Jfn aduertifement to ~Ointtne [atholik!s. them day by day , fhoald deferue or purchafe A touching all the former petitions, that thev any ofthe goods ofthecreditours, or the par- !hall be granted, and therefore a fpeciall faith d0nof their debts: and ifanyfauour be !hewconcerning remifsian of finnes: which the ed them, it comesofmeere good will withOtit Romane Cllurch denierh. theleafi defc:rt. In a word 1 this mull 6ee To cometothe!a!l part!, to the inftitutinn thought vpon,. that ifallwe can doe, will not ofthe facramentofthe Lords fupper, r-Cor. kecpc vs from increafing the maine fumme J r -•3· In which fir!l of all the real! prefc:nce ofour debt, much le!fe !hall wee bee able by is by many circumfiances ouerrhrowne. Our aQy merit todimini!h the fame: bygoodrigbt ofthe words, hel9ok!andbr.lt!, it is plaine .therefore doe all good feru.ants cafi downe that which Chrilltooke was hot hisbody:be~ themfelues and pray,Forgiue 'IN ourdebts. The caufe ~e cannbt be faid with his owne haads third opinion is, that puni!hment m•y bee re- _to haue taken, held, aild broken himfclf<, but rained, thefault being wholly remitted: !Jut thevery-l:fread• .Againe, Cbrifi faidoot:vnder this cannot !land, for here fini!e is calledotir thefmtleofbread,rfrm br<Aii: bu! Thi;, thar is debt' bec.ufeby'batme weowcvntoGodo- B breadumybody. 3.llreadwasnotgiuenforvs: bedionce, and forthe defeCI: oft~i• paiment, butondyt!Te body of thrift' and ihthis fidl wefu'rtherowe vnto him the forfeiture ofpuinfiitutiorl, the body ofC~li!l was not really 'ni!hment. Sinue then is called our debt in giUentodeath-4-TbecuputhtnewTeft.imenr refped of the puni!hment. And therefore by a figure: why may not the bread betbebowhen we pray for the pardon offinne,wee redy ofChrifi by afigure alfo? 5.Cbrifidideate qoire the pardon not only of fault, but ofthe the fupper,but not bimfc:lfe. 6. We arc bidden whole puuilhment. And when a debt is partodoe it,tilbecome: Cbrift then is not bodily doned, itis abftlrd to thinke thatthe leaf!paiprefent. 7-Chtift bidsthe bread to be eaten in ment would remaine- Tho fourth opinian is, Arememhr••ce of him ' but fignes of rernemtrntr.a man in thi• life may fulfil! the law, brance are of things abfent. IfthePopilh real! wlic~.t\l~place euery feruant of God is prefence be granted, then the body and blood taught to aske a d'l!,!y pardon for the 0reach of Chrift are either fcuer<d, or ioyned togeofrhe Jaw. Anfwerismade,thatourdaily fins C ther:if feuered,then Cbrifi is fiillcrucified: if arevenial! and not againft the law, butbefid• ioyned together, then the bread is bcth tbe the law. But this which they fay is agaioft the body and blood ofCluifi:whereas the infiitupetirion:for adebt that c~csby'forfeiture is tion faith, The breadu thebot!J, •ndthewineu againfi the bond or obligation. Now euert theblood. • finne is a debt cauling the forfcirure ofpuni!h2. "Againe, hcrciscondemncd theadminiment; and therefore;. not bcfide, br,t dired- !!ration of the Sacrament vnclcr one only ly againft thclaw. kindc. Forrhe c0mmandement 6f Chirfi is, + In this clau[e,.Asweforgineo~~rdebters,it 'IJrinkfy.-a oftbif,M•t-•6·27-And thiscom- ·istakenfor'granred, that we maycertaintly mandement is rehearfed to the Church of kftow that we are in louc and charitie with Corinth in tbefe words: Doethi4 M oft tU)' men,when we make reconciliation: why then drink.! it inremembr1111ceof"u, r.Cor.Jt.25.And may.we not know certainty that we repent, no power can rroerfe this comrnandemc:nt : and beleeue, and are reconciled to God? becaufe ir was cftabli!hed by the foueraigne which all Romanc Catholikes deny. headoftheChurch. 5.In the!all words,andltAdevsnotintotempThcfe few lines, asalfo the formertteatife, wi:m, wee pray not, that God wouldf(eevs D I of!Cr to the view and reading of them that from temptation (for it isotherwhilos good fauoMr the Romane religion: willing them to be tempted, P{al-26-t.) butthat we be rot with patienceto confiderrhis one thing, that lefrto rbemalice ofSarhan, and held captiue their religion, ifit were Catholike aud Apooftbe temptation, for hereto bee leddemto fiolikc (as they pretend)could notbccontra- · remptaticn, .and to be deliuered, are oppofed. 1 rie fo much as in one pomt, to the grounds of Now hence Igather, that bee which is the all Catccbifmes, that haue bin vfed in Churchilde of God truely iuflified and fanc!'tified, ches confefsingthename ofChrifi, euer fince !hall neuer fall wholly and finally from the the Apofilesdayes. And whereas it crolfeth grace ofGod: and I conclude on this manner. the faid grounds in fundrie points ofdofuine, That which we aske according to the will of j (as I haue.prooued) it is a plaine argumet'lt, 1 h 1 GOD,!hallbe granted, but this the childeof th~t the prcfent Romane religion is degene- :~.0 ·.:. Godasketh, that he might neuer be wholly Irate. Iwritenottllis,dcfpifingorhatingthc!r forfakcn of his Father, and left captiue in I perfons fortheirreligion, ~ut wi!hingvnfa~- telnptation.Tbis rherefore!hallbe granted. j ncdly their conuerfion in thts world,aDd thetr 6-This claufe .Am.,,fignifiethafpecial faith faluatioN iu theworld tocome. F I ~··;rl S.