Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

.An aduertifement hew a& abfmtfro,.earth, when he w.u inhe•uen, A•pinions of the Chnrch of Rome are quit & be lifttheea~th whm he•Jcmded uerthrowne : one, that we cannot by fpc~i~j And,Th,fome mfeparAbil Chrifl,accordingtohu fatth becertaine oft~e remifsion of our fins whole 1114nhoodleauing theearth,jocally•fcended and the faluarionofour foules; the othettha: mtoheaue,r!rfits~ theright hand,& according to a man truely iufiilied may fall and be damned. thefo'!'e wb~/e,M'hood,he~!t•come!o•udgement. ~ow this cannotbe, lfthe prafiifeofthe anCyrii.l.9. And It was good wken {jr~l fatd, '1X! man ctent Church be good, which bath taught vs iolob. doubts bHt when hee <tftended into he.uen, tobeleeueeuerlalling lifeioyntlywithremif.. .. Sy'! Ca&ech. Jib-4. C-1· &1.1. c. to. Scrm.' ltf. de Temp. o~Do&. Chrifl.l. x.cap. xS. I lserm. . 1~3. de •\ Temp. thoughh~ bealwaiespreftnt by thepowerifhi<fPi· lion offinnes• Nt,he '¥•s al)fc'nr in refpel'tofthe prefenceof To come to the becalogue, 6rfi ofall it is hi~flefh.And irwasgoodwU! Augujlinefaid, a rule in expounding thefeueral! commandl:~ .At<ftfdingtithefle]h whi<hthe Wordaffomed,he menrs,that whete any viee is forbidden there afcmdedimo heauen,he is not here: there he flu the conttarie vertue is comlllanded a'nd all •t the right handofthe F•ther: andheu herac. vertuesofthefame kind,with all theircaufcs cordingtothepreftnceifhu M~iefti•. And, Hee1 occafions, furrherances. Thisrulcis gr~nted 11unt"'he w.u mAn, andhe .boad"' hew.u God: B ofall : and hcnceitfollowes, that connfels of he went by that whereby he was in one place; perfecftions, ifthey haue in them any furtheheaboadby that whmbybe wAuuery where. ranee of verme, are inioyned in and by tbe . 5. Againe,in that we beleeuethe Cathola~, and thcreforeprefcribe no fiateofpcrfelike Church, tt followesthat the Catholike cfttonbeyondthefcopeofthclaw. Church i• inuilible: becaufc: things feene are Secondly,the commandement, Thou lhalt notbeleeued. And theanfwer commonlyvnotmaketothy felfeany grauen image, &c. Ce?,that we bekeue theholines ofthe Church, bath two feuerall parts. The firfi forbids rh~ wtllnot ferue the rurne. For the words are making of carued or grauen images : the fc:- plame,and in them we make confefsion, rhat cond forbids rhe adoration ofrhem.Now the wee beleeue not onely the holinef!e of the firfi part is notably expounded by VI!efts, Church,but alfothe Church itfelfe. DeHt+t6. Ta/ttg10dhude11ntoyourftillts th•t La!Uy,the articles,Remifsion offinnes,ReJ." corrHpt notyourjdues, and"'"lt.{ you•grauen furrecftionof the body, and Life euerlafiing, image orrepreftntationif•nyfigurtintheli/ttnts conralne aconfefsion offpeciall faith.For the ifmaleorf"""le.Marke the reafon of this promeaningof them is rhus much : I beleeue the C hibition in the fame place:for(faith he)ye fow remifsionof mine owne finnes, and the renoimagei,thed")the LordJ;•k!.vntoyouinHofurrccftion of mine owne body to life euerla· reb.Aodv.x••Te heardthe 'fJoi«oftheworJs,bst flmg: and that by the iudgemerit of learned fow noJimilitudtfaue av•ice. Now the reafon 1lltiquitie. Augujline faith, JjthoNalfobeletile being vnderfiood of the image of God himthat thoufhalt rife againe and afcend into hea. felfe, the prohibition mull: needs be vnderuen (becaufc thouart fim if fo great ap•tro•e) flood. Againe, there is no quefiion, that thonart certaineiffogreatagift.And,Mafi<not God diretls his commandement againll a Chrifl leffo, who brings thee to theki_ngdome of fihne in fpeculati<>n , but againfi feme comheauen,forremi!fionofjinntt.W>thout thi&[aith,if rnon and wicked pratlife ofrhelcwes,& that anycome to bapti[flle,hejhutsthegate of mercie awas to .reprefc:nt God himfelfe in likene1fes gain}/himftife. And, whofoe•erfaithfuHy btlee. and bodily formes, Efo.4o.18. Andthat was Reth,andholds thi,. prife!fion which alfo the pratlife of tbe Gentiles, that were aB hi< Jinnes are forgiuen him) let him prepare mort grolle in this kind then the I ewes. R•m. hinviUtothe willofGod,anJnotfeare hi< paff"le I. 2 3• This theN is plaine to any indifferent by death. And,'I'hewhole Sacr•mentofb•pti[me man, thatthe firfipattofthecommandement: jlands in thu, th4t,Wte btfeeHe the reforrefJion of ~rbidsthe making ofgtauen images, Or likethebody, andrtmiffionofJinnesro be giuenvsif D ndfesof the true Jehon•h: and thusthe RoGod.And ,Hegauetheft {,Jie; totheChurch-, mane Catechifme vnder!lands the words. As that whofoeuer in hi<Church, Jho•ld not btleeNe forthe fecond part, it mufibe vnderllood achufi~nes tobeforgiu.n, th'J{bould not beforgiuen cordingto the meaningofthe firfl:and tberevnto him;•ndwhofoeuer belee•ed,anilturnedjiom fore it forbids vs, tobowdown toany iiD•gc them, abidingin the lappe of thefoid (hurch, at ofGod.Hence.then it follows,that to worfh!p leng•h ]hall be healedby faith ttnd amendmentof ~odor S~mtsrn,or atJmage~,a~d to W?rlhtp life.And,TharwhichthoH haft heardto befulfilled !mages wtthrehgtous worlhtp, rsa~omt6able intheglorio~tsrcfurreflirmof(hrifl, btleentthat tdolatry. And comm<>n rcafon m1ght teach the very{amefhall be fulfilled inthee,inthe lajl vs thus much. For they that adore and woriu~ement, andthereforrefJion of tbyJlejh,fba/1 fhip the trueG~in ima!les,dee biRdt~epre1 . rejlore thtt for all tternitie. For vnleffo thoR]halt fence ofGod,hts operauon,grace, &hishea- . ~; be/ceNt th"t thou arttobe rrpairedby de~tth~ tht~u ring of vs,to certame thing!,places., fi_gnes,to /Aug. j, can}/not come to the rtwordiflife ererna/1. And whichhee bath notbound ~tmfdfe' •:r~erby I Symb. 1. in ancient time, the article ofthe refurrel'tion commandcment or promtfe: aadthtsts >~- \ •:<· 6. ad hath beene rehearfedon this manner, There. therwife toworfhip God,and toCeekc for hts Cotecb. forrefJionifth•flefh: and the lafi applied vnto blefsings, t~en hehath corn!"anded htmfelfe I ~ .• ~~~4. it,Toeuerlaj/inglife. Hence then two mainc otobee worlhtpped, or'promifed tohcare w. l ypon