to 'R.omane Catbolik.!s. Vpon this groui'KI isplainelyouerthrownet~e cxcufe which they make, that they worfh1p notimages,but<;iod and Saints in image's: for neitherGod nor rhe Saints doe acknowledge this kinde of bonour, but they abhorr~ it· Whence it followes neceffarily , that they worfhip nothingbefide tlje image, orrhe deuiceoftheir ownebraine, in which they faine to themfelues fuch a God as will be worfhip– ped,andreceioeour prayers atimagcs. I twill bee faid, that the,Papills doe not othetwifc tie the worfhip and inuocation of God to im2ges, then God tyed himfelfe to the San– ~uary and the templeof S4/lmo11. Andlfay agaioe , itwasthe will of Godthat he wooId fhew hisprefeoce, andbceworfhippcdatthe San&tary, aed the ieweshad the warrant of Gods Word forit: butwehauenolikewar– rant, eitherby promife or commandement to tie Gods prefence to an image or crucifixe. Againe,reafoo yet further may difcouerthcir idolatry.They,which worfhip they know not what,worfhip an idol:but the Papifis worfhip they knownot what: I prooue itthus. To the confocrationofthe holl, there isrequired the intentionofthe Pridl, attheleall: verrually, as they fay:and ifthis betrue, it follow<> tltat noneofthemcancometothe Malfe, or pray A afrer ourneighbours wife: and in the next~Iullingaftcr our neighbours goods,&c. Nowif the tall commandement alfo forbid no more butlull: with confent, itis confounded with the reil: : and by this meanes there fhall not be ten di!hnlt words , or commandcmenr• : which to fay i.abfurd: it remaincs therelore that the lull: here forbidden goes before con~ Cent. Againe, the Philafophers knew thar 1~11: with confenr w., cuill, euen by the light ofnature: but '7'Aolalearned Pharifie, 2nd therefore more.thenaPhilofopher, knew not lull:tobefinne , that is forbidden inthis com– mandement• R•"'·7·7· Lutl therefore that is forbidden here, is without conf<ot. Wicked B then is rhe dochine ofthe Romane Church, teaching that in1uerymortallfmnt i&rt-quirrdan aCf <ommaRdedofthewihandhencetheyfoy .rnany thDHghts againflfnithJ~tNdvnc/t~tMe imnginlltitms arenojinnes. · 6. Lafily, the words ofthe fecond com– mandemenr, And]hew mercie to thoufondt on them th11t loHe 11J6 and~epemy commandements, ouerthrowes all humane merits. Forifthe re– ward bt ~;~uc.n of me_icie tothem ,that keepe the law, lt 1s not g1uen for the merit of the worke done• - in faith, but bee mull alwaies doubt ofthat which is lifted vpby the hands of thePriell in the Maffe 1 whether it be bread or rhc bodie and blood ofChrill. For none can haue any c certainty oftheintention o(the prieJl: inco"– fecrating this bread andthis wine: but rather may haqc aiull oecafion ofdoubting, by rea– fodo f the common ignorance and loofeneffe oflife in fuch perfons. To <Omc to the third part of the Care chifme : the Lords prayer is a moll: abfolute "nd perfecHorme ofprayer. For whichcaufe it wascalled ofTert•Uian, The brmU.ri:ofthe Gojpel:and Ca:l•ftinm fairh,7he/a~> ofpraying u the lawofbelte••wg,andtheU.w ofw~rki,ng. Now in this prayer wee are t2 ught to dm tl our prayers to God alone, O•rFather , &c.' and that onely in the n2me and mediation of Chrifi.For God is our Fatherondyby Chrifi. It is needlert'ctherefore, tovfe any inuocation of Saints~ or to make them our mediatoursof inrcr~e!Sion vnto G0d;andit is fuflicientifwe pray onely vnro God in the name0f Chrifla– Ionc, Thirdly, the commandement touching the Sabbath, giues aliberty tOworke Ct,.e daies iu the ordinary affJires of our callings : and thisliberty cannot bee repealed by any crea– ture. The Church ofRome therfore erreth,in thatit prefcribeth fet and ordinarie fefiiuall daies, notonclytoGod, but alfo to Saints, in– ioyniogthem as!lraitlyand with as much fo. lemnity tobe obferued as the Sabbath of the Lord. . Fourthly, t~e ~fth ccmmandement, er (as D tbey fay) the tourth, inioynes children too– beyfatherand mother inallthings, efpecially 2· Inthe fourth petition,we fay thus, Gi•e VH#rd4i/1 bread, Inwhich words, weeac– knowledge that euery morfel of bread is the meere gift of God, What madnefk rhenis it for vs to thinke , that wee fhould merit the kingdomc oflleauen by workes, that cannat merit fo muchasbread? 3. ID theneXt petition, Forgiuevs our debt;~ foure opinionsofthe1\omancreligion art"<;li~ reltly oucrthrowne· The lirll: is, concerning humane Satisfatlions. Forrhe childe ofGod is here afcer hisconuedion taught, to humble himfclfeolaybyday, & to pray forthe pardon ofhisdaily fins; now tomake fatisfatlion, and Mol. tr:tft.c.27 COQC",i. in mazters ofmoment , as in their marriage and choice oftheircallings: and that euen to death: andyet the Church of Rome againll: the intent of this commandement, allowes that clandelline marriages, and the vowe of religion fhall bee in force, though they bee without, and againll: the confent of wife 2nd carefull parents. Fiftly,the Iall Gommandement oflull:, for– bids the fir(l motions to finne, that are before confeat. I prooueitthus. Lufiingis forbid– den in the farmer commalidements as well as. in the !aft, yea lufiing that is ioyned 1 :;vtthcoofent:asin thecommandement, Thuo un•lt not con~mit adH!terie > is forbidden Jutting to fue for pardon,be contrary. The fr.cond o· pinion here ouertbrowne, istouching mer)ts. For we doeacknowledgeo9r felues to be~btcrs vnto God,yea bankrupts, and that befidc the maine fumme of many thoufand talents, wedaily increafethe bebt, therfore we cannot , pofsibly merit any of the blefsings of God.Ir ts mecre madndfe to thinke, that tl1ey which cannot pay their debts , but rather incrcafe