--. ~- ·Of Chrifl ~ruciped~ 61. Ti placed inhim. A~d tltat tbu~ much is.requifite Ai p~ehen_d and tedendthi"g, bu.rth~ rur.ious .in~ j inknawk dge, It appe.U:f&.h)t the commoil d•gnat1on and wrathofG\dia~amfltal t<&(oll ruleofexpounding ScripMei'~that ~~rk!r".( and feelmg, bee~u!b·~ld roo. rh~: lteri•<'of ~lowledge ;.,plyaffeltU>•.Arid.mi).eedu ubuta Cbri!l:;land know apmdrofi~tdigtOithard to knowledge livimming i>1 th~ braine.' .which be lea_rnrd, thot God is a mofr looi.fk f ~~he~ doth not alter ana d!fj>Ofe-tbar.aifethon,, and toth~m that haue care to feru<!<b111!! le\leil''H the whole man. " n I',.,··' ... )<·. thatmllant, whenhe.lheweg>htmfulft<.a lnof! , Thus much of our knolvlcdge• .- Now fol• fierce and terrible enemy. " •fl!" ··'· !owes the fecond 11oint ' how Chrilh•'ro he Frbmtbe benefit of· r.e<oneili..Jidltl~tocee&c knowne. Hee mull: notbec'k.Owne bar,Iyas foure benefits. Firll ,Jtbat ex;;elleli~J'"'"'if I God or as ma~r,or as afew·;borne in rhe tribe Godthatpaffethall vnderllar'f<lin~;whlchhath oUu'J.b, or.asarerribJe. arid,iullloo~ ;<but fixe p~rts. The1irlli~,pmce withGod and rhe 1 as heis our Redeemer, aqdcthe Yeryprioi:of bldfe~cTrinity. Rom.~.,. Beeingi~ftiftedom our redcmptioa·::and iMhisrefpetl, he mull hr<u•.peareWJth God.Tho fecond,peMe'Wirh flie b~econ!idered as· the -common tre<tfore and good Angels, /oh.I.S'J· T!-JhaOftethe A pge/s Cololl::. ftore.hooft of Gods Church,as·'1' ••.1 tellifiech B ofO..JAftendingandJ.ft:oding.vpan"the S~nneof i 1when heefaith In hm,.real\ thf. trtajimsuf ,..,, AndthatAngels~ikearmi<S offouldteu fpb.r. 3 . lt_.....,/,Jgulldw';;ed.mehid:Anclagainc,'IJ/effod incampe!'bout the ferliants ofGod, and as j bee qod.which bath blijfoilw Wt~h•li JPtntHAII ource~ ileare rbem m th~Ir atltles, .that they l<b.J.Io. Wejfings mChrift. AndS.lohn f<Uth, that uf h11 be neu~ ~urt by the..di?ell and hls-Angds, {Hintfft'J'Ie ,.,ceille:raeefor!,?'ace.•Here then let nor by luS<mllruments.;- It proccedsof .thls, ·vsmarke thatall the blcfsings ofGod, whe· thatt.heybeiogin Chrill,· are patta!<ebbf his ther fpiri;uall·ortemporall; all,I fay, without merits.Thethlrd is,ptace.withat fud ras fearo cxception,areconueyed vato,vs from the:FaGod,& bdeeueio Chri(b This Ef'!J'forerold' ther,by Chritt: and f., they mull beerecc1ued when be fai.d, thaube wo/ft Jl•t<ll dweOwith ihe ofvs,and no otherwife. That this point may l.cmbt, Altlltht leopard with <h•· k,idti•• ·~nd the befurthercleared,thebencfirs whicliwc relygu11ti • ·{At bMjf togtiher., ani that•alitt1e ceiue from Chrill,are to be handled, and the child• P.•Mk•<k theifl,&.f,c.u.v.6. Thefourth manner of knowint~ rllem. The benefits of is,p••<ewithaman•·own felfe, whentheconChri!l:are three,hisMe~it,his VtrtHt,his Exfcienec wafl"<\:in the blood ofChrill;,ceafeth •mple. . .• . . to accufe and tertifie: ilndwhen thowill,atfeThemeritofChrill,is thev.W.. andpriceof c tlions andinclin~tions6f the whole man, are his death and pafsion, whereby any man is obedient to the minde, enlighreged by the perfeCtly reconciledroGod. Thisr~conciiiaSpirit and word ofGod, Coleff. 3·1 r: 'Let.the cion harh two parts,r.,iffwnof!innes,andac- !'""uf Godrole inyo~rh~am.The lirll is,peace teptanctto lifeeutrlafting. l!.emifsioJJ of fins, withenemies,:mdthat two waics. firll,in that isthe remoouing, ot the abolilhing-borh of fuch a• beleeue in Chrifr,.feeke to haue peace the .tHilt and puvijh..mt of !Dans !innes. By with all mtn, buttingnone, but doing good gili!!, 1vnderltandafobieflionor~ligatwnto t\)al. Secondly,in that God rellraincs the mapunilhme"t, according ro the order·ofdiuihe liceof the enemies, and inclinesrheir hearts iuflice. 1 Andthepuni0Jmentoffinne, is the to be·peaceabk. Thus God brought Daniel -..lediflionor rurfopfthe whole law, which is intoleMt &faHoorwiththechiifeo{th<Eunmhu. Dan.r.9. ' fbe futfering ofthe firll 1 and.feconddeath·._A,. · The !all: is , piaeewith all creatures in heauen <rp~•l.iotito lifeenetlalling, isa.giuingof.right & earth; in that they ferue for mans faluation, :ind.titletothekiogdoijicofheaueri, and that 'Pf4i.~I.I3•T!.oufhal:w~/k!vp•nth<qon&tiH forthe meritof Chril\S obedience imputed. .Afit,~hejowgLyond' tbeDt~gofoal: ehou tread Now this benefit ofreconciliation; mull bee 'Unr#rfom.Hof.•·18•.AIJ<iinthatdaywiN1m•k! ·knownep>t by co11a:itand i!llagination, nor ,D " ~ournant/lirthe.,, with rh• beallsufth•field, bycarnaU prefurr.ption;butby the inl!fard.te• & ,;thtlit fowles #' htAHtt~.Now thisbenefitof ftiutonyof Gltb.ffiirit, certifying 0111' confd·· peace, is knowne, partly by the rellimony of enccs thereof.; which fotthis ~aufe; is called the fpirit,& partly by adaily,experiecetherof. 'Ph·'· !llejirit I{R<•t/.ctiiJf.~nd that ~emayaft:iin The fecond benefit, is a rcco~cry ofthat right , 1 • teWalliblcdilraDCeofthisbenefit, we mull andtir/e, which man harb to all creatures in ~te~r_llcpwmifcs.of th~Oofpd, t~uhea~cn and earth, and all te'!'porall blefsings, chipg re(llifsioupffiDnes,and hfe euetlallmg. whtch tight .Adam loll: to himfolie, andeuery '(bisJ!C.ein!: done,wee ltlllfl: furtherftriHt and QDC ofhis pofteritie,t.Ctr. 3· 22• Whether it be. indCIU!IUr,bythe ai\JranceofGods fpirit, io tbeworld,~rlife,ordeath, whtther they ~•thing! apply rhrmtpour felues,and t'.l beleeuo that prife•t' orthin:u•••me, allATIJOHTI. Now they belorigVlltOYs:and we m.u!l altO put 9'ir, the right wa.y of knowing thisone benefice: fclucsp~ento.thecxercifcsofinuocationand is this, When God vouchfaftth ineate rrue,repenrani:c.fqr in,aadby our cryingvn~ drinke,apparell,houfes,Iands,&c. Wee .mud to 1\c:auen t!> .God for our rcc•mciliatiou, notbarelycenlidertbem asblefsiogs.ofGod, comestheallilrJ!ncether~f,as.Scriptues and forthatvery healhen men,. which know not ch~j(ljancxpcrien~e !li,i\l<.e? man,ifcll,.· And if Chrifr,can do: but w~llll4acknow.iedge and : foltfallout,~~m .temptation, .ap.. ellecmethemas blefs111gs, proceeding from ,, ' the