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-of Chrijl · crucified. Our conformity with Chrift flands eithct A that in the day of iudgement wee may bee in the framing ofour inward & ft>iritualllife, whollydcliuered from all bondsofcorrupti6. orin the prallifeofoutward & f!10tall dnt!<S· The fourth part is, a fPiritn4/l aftcnfion into Conformitie offpirittlalllifc is, not by doheauen', byaconrinuall ekllationoftheheart ingthatwhich Chriltdid·vpon the croff:, and and minde to Chrift, fitting ar theright lland afterward,but a doing oft~e like, by acertain ofthe Father, asPaNI faith, Phi/. 3, 20, HaH< kinde of imitation. And it hath foure parts. yourconR<rfotion in he•um:and,Co/. 3 , 1 .Ifyeoe Tlie firftis,afPiri;sa/1obla;wn. For as Chrift in rifenwith Chriftfukerhoftthingtthatartahoue; rh< garden, and vpon the crolfe, by praytr Conformiric in morallduties, is either ge. made with ,!hangcries and teares, p:efcntcd ~erallor fpecia:t. Generall,isro be holy as he and re!igned himfelfc to be a facrifice ofpro-· .,.holy· Rom.8. 29• Thoft whom he kn•w before he pitia.tion to the iulhce ofhis Father for mans b.rhpred<Jiin•tt tobe like the imageof hufon, !inoe:fo muftwe alfoinprayer,prefent and reth.ris, notonelyin thecroae, but alfo in holi- !igocour felues, our foules, our bodies, our nefie and glory. t .Ioh.3-3- He whiehhaththu vnderftanding,will,memorie,atfeetions,& all hope, purifiethhimfilfoeumas heu pure. we haue,tothe feruice thegcnerall B Speciall conformitie,is chiefly in feure vercalling ofa Chriftian, and in the parucular tues;Faith,Loue,Meekeneffe,Humilitie. callings,inwhichhehathplaced vs. Takean Wemuftbeelikehim in faith· For as he example in Dauid; Sacrifice andburnt o/fermg when he apprehended the wrath ofGod, and I (CJitbhe)thouwouldftnot,buteamthouhaf/p«rthe.ver>:pangs ofhell werevponhim, wholly ced"""me;tbmfoid1,/oe,Icome: I drjire todot frated htrnteffe vpoo the aide,helpe, proteCiitb]wiJ,OG•diJea,thy!Aw uwithinmyheart,Pfo. on, and good pleafureof his Father, euen to 40·7· The fecond is,co•f.rmity inthecro/fo two tbelafr : fo muft We by a true and liuely faith \ waies.For firft,as he bare his own croi!C: to the olepend _wholly on Godsmercy in Chrift, as it plate ofexecution: fomuft we asgood difciwere Wtthboth our hands, m peace, in trouplcs ol Chrifr, denyour fdues,and take vp all blc,inlife,and in the very pang ofdeath: and the crofies & afJliaions that the handofGod we nmftnc:>t in any wife let ourholdgoe; no rhalllay vpon vs. Againe,we muft beco':'e like though wee rhould feele our ftluesddcehd to vnto him, in the crucifying and mortifying hell• 1 the body offione, which we carry about vs. We like him inmeekenelfe.Math, G•l. 5·24· Tbry wh~ehareChrifts,hauecrucified II • 29. Learne ef me,that_Jammeek! Rndiowiy. the Aerh with tl>e affeaions andbifi thmof. We C Hts '!'eekenolle. fhcwed tt ftlfe m the patient muftdor.asthe !ewes did,wee muftltt vp the beanng ofalmmrtos& abufes, altered by the croffes and gibbets whereon we are to falkn hand~offinfull>nd wretched men, and in the and hang this flelb of ours: thoris, the !inne futfenog oftl~e curfe ofthelaw,without grudand corruption that cleaues and flickes vnto gmgor repmtng,& With fubmifsion to his Favs,and by the livordofthe fpirit, wound it etheu will in all things.Now the more we foluen to death· This being done,we muft yetgo low him herein,the more that we beconformafurther, and labour by experieAce to fee and h/erohimin his death and pafsion, PM. 3 , 10 . feele the very deathofit,& to lay it as it were . T~ y,he~uft be our example inloue: he iu a graueneuer to rife againe: and therefore, loued h1 nemtes more then himfelfe. Efh. 5 • we lbould daily caft new moulds vpon it, The >: W4 1":!t U«u<rnuChrift loued vs,andbath third is, ajpiritua/lrofurrellion, whereby wee g•uen !Jtmfil·e forvsan •biationandfocriftceufa !lJouldby Godsgracevfemeansthatwemay fwmfme/lmgfouourvnto Gad, The like Joue cueryday more& morccomeoutof our!ins, oughtwetolhew,bydoingferuiceto •ll men ~s out ofa loathfome graue; ro liue vnro God tn rhecompalfeof ourcalling, and by beeing m oewndf• of hfe, as Chttft rofe from his all thmgstoallmen(a.• P••l was) that wee grane. And becaufe it is an hard matter for a D mightdoethemallthcgood we can, both for man to come out of the graue onarher dun- .body and foule, r.Cor.9•'9· geon ofhis!inncs, this workecannot bedone Lafting,wemuft follow Chrifrinhu 111 iiitie at once, but by ?egrees.• as God rhall giue w~ereofhe is a wonderfull fpeClacle, in tha; grace. Co"!idenng we he by nature dead in bemgGod, he became man for vs; and ofa curhns, lndfiinke in them as loathfomecariman, became a worme that is troden vnder on: fitft wemuftbegin t_D llirreour fdues~sa foore, thathemightfaue man. Phi/. 2 , 5 , Let man that comes out ofa 1\vowne. awakened wasinlef 116 (brift by the .vord and voice of Chrifts founding in who being inth<forme ufGod, humbledhimfilf; ourdeafccares;fecondly,we muft raifeTpour andbec4mtobedimtt~the death:~~ euentnhedet~th minds toabetter flare and condition, as wee u/thccroffi, vfe to rai(e vpour bodies: after this,we muft And~erewe muft obfcrue,that the t:<•mple putoutofti.Je graue, firft onehand~ then the of Chnft hath fometl1ing more in itthen any other. Th1sdone,we muft doeourmdealiOur other example hathor can haue: for it doth as lt Wtrevpon our knees, at the leaft to put notoneJy fhew VS What We OU(:ht to doe (as ,one footc out of the fepulcher of !inne, rhe the examples ofother men doe) but it is a reI rather when wee f~e our felues to haue one medi~againfr manyvice~(mdamotU.e tomafoote of the body m the graue of theearth, Ay good duties.Fitft ofall,theferious con!ideHh h ration