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to reformed Catbo/i~. 6l.l uncethe dayes ofthe Apollles, by all Chur- A ches. Thefe grounds are foure: th_e firft is,tbe Apoftles Creed: the fecond is,the decalogue or ten ciimandemonts; the third is, the forme ofprayer called the Lords prayer: the fourth th•t vrem•JIbdeeue t}Je Ch11rch, •ndnotbeleeue in the Churct.:beca•fothe Ch•rchu not !j<d.b•t the b.ufoofG.d. Hence it follows thatwe mull: Rhem. not beleeuein the Saints , nor put ourconfi· Tdl. on dence in our workes, as the learned P2pifts Rom. 1o. teach. ThereforeEufcbim faith, Weeougktof ' 4 · is the inftitution ofthe two Sacraments, Bap– tifme,and the Lords Supper, r•O•r•II·>a• , That I mzy in fome ordermanif,ftthis which I fay,I wil begin withthe Symboleor Creed. And'(irftofal'itmuft be conildered,that.fotne of thp principall dotlrinos beeleeued·in the Church of Rome are,that the Popeo~1\ifhop ofRome is thevicar ofChrift,and the headof the Catholike Church: that afireof purgatori<afterthis life: that .i111age~ofGod and Saintsare to be placed in Ch_urcbes and worfhipped:thatpraieristobe111ade to Saints departed,& their intercefsion to be.req•1ired: that there is apropitiatorie fa<rifice dailycf– fered in the Maffe for the finnes of the quick & thedead. Thcfe points are ofthat moment, that without them rhe Romane religion can not !land : and in the Councdl of Trentthe curfe Anathem• is pronounced vpon al fuch as denie thefe or any of them. And y<t marke; the Apo!Hcs Creed which hauebecn tf.ought to containe all aeceff.ry points in.rdigiorno right to beleeNe';PeterandPaulJbHt tobelecu.f in i~~;;. Peter 11nd Ppfl/, thAt h, t"giueto theflrlfli{Jt the hom. 2 , hpnoHr oftheLord,wu ought ,ot. And Cypri~tn de ~ymb. faith, Hetkt'h not beleeuei~ Gpd.'fVhichcothnot Cyp<. de place inhim•lonethe truf/ofhu wh.lefolicity. , dupl•. ;. The arti,!e, conceiJ<ed. b the holyGhoft, is Mactyr. p~erturned by the_tranfob{l:antiationof bread & wine in theMaff<,intothe body and blood o{Chri(l:. )?or herewearetaught toconfeffe be beleeued, andbath therefore.been< called the k._ey andruleoff•ith; this Creede I fiy,hatb not any of the.fe points:nor the Expofitions madethereof by the ancient fathers , nor any othetCreedeor confefsionof faith made by C any Counccll or Church for the fpace ofmaB rhe rrueand perpetuall incarnation ofChrill, ,beginning in his conception, and neuer en– ding afterwarcj: aad we acknowledg the truth .!'>f his manhood, and that his body hat;h the elfenr!all prpp<!tie~ofatrue_body,ftandingof flefh ~"d botJF,haumgquanttty,figare,dimen– fions,namdy IC)Jgth,bre~dth, thickneffe : ha– uing p.rt out of part,as head out offeete, and feet out ofhe~Q..beir)gal6 circumfcribcd, vi• fibl~,tonchable :inaword,ithath·all things in , it,whkh by order ofcreation, bt!Gngto a bo– dy.Itwillbe f~id, thatthe bodyofCnriftmay rqnainea true body andY" be alr~red in re– (pect offeme qualitic,as.n•m.ely circumfct ip· tion. But 1 fay ag•inc,that lqcall circumftrip-' tion canno way be feueredfroma body, it rc– maining,.a boily•.J'or to be circtt111fcribed in place, effentiall propertic ofeuery quoadtie: andquantitie is the common effence of ny hundred ~cares. This isa plaine proofe to any indifferent rnan,that thefe be new articles of fa;rh neuer knowne in the Apoftolike Church : & that the fathers & councels could not find any fuch articles offaith in the books oftheold and new tdl:ament.Anfwer ismade, that all thcfe points of doll rine are beleeued vnder that artide,l beleeuethe ( 4thoilkechurch. the meaning wherof they will haue to be this, l beleeue aU things which the Catholike Chllrch holdeth and teacheth to be bel:eucd. Ifthis be astheyfay,wee muO: needes beleeue in the Church: that is, put our confidence in the Church,for the manifellation and the cer– tenty of all doctrines neceffarie to faluation: and thus the erernall truth of God the Crea– tour,fh;;1l depend on thedetermination ofthe creatur<:;and the written word ofGod in this refpetl is made vnfufficient; as thoogh it had notplainly reuealed al poinis ofdotlrine per– tainingto faluation. And the auncient Chur– ches haue been farouerfeen, that did not pro– pound the former points to be beleeued asar– ticles offaith,but left the to thefe lmertimes. z. In this Creed,tobeieeue inGod.,and to be. leeuethe Church •redi!Hnguifhed. to bdeeue in, is peruining to the Creatour~tobe/eeHe, to the creatt\re: as R•ffinU6 hathnoted , when hee symb. faith; that by this prepoutian in,the Creatour , is diO:inguiihed from thecreature, and things Scrm.IJI pertaining ro God from things pertaining to de"temp 1 men., i\ndA•g•Jiine faith, It "'''ft beek..~Wvrne euery bodie. And therefore abedie in refpect ofhis quamitie mull needs be circumfcrioed in one place. Thiswas the iudgcm<nt of Lto, whenhefaid, ThebodyofChriftu byno191Mnes Epill.7o. out ofthe truth of o•rbodie. And .Augnffioe, Troti.JI. when he faid, On~ly GodinChrift fo comes thdt in toh. hedotbnotdep•rn .fo retHrwes, that heedoth not /.edH~-vs : but mtm ltCCGrding to b~dy U in pl~tce, 4ndgm outofthe fome pi4ce, •ndvrhenbeefh•U come to Mother place, bee is not in that place whence he~omes.Tohelp the marter,they vfc todi£linguifh rhos: Chills body inrefpe(l or the (4) whole effence thereofmay be in many a Tot~li .. tatee( .. finti;r, nontot;J.. lir.ue D places ; bur not in refpett of the whole quan– titie,whereby it isonely ir>onc place: but as I haue faid, they fpeake conturies: for quanti– tie (by ail learning) isofthe elfence ofa body without whicha body cannotbe. ' quaoti"- 4· In the Crcede we confdfe that Chrill:is <is. afccnded into heauen, and thereafter his af– cenfion fits at the righthand ofhis Father, & that according tohis manhood. Hence I con– clede, that Chrill:s body is not really and lo· cally in theSacramer,& in eucry Hoft, which the priell conlecrateth. This argument was goodwhenVigiliJUagain£! E~<tyches f•id,When i<(the flefh)vr.uon e•rth_it"'"'not inhe•uen:and Lib+ bect~HftitUn9winhe~tum,iti&not one4rth: :md he addcs afterward, that this isthe Catholike faith & ciifefsion.And it was goodwhcnFu/- gcntiw faid, Accor•ing tohi4 hHm4ntfubfl•n<e Ad Tbraf Ggg 3 he I '