Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

A DEGLARA.TIOl'.J OF THE TRVE MANNER OF KNO\!VING CHRiST C RV CIF I E D. G A L. 6. verfe 14. qodforbid that Ifhould reiqyce, but in theCroffe of our Lord lefus Chrifl, &c. · 'To the 'l{eader. T u thtc1mmonfinne of men~t thiu/,ry,Andth..tin the 'li"J p!•mof !taming , that Chrill:crocifiedunotk!;owve M heought. Theright ~owlcdgeofwhom' is notto rn~tk!ofienmentionBj hiJ4(Ath4ndpaffion,andtoca0h•moNr S4Hiour, or to handlethe whole myf/"J of C1dincArnotefoundly or /e,zrned!y; (though thatbeaworthygiftof9odjb•tftrf/ofall, by theconjiderntionofthe pajf10n tcbe touchedwith•n inrrardandoliuelyfttlingofour jinnts, for which oHr Redee– merfujferedthepangsofhell~ and togrow toa! •f~•rfill!f•'lmd our /U.esp•Jiforthem,ondfrom thegr.•ndofthehr•rt to purpeft • refer# 11 ndaconfor,.i1Jt¥ith Chrifl in-alig11od t:V.ties that comerne m:4n:ficondl'1) inthepe~ffion, IU m 11 myrrour, tabeho/d, •ndinbebe/Jingto/qoHrtiCOTIIfrehtnd th<fe.gth, tht brt6dth,the height, the depth ofthe loueof•he Father,thAtg••• hu ....,deAr<Son•tto de•th; ondth•goodneffi of the Sonne, thAt wTRdbu enemies""'"then himfe/f•;thot ••~he•rtsmight be rootedAndgroHndedmthefome ;,He,andbefHrther infl•medtoWHI Gqd«gai*'· Tofurther thu tr•• ,.,,,rof k!;Dl!!mg Chrill: crucified, 1hAH!penntdthtfefewlines;rtAdtlhem 4t thJ /eAjim,AnJbane CAr< tlp..tbem inpra{jjfo: othemife,thll< Art bHt ~nenemy ofthe cro./Je afChrift, thoHghthoR prafeffihunaiiUnrHtrfo """"· lalf:3. J 596• OF ..