------- - ----- -------------- - - - ------- 6~+ Of the right k_norv!edge, &c. felfe, looke vntohim in Chrifrcrucified, who A : bea! things without- e-x-ce-p---:- tio_u_v_m_o--,- th-ec-,C- •1. / is the ingrauen image ofthe Fathers perfon; 13-11· For when thou prayefr for any bleGing and know it to bea terrible thing in the time I eithertemporallorfpirituall, beitwhatloeuer ofthe trouble ofthy confcience, to thinkeof i it will bee or can bee, thou mufr askeitat the God without Chri!l:, in whofe face the-glory I hands of God the Father by the merit and ofGodinhis endlelfe mercy isxo be feenc,2- [mediati6of ChrHlcrucified.Nowlookaswe Cor-4- 6. If <hou wouldefr come to Gadfor I aske blefsings at Gods hand, fomufrweere– gracc, for comfort, for faluation,for any blef- B: ceiuethem of hims and as they are receiued,fo ling , comelirfr to Chri~hanging, bleeding_, I mu~wepofielfe and vfe them daily, namely, dyingvpon rhe crofic, without whorn there; 1; asg1~sof ~od procured.tovsbythemerit ot no he>ringGod, no helpmg God, no faumg Chnll:: wh1ch £•ftsforthlsverycaufe,mufrbc God,noGod totheeatal.Ina word,let Chrilt" , wholly imployed tothe honourof Chrift. FINIS. . A