Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

h ~ 630 0 f. t eright k_nowledge I ration ofthis, that the very Son ofGod him- A elly intreate h_im, andfh~d hi~ blood: and by - felfe fuffered ail the paines and torments of thefe medJtattons, fpec1ally 1f theybee minhell on th~ crolfe for our finnes, is the proper gled with faith, thy minde fhall be eafed. and moll: elfeCluall meanes to llirre vp our Thus we fee how (hrift <rHcijied, is to bee \hoarrsro agodly farrow for d:em. And that known: and hence arifeth athree-fold knowthi• thing~aycome to pafle, euery man mull ledge;one ofGod, the fecond of our neighbe fetled ':"tthout d~ubt, that he was-the man bours,the third ofour f•lues. that crue<fied Chn!l:; rh.rhe'is to be·blamed Teaching the firll : ifwe would know the I 1 a.S well as IudM,Her~d~~PontiHJPilttte,and the true God aright,and know him to ourfaluatiI I ewes: and that his fins fhould be the nailes, on, we ~ull know him onlyin (hrifl crucified. the fpeares, and the thornes that peirced him. . ' God mh1mfelfe and his owne maiellie, is inWhen this meditation begins ro tilke place, uifible, not onety:o the eyes ofthe body, but bitternelfe offpirit;•wirh wailing and mouralfotothe very mmd•of men; and he is rening,rakes"place io like mam~cr. ·Z4ch.t:•IO· uealed to vsonely in Chrill, in whomhe istC) .And they jh40wok! vpon him, whom they lutue be fecne,as in aglalfe. Forin Chrill: he fettcth lpitrml:andtheyJI,aUlamentforhim.uone /amen• B fonh & giucshis iu!licc, goodnes,wifcdomc onelyfonnt. Peterin his fidl: Sermon and himfelfe whollyvntovs. Forthiscanfeh~ tlrookc the I ewes as with a thunder-clappe is~alled thebrghtnesdftheglory, andthe ingra,. from heauen,wl<en he faid vnto them, Tt h•~~e uenformeofthef<rfonoftheFather, Bebr.r. 3 • CTIICifiedthe Lordofglurie, fo at the fame time A!ldtheimage oftheinNijible God, Cof-/f.·I· IS• 3· thouGmd men were pricked in their beans, Therefore we mutt not know (f;od, and f<eke and faid,All.•·l7• Mtnandbrerhrm,wh.u jhal him any where elfc but in Chrill: and wharf<>· wedoto~eJalled? ~ainc, ifChrillforourfins euerout ofChrill, comesvnto vsinrhename fhedhisheartblo , and ifour fins made him ofGod,isaflatidolofmans braine. fweare water and blood; 0 then why fhould As forourneighbours, rhofccfpecially that not we our felues fhed bittor tearcs, and why areofChrilis Church, they are tobe kuowne thouId not our hearts bleed for them! Hee ofvsonrhis manner: When we aretodoany that finds himfelfc fo dull and hardened tbat dutie vnto them , we mull notbarely refpefr the pafiion of Chri!l: doth not humble him , thcirperfons, but Chri~cmifiedin them and is in a bmentable cafe, no fairh'in them in Chritl.WhenPaulperfecuteth fu~h as the death of Chri!l: effcliuall in him as yet. called on the name of Chrifl: , bee then from Secondly, themeditationofthepafsionof C heaucncried;S4MI,Sa•l,w~perfecwteftthou""mel Afl.9·4' Chri!l:, is a mofr notable meanesro brecdc reHerethen let this be marked , that when the pentance and reformation of life in time to poorecomes to vs for relccfe,it is Chrifi that come. For when wee begin to thinke, that comes to our doores, and faith, I am hungrie, Chrill crucified, by fuffering the lirft and feI am thirfiic, I am naked: & let tilebowels of cond death, bath procured vnto vs remifsion compafsion be ill vstowardsthem:astowards ofall our finnespafi, and freed vs from hell, Cbrifr, vnl<«e we wil hcare that fearefull fendeath, and damnation: then ifthere bee but a tence in the day ofiudgement,Goeyteurfodinfparke ofgrace in vs , wee begintobeofanoto hth,cfrc.IIIWhH•gry,andyef<ddome not.fiMS rher minde ~ and to reafon tlsus ~\fith our ns~td,awdyedidnlt<l-athwu,c;-c.MAtth. 25·~·•· feluos: What? bath the Lord beene thus merThirdly, the right knowledge ofour felucs, cifull vnto mec, that am in my felfe but a lirearifeth ofthe knowledge ol Cbrijl crucified, in brand ofhell, as tofree me from defewed dewhom, andbywhom, we cornetoknowfiue firu[!ion,& toreceiue meto fauour in Chrift I fpeciall things ofour fe!ues. The fir!l , how yea, no doubt he bath ; his name be ble!fed grieuous out finnes arc, andtberforc how mitherefore: I will nottherefore finne any more fi:rable weare inrcgard ofthlm.Ifweconfider as I haue done, but rather indcauour hereafter D our otfi:nces io themfdues, and asthey are in tokeepe my fclfe from eucry euill way. And v•,we may foone li>c:deceiued,becauftthccoo- . thus faith purifies both heart and life. fcience bci.ogcorrupted,ofteo erreth in giuing Thirdly, when thoaartioanypaineofbotellimony, and by thatmcanes, maketh finne dy or fickeneffe, thinkc how light rhefe are, toappeate kffe thenit is indeede. But iffin be compared to the agony and bloody fwearc, to confidered inthe death andpafsion of Chrift, the crowne of thornes and nailcs of Chrill. wherofit wasthccaufe,and the vilenes thereWhen thou art wronged in word or deede,by of meafurcd by the vnfpeakable torment• any man,turne thine eie tothe crotfe:Fconfider endured by the SonofGod: and ifthe greathow mecekdy bee futfered all abufcs for the nesof the offence of man be cfleemed by the moll part in filence,and prayed for them that endles farisfafrion made ro tbc iufiiceofGod, crucified him. When thou art tempted with rhe leall finnethatis, will appeare to be afin pri<lcorvain-glory,confiderhow for thy proindeede, and that moft gneouus and ougly. per fins Chriftwasdefpifcd and mocked, and Therefore Chrif/<r•cifittJmull bee vfed ofvs condemned among theeues. Whenanger and asa myrrouror lookingglaffe, in whichwee deftreofreuenge inflame thine heart, thinkc may fully take aview ofour wretchecincs and how Ct.rifi gauehimfdfetodcarhtofauehis mifery,and what we arcby nature. Forfuch as enetllics, cucn then 'when they did mofi cruthe pafSion·of Chrifi was in the eyes of men, luch