to Romrfo,u rheBijhopsof Afridz.wereforfimply in that they matry, but bec:w(e they cedr.ftndjorthe truec.pies ofrhefoid COHnetl marry net in the Lord, b<ing ofdiuers religiftom Conj/antinople & tht Churches ofGretce, ons. The fault is not in the fubfiance ofmarri· l might here rehearfe'many other finnts age,butinrhe mannerofmaking it; & for this which with the former call for vengancevpon caufe • the Apoll:le commands the bck-euing the Romane Chnrch,but it fhall fufliceto ha4e party, no.tto forfake or refufe the vnbeleeuiog named a few oftne priocipall, parry,being a 'Very infidel(which no Papi£\is) Now inthisreafon,ourSauiour Chrifi pre• ifhe orfhee will abice,1.Cor.7 13· fcribes another mai~edutie to his owne peo· C The fecOd thing Js,thateucryferu:it ofGod plc: andthat is, to beecarefi·ll t(\ efchew all mull: take heedbow hetr:weh into fuch counthdinnes ofthe Churchof Rome, thatthey .trieswherePopifh religion is £\ablifhed,Jefi he ·may withall efcape her deferucd plagues and /partake in the fins &punifhments thereof. In. punifhmcnts. And ftom this prd~ribed dutie deedtogovpon a\nbalfage toany place, orto I obferue two thing$• The fir£\ is, that euery' trauell forthis end, tllat we may performe the good fetuant of Go\i • mu!t carefully auoide nece!farie duties for our fpccialor general ea!. contracts ofmarriage with profelfed,Papifis, lings 1 is not vnlawfull: but totranelloutoftbe that is, witb fuch as bold<the Po~e for their • precJcds ofthe C~urch , onely for pleafures head and bdeeue the doctrine ofrho Coun. fake,& tofee firange fafh16s,hath r.o warrant. eel ofTrent. For infuch matches men hardly And hence itis, that many men which goe ke<pe faith &good.confcience,& bardlyauoid fo~th in goodordc.r wdl minded, co:ne home communication w!ththe fins oftbe Romane wtth crazedconfnences. The be£\ trauellerof Church. A further ground ofthis dodtine I alis he,t.hat liuing athome or, cangoe thus propoud: In Gods word there ismenuoout ofh1mfelfe,anddoparr from hiS owne ·fins ned adouble league between man&- man,c~ii· _and corruptions by true repentance, AN ADVER.TlS'EMENT TO ALL FAVOVRERS OF THE Romane Religion,!hewiogthat the faid religion is aj:ainfi thC: Catholike principles and grounds of the Carech1fme. 11R.rcat is the numbc~of tle D uot~d. thu way, neuer faw ••):'other truth. that imbrace tne •digioR Nowofth.e& r~ere£\J defirethJS fauour,that of the prefent Cborch of tb~y wil b~t we~h.&ponder With themfelue.s Rome; .beinQ,d~oiucd by tl)ls.onc th!nff, wh1cb I wJil now offer t~thm. 1bc ~lohous mles.of.Vi mconfideratm~s,&, that1s, Th•tt~eRomanerel• uerfality Amiquity Sue· gionnowj/~blijlmibythe CoHncelofTrent,umthe cefslon. 'And no doubt principaOpoinlt tl;ereof•t.'""j/thrgroNndsofthe thogh fome be wilfullJ_blinded, yet many deC•ta:hif""· that haue beeoeagteed vpon euer Mal.t.n ' · fince r---~------------------------~----------------~~--