1 ofChrijlcrucified:. 631 I fuch is our pafsion or condition in the eyes .A as they oug~t. The Frye.rs and Iefuitcs in ofGod: and that which wicked men did to their Sermons atthis day, commonly vfe the I Chri{l, the lime doth finne and Sathan to our pafsion as ameanesto llirre vppitie ond cam· . very foule. ' pafsion towards Chrifl, who being forightei The fecond pointis , that men beleeujng ous aman! was fa hardly intreated, and to in· Iin Chri!t, arenottheir ownor Lords ofthemfla!Re the1r hcarersto an hatred ofthe Iewes, :fclues,but whollyboth body and foule belong and ltid.u, and 'Pontim 'Pil•te, that put our /to Chrirt, in that they were giuen to him of bleffed Sauiour to death ; but all this may bee 1 God the Father, ~nd he hath purchafed them doaeinany otherhirtorie. And the feruice of ' Withhisowneblood: t.Corinth-3.13· Tee are God which in that Church frands now in Chrijh, .wtiChnft Godt, Hence itcommeth to force by the Canons ofthe CouncelofTrent, I patfe(which is not to be forgotten)that Chrifr defaceth Chrijlcr~~&ijied, in that the pafsions of 'e!lcemeth all the croff<> and afAitlions ofhis Martyrs are made meritorious, and the very I people,ashisown' proper afflictions. Hence ~oo.d of thecrolfe their one[J hepe : and the againe wee mufl learne, to giue vp our fclues YtrgtnM•rythe~'"''ofhMMm,and amother \h?th body and foule to the honour and fer~ B 1'mmie;whoinremifsionof~nnest~!•rcom- ·utceofChrifl, whofeweare. mand her fonne: and they gme reltgwus a· The third is, that euery r~ue belecuer, not deration to dumbe crucifixes, made by the as he is am•..,butas he is.onewman,ora Chri· hand and artofman. I lnian, hath his becing and f<•blifling from ThecommonProrcfrantlikewifecommeth tChrifl: wu~remembmofhubodie,ofhuftejb, thortherein forthreecaufcs. Firfr, where-' !lllttlofhio bone, Ephif.5. ;o. In which wordes, asin word they acknowledge him to be their' i'Pa11l alludes to the fp<ech of.Adam, Gm.2. Sauiourrhat hath redeemed them from their 1 2 3.Thouart bo•e.fmybone, •ndflifh of m'fflejb; euill conuerfatioo,yet indeede they make him and thereby he teachcth,thar as E•• was made a patr.n,.fthtirfinnes. Tile rhecfe makes him I ofaribbe taken out ofthefide of .Adam. fo therecduer, the murderer makeshimhisre-' doth rhe whole Clmrcll'of God , and euery fuge,(•)the adulterer(be it fpoken with reue-' a Caluin man regenerate, fpring and arife our of the rencevntohisMaiefly) makeshimrhcbawd- onG>l.6 blood rhat flrcamed from the heart and fide For generally men walkon intheir eail waies, ~ ofChrifl crucified. fame liuingin this finne, fame inthat, and yet ! The fourth is, that allgood workesdone of for al this,thoy perfwadethemfelues thatGod vs , procecde from the vertuo and merit of c is mercifull, and that Chrifl hath freed them Chrift cr•cifi'": heeisrhe caufeofthem in vs, from death and damnation. Thus Chrift that and weearcthecaufesofthem, i 0 and by him. came to abolith finne, is made a maintainer Without"'" (faith he. Joh.15 ·5. }"'"'""''nothereof, and the common pack-horfe ofthe thing: and,E'"'Ybr,.nch th•t bMreth RotfMit in world,to beare euery mans burden.Secondly, "''• markewell,llefaith,inmee, heet•l:!•h•"'!J' men are content to rake knowledge ofthe J.h.I5·•· merit of Chrifrs pafsion forthe rcmif.•ion of The fifthpoint is, thatwe owe vmo Chrifl their finoes, but ill themeane fc:afon, rheveran eodfeff<debr. For he wa.• crucified onely as rue ofChrifrsdearh in the mortifYing offin, our furetieand pledge, and inthe fpe<tacle of and the blelfed example ot his paiSion, which his pafsion we mufl confider our felnes as the ought to te followed& <Xpre!Ied in our liues chicfe debten, and that thevery difcharge of and conuerfations, islittle or nothing regar· ourdcbt,that is, the fillnes which.are inherent ded. Thirdly,men v(uallycontent themfclues ill vs, were the proper caufe ofall theeodleffe generally and confufcdly to know Chrift to paines and tormentsrhat Chrift endured, that betheirredeemer, neuer once feeking in eue1hce might fetvs mofl miferable bankrupts at ry particular eflate and condition oflife, and libertie from hell,death and damnation. For D ineuery particular blefsing of God, tofeele thishinnfpeakable goodncffe,ifwee doebut the benefitof his pafsion. What is the caufe once rhinkoofitferioufiy, wemufl needs con'- rhatalmofrallthe world liue in fccurity, nefeffe that weeowe our fetues, our foules, and ner almoft touched for their horrible finnesl bodies,and all that wehaue,as a debtduevnto · Surely the reafon is, becaufe they did neuer him. Andfo foone as any m'¥1 beginsto know )'etferioufly confider, that Chrifl.in the garChriftcrucifted, he knowes his owne debt, and den lay groueling vpon the earth, fweating thinkcsofthe paimcnt ofit· water and bloodfor theiroffences.Againe,all Thus wee fee how ChriO: isto be knowne: fuchas by fraudandopprefsiou, orany kinde now wee !hall not ueede ro rake much exaofhard dealing fuck the blood ofpoore men minarion whether this manner of knowing neueryetkncwthat their linnesdrewoutth; and acknowledgingofChrift, take any place heart blood of Chrifr. And proud men & w 0 • in the world or no: for few there bee that men, thatarepuffedvpbyreafonoftheirat· know him as they ooght. The Turke eucn at tire,which is thebadgeoftheir thame,& neuer rhis very day knowes him nor, but as he was ceafc huntingafterfrrangc fathi6s,c6fider not a Prophet. The Jew fcorneth his croffi, a•d that Chrifr wasnotcrucified in gayattire, but F•ffiotz. The Popi!h Churches, thonghin word naked,that he mightbearethe whole thame& 'jrhcy confelfe him, yet dothey not know him curfeofthe law forn.Thefc& fuch like,What Hhh :l .focaer