------------=---::--:-;~-:----:-------- 63Z. Of th~right,' ftno-wledge foeucr they fa~ in word, ifwee refpetl the re- A-:-lh..-ou 7ld,_e-;:- fr -,-do-:11:-:im=-:al::-" l fc::-er-u 1:- .ce- fl::-re-el-y,-a-nd_[J_;: r:'-nknourof theuhues, are Satte enemies ofthe ly.Pfol.uo-3- When thou.heardlthat inhis croffe ofChn!t, and tread his pretious blood agonie his foule was l1eauie vmo death, know vnder thm feete. . it was for thy finncs, and that thou Ownldefr Now"rhen, confidering this fo weighty and much more conceiue heauinesofheart forrhe fpeciall a point of relig_ion is fo much neglefame: againe,that this forrow ofhis is ioy and <'ted,O man or woman, high ?rlow, young or r~ioycing vnto thee, if thou.wilt beleeue in olde,1fthou haue becne want1ngth1s way,bchim; therefore P•xlfairh,I fay againe reioyce giu for very lhameto learne, and learnin~truin the lord. When thou {eadell th~t in the ly _tok!'on: Chn!t cruCified.That th<_m mruftatgarde!' he prayed lying groueling on his face tamto th1s,beholdh1m often, not mrhew~- fweanng water and blood begin ro thinke feden crucifixe aftGr the Popifh manuer, but iil riouOy whatan vufpeakable meafareofGods the preachingof the word, and in the Sacrawrath wasvpon rhybleffed Sauiour, that did ments,_ in which tho• !halt f<ehim cr•cifitdbeproltrarehis bodyvpon the earth, and caufe fore thine eyes,Ga/. 3. t. Defire nothere vpon the blood to follow:and thinke that thy finces earthto bcholde him \virh the bodily eye, but B muft needs be moft hainous,that broughtfuch lookevponhimwirh rheeyeofrrueandliue- ' bloody andgrieuous painesvpORhim. Alfo ly faith, applying him and his merits to thy thinke it is avery lha!lle for thee ro carry thy felfe as thmcowoe, and that withbroken and head to heaucn with haug!lrie lookes, to walbruifed heart,asthe poorclfraelits ftung with low in thy plcafures, & to draw the innocent fiery ferpents euen to death, beheld the brafeo blood ofthy poore brethren by opprefsion& Serpent. Againe , thou mufi looke vpoohim deceit,for whom Chrifi{wear water& blood 1 firft.ofall asag/.1./fiorJPe5tacle, in which thou and rake an occalion from Chrills agonic to lhalt lee Gods gl<><ie greater in thy redemptilay afide the pride of t~y heart, robe alha.;,ed on, 1hen in thy creation. In the creationapofthy fdfe,to griue in heart, yea cuenrobleed pearedGodsinlinitewifedome, power, and for thineowneoffences,caft.ingdown& humgoodneffe: inthy redemption by the pafsion bliogrhy felfe with E:r4, fayine, Ezr•9·6.0 ofChri!t, hiscndletfeiu£\ice and mercie. In my G•t{, 1amctm/o•ndedand•Jh•mtdro/iftvp the creation thou art a member of the firll: Amine•yes vnto tbet,my God:for mine in1quities d<m,and bearcfi his image: in tby redemption are increafed,& my rrefpalfeis growne vp in· thou art a meinberofthe fecond .Ad.,. In toheauen. When thou readeft that Chrifi w•s the firfi thouart indued with naruralllife, in c taken and bound, thinkethatthy very finnes thefecond wirhfpiriruall.h• the firftth<>u haft. brought him intothe powerothis enemies.& in rhe perfon ofEu•, thy beginningofthe rib were the very bondswherewithhee wasryed: ofeAd.m: in the fecond thou haft thy beginthioke that thou lhouldell bane lx:eoe bound ningasrhouart born ofGod out oftho blood in the very fame manner, vnlefii:he had beene of Chrilt. Laltly, inrhe fir!lGodgauelife, in a furetit and pledgefor rhee: thinke alfo that commanding thatto bee, which was not: in thou in the felfe fame manner art bound and the fccondhee giucslife, not by life, but by eyed wirhthechainesofthineownefiune,and death, eueoofhis owne Sonne. Thisis the mythat by nature thy will,a1fetti6s,& whole fpi. ft.eric, which the Angelsthemfelues defire rit isryed &chained roth< will ofrhe diuel,fo rolooke into, r.P,t.t-12· Secondly, thltrl asthoucan£l:doe nothing but that whichhec muft. behold himas the full price oftbf redempwilleth: lafHy,think &bde· ue thotthe bonds tion,and perfe<'treconciliation wirhGod.and of Chrill ferue ro purch•l- •''l hbutle from prayearne£\ly to God, thathewouldfealevp hell,death,anddamnatic .• Wl.m thou ncathe fame in thy very confciencc by his holy r.cfr that he was brought before .AnntU& ea;. Spirit. Thirdly , thou mufi beholde Chrifi as •ph.u,thiukeit was meete, thar rt.y furery and anex4mple, towhomthoumull: confirmethy .Ji) pledge, who was rofulferrhecondemnation felfe by regeneration. Forthis caufc giuedilidue vnrothec, lhould by the high Prietl-, as by gence, that thou maitl by experience~y, that the mou~hofGod, becondenmed:. and wonthou art dead, and crucified, and buned W1th deratth!S, that rhe very coeffennall &eterChrifi,andthatthourifeft again with him to nail SonneofGod, euen the v~ry foueraigne newneffcoflife: that heenlighten thy mind, Judge ofthe wol;id,fiadstobe mdged, & that andby degrees reformes thy will and affech· by wickedmen; perfwadingthy ftltethar this ons, and giues thee both the will and the deed fogreat c'?nfufion comes ofthy fins, Whereineuery good thing. And that thou maiefi not upon lx:emg further amazedat thy fearefull faile inrhiothy knowledge, reade thehiflorie d.late,humble thy felfcmdull & alhes, & pray ofChri£\s palsion , obferue all the parts and God fo to foften thy llonle htart, tnat thou circumftances thereof. and apply rhem to thy maifi t•rnc to h1m, & by rruofa!th layhold on fclfeforrhy full conue;Gon. When thou reaChrifi,wh~harh thus exceedingly abafed him dell that Chrift. went to thegarden, ashis cufelfe, zhat h1s 1gnommy mayhe zhy $lory, and ftome was, where the Iewes might foone athis arraignment thy perfell abfolut10n.When I ' tacbhim, confiderthathe wenttothedeath thou readefithat Barrab.u the murderer was ofthe cro!fefor thy finncs willingly , & notaf preferred before Chri~ , though he ex~eedc~ conft.raint; andthattherforethouforrhyparr both men and Angels 111 holmeffe,; thtnke It ·--·-'----w=-as