161.6 .~.--:~~~~~~-~~~~~m~~~P.~-ffil~.~. ;<'\ ~~~~~~~.$.fJ~~~~m~.!H~ Ofthe right eyaw_kdgeofChrij/crHCifird is the moll: excellent and A. lhouldefr.J~aue llood: r·hat·thyveryJerfonall partofdiuinc wifeand partkular fins were imputed an applied know Chrifi cruto him: thathe llood guihie as a malefallour The Prophet Efoy for them , a'nd fuffercd the very pangsofhell Ef,.rJ.Ir The f<!lowledge of my and that his fufferiogs areas much inacccp~ jirH4nt: that is , ration with God , as if thou hadfr borne the . . cruoified, fhalii•flifie curfeoft~e law in thineownperfon eternally, !oh,r7 + m4ny. And ChnCl hlmfelfe fatth; 'J'hu t; liji . The ~oldmg and bdeeuing of this point, IS mrnafl,tokzrow theethe onely God,andwhom thou' theveryfoundaticnofreligion, as alfo ofthe haftfonr,lefm Chrij/. AndPaul C. it!\; lhauede- .• Churcl1 of Gyd, Therefore in annvife bee I.Cor. '· creedto f<!low n,othingamongyo~<, but lefm Chrifl 'carefully to'apply Chria crucified tothy felfe: '· andhim crucified. Againe, Godf.rbidthat~ and asE~.J. when hee would reuiuethe t.!Gng. 4 Gal.6.r4. jhouldreiO)'CC inanything, bHtin thecrolfeof.,.r childeofrhe Shunamite, went vpaod lay vp- li· Lordlefm Chrijl. Agame,J thi•k!4H thingsbut B on him, and put his mouth vpon his mouth, Phil.J. 8. bl!fe,for the excellent f<!low/edgefok!ofchrij/Je. and his hands vpo~ his hands, and his;eyes fuunyLord, anddBCilldgerhembutdung, th.r vpon his eyes, and llretchedhimfelfevpon lmzghtwinne Chrifl. . him: euenfo, ifthouwouldeftbe rcuiuedto In the right way of knowing Cbrijlcrocifi. euerlallinglife, thou mull by faith as it were ed,twopoints muit beconfidcrcd: one, how lOt thy fclfc vpon thG crolfe of Chrifr, and Man for his part is to know Chrill:the other, apply 1hy hands rohis hands, thyfeetetohis how he is to be knowne ofman. fcere, and thy finfull heart to his belceuing Tonohing the fidh Man mull know Cbrifr heart: andcontentnot thyfelfewith ThomM, not generally and confu{edly, but by a liuely, to put thy linger in his fide, but euen diue and ·powcrfull,and opcrariue ~noW/"fge: for other· plunge thy.fel{e wh01ly, both body and foule, wife the diuels thtmfelues know Chrill. into the wounds and blood of Chrill:. This In this f<!low/edge,thrce thing.ate required. will make.thee to crie with ThomM, and fity; ThclirCl isnoriceorconjideratioll,wherebythou c My !Ardmy God: and this is robe crucified lrnnlt conceiue in mind, vnderCland, and feri· with Chrijl. And yetdoe not content thy felfc oufly bethinke thy f<lfe of Chrifl, as he is rewith this,but by faiihalfodefcend with Chrifr uealed in the hillorycft\le Gc;>fpell, and as he frvm the crofle to the graue,and bury thyfelfc isoffered to thy particular per10n, in the miin theyery buriallof Chrill,: and rheo looke nillery ofthe word;nd Sacraments. And that asthe dead fouldier tumbled into the graue this conGdeMion may not be dead and idle of Eli~<UI, · was made aliue at the very touinrhee, two thiugs muflbedone. Firll, thou chingof his body: folhalt thoubyafpuituall •.King. j mu!t_labo~r tofedethy felfctofta~din nee~ of touching,ofChri!l dead &buricd,bequicke- 'l·"·l Chii1l: cruetfied; yea , to lland·m excefsme \· ned to.life euerlalling. the fecond rule is,that need.euenOfthe veij leall drop ofhis blood, Chr.ill 'fucified ;, thine, beeing really giuen forthcivalhingaway of thy lihs.,-,Andynle£1~. thee q(.Go!l1h~ 'Father, euen as truely as ihon ihrongbly 'feele(\ thy fclfe, to w~nt all houfes an'd lands arc giuen ofearthly fathers that geodnos :md grac_c thatis in Chrill ; an~ : , to their childrcA; thus I~U~ thou Jirmely hold thahlwu euen !land 10 cxtreame need ofbs 1 andbel~eue: and ht'nce 1t 1s, t~at the!oenefits pafsjon, thou lhalt n~uer learne to teach 1 ofChrifr,arcbcforeGodour!mdeedeforour ~briCl in dted and trut~•.1~ feconcl tbmg D iullifica~ionandfaluation. IE, .viih the vi1derllandlllg ofrbe doCinne.of Th~ third point in liuely knowledge is , Chri!!, to ioyne thirlling, whoreby man 'in that by all the affc/Jions ofour hearts, wee very foulcand Cj>irit,longsafterrhe participamull bee carried to Chrifl, and as it were, tion of ChriCl, and faith in this cafe as Samptransformed into him. Whereas he gaue him· fon (aid;Giue me w•ter,l diefor thirft. felfe wholly for vs, we caA do no Ieffe\ then Iudg. ''· The fecond partofknowkdge,i>.4pplication, bellow our hearts vpon him. Wee mufl ' 8 · whereby thon mtlfr'kn6w and beleeue, n6t i therefore labour aboue all , following the onely that Chri!t was cmcificd, but that heel Martyr lgn<tim, who faid, that Chrill hi.s was crucified for the<;forrlsee I fay inparricu• loHe w.u crucified. Vjee mull value him at !o Jar. Here two rulci- mufl bee rcmcmbred aud high aprice, thar he mull bee vnto vs better .prallifed. Onc,that Chrill on the crofle was \then ten thonfand worlds: yea, all things t fry pl;dge andfuretic! in particubr• that he.e I whieh we enioy, mull bebutas dr.Jfc Andd»wg then !lood in the very roome and place, in vnrovsinrefpell olhim. LaClly, .all our ioy, which..thou thy felfe in thine owne perfon, reioycing,comfort, and confidence; mull bee placed