Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

---~------------ ofChrijl crucified. was to manifefi his innocencie, and that 'thy A lingly withom violence or confl:raint from avery finncs pulled vpon him this fbamefull reIay creature , and that if it had fo pleafcd hi!", proch . an.! in that for thy caufc he was cfleebee could haue freed lumfelte from death,and med w~rfe then Baraba., thinke ofthy felfc haue cafl hisvery enemies eo the very bottom as a mofl beynous and wretched !inner, and of hell. When thou readefl that bee com- (as PAulfaith,t.T;m.t.l5·)theheaaofaljinnm. mended his foule into the hands of his FaWhen thou readefl that hee was openly and t~er, confide~ that thy_foule_ alfo(fo be it thou iudicially condemned to the curfed death of wdt belecuc m h1m) 1s dehuered vp mto the thecrolfe,confiderwhatis the wrath and furie I' hands ofGod, a~d !hall bee_preferued againft ofGod againflfinne,and what is his great and the rage and maliceof all thme enem1es, and I infinite mercy to finners: and in this fpettacle hereupon thou ma1efl be bolde to commend look vponthy felfe, and witllgroanes ofheart tby fpirit into the hands of God the Father, cry out, and fay, 0 good God, whatfettefl I When thou readefl ofhisdeatb,con!iderthat thoubeforemineeyes? I,euen I hatJe finned, thy finneswererhecaufeoftt, and that thou I I am.guilty &worthy ofdamnation. \'Vhence fhouldeft h1ue futftted the fameeternai_Iy,vncomes this change, that thy ble!fed Sonne IS B k!fe the Sonne of God had come 1n tby I in my roome, but of thine vnfpeakable metroome: againe , confidor h1s death as a rancy? Wretch that lam, how bane !forgotten fome, and apprehend the fame by faith as the nly fclfe, and theealfo-my God? 0 S<>nne of meanesol thy life: for by death Chrifl bath 1 God, bow low bafl thou abafed tby felfe for wounded both the firft and fe~ond death, and I me~ Thercforegiue me grace 0 God,that behatb made his crofie to be a throne or tribuholding mine owne eflate in the perfon ofmy nail feate of it:dgement againft all his and Sauiour tbus condemned, I may detefl·and thine enemies. When thou readefl of the i loathe my finnes that are the caufe thereof, trembling ofthe earth at the death of Chrifl, and by aliucly faith imbrace that abfolution thinke with thy felfe, it did in hiskinde, as it which thouoffere!l me in him, who was conwere groane vnder the burden ofthe finncs of demned in my !leadand roome.O Ieli•s Cbrift l men in the world:· and by his motionthcn, it Sauiour of the world, giue me thy holy and ·fignified that eucn thou and the reft del<:rued ble!fed Spirit, that I may iudge my felfe, and rather to be fwallowedol the earth and to go be .as vile a11d bafe in mine owne eyes, as,.thou ?own into the pit aliue, thentohaue any part waft vile before the lewes:alfo vnite me vnto m the merit of Chrifl crucified, When thou thee by the fame fpirit, that inthee I may bee C readefl ofhis buriall, tbinkethat it was to ra– as worthie to be accepted before Gqd,as I am I tifie hisdeath, and to vanquilhdeatheuen to worthy in my folfe to be detefled for my fins. his owndenne. Appliethh lluriall tothy folfe, Wpen thou rcadcfl that hee was clad in pur· and beleeue that it ferues tomake thy graue a I pie, and crownedwithth~rnes, mocked and I bed ofdoune, and tofree thy body from cor- ' fpit vpon , behold the euerlafling!hame that rupticn. Laflly,pray to God that thou maieft ·is dnevnto thee, and be afhamedofthy felfe; feelethe power ofthe fpirit of Cbrifl weakand inthispoiotconfirme thy felfe to Chrift, 1 niog and confumingthe body offinne, cuen as and be contcnt(as he was)co be reprocbed,a1 a dead corps rottes in thegraue till it be rcfolbofed, andcidf>ifi:d,loif(;e'f~tagoocicabfe.· uedtodufl. - - Whenthou readefl that before hiscrucifying, 1 When thou hafl thus petufed and applied , 1 he was flript ofall hiscloathes, thinke it was, to thy felftbe hifloryoftbe pafsion of Cnrifl, 1 1 thathee being naked, might beare thy fhame I goe yet further, and labour by faith tofce on the crolfc, and with his mofl prerious and Chrifl crucified in all the workes ofGodci1 rich nakednr!fc coucr thy dcformitie. When ther in thee or vponthee• .llebolde him at thy thou rcadefl theqzmplamt ofChrifl, that he table at meateand drink which is as it were a wa~ forfakcn ofhiS.Fatl·ter, confider how bee D liuely fermon,and adaily' pledge ofthe mercie lilf!ered the pJngs and torments ofhell as thy ofGod in Chrifl.Behold him in all thine aftli· pledge and furetie. Learne tiy his vnfpeakar &ions, as thy partenerthat pitietbthy cafe& ble torme.n>s what afea~efull thing it is to fin hath compafsioit on thee. Behold~tim in thy agamfr God, and begmne to renounce thy mofi: dangerous temprations,m which thedifelfe,and toderefl thyfinnes,and to walkeasa ud thundereth damnati6, behold him I f.1y as childe of light, according to the meafureof1 · a mightie Sampfon bearing away the gat<sof grace recemed. When thou commefl to die, I his enemies vponbisowne lh00lders and kil– fet before thine eyes Cbri!l in eh~ middefl_of I lin!l more by dea!h the by life,crucifying che all h1s_ torments on the cro!fe : mbcholdmg dtmll,cueo then when he ts crucified, by death ofwhtch fpel:lacle to thy endlelfe comfort, ktlling death:by entranceinto the graue opethou!halt leeaparadifc in the middeft ofhell; ning the graue and giuing life to thedead and God the Father reconciled vntotheee,thy SaI in the boufe of death fpoiling him of ali his "'?ut reachtng Ollt hts hand vnto thee to reftrength,& power. Behold him in all theafBicetue thy foulc vnro him, and his crolfe as a 1 1 ttious ofthy brethren , as though he himfdfe t Jadder to aduance tt to et<rnall glory. Wherwere nakcd,hungry,lick harbourletfe and doe as l;ee cried aloud with a flrong voice at the vntothemall the good thoucanft ast~ Chrift -. pomtofdeath,itwastofhewthathediedw;J. , himfclfe. Ifthou wouldeft beholdGodhimHbh 3 ieltc,