---·-----------------~ -~~tw.[J~~&~~~~~@-~~~~~~ A GRAIN E 0 F MVSTERD-SEEDE: OR, THE LEAST MEASVRE OF GRACE that is, or can be effectual! to laluation. T is a very neceffary point A to be knowne, Wh•t iuhe le•ft meafim of grue that can hef•H the trxe chi/Je of Cod,lejfer then which, there u nograce tfJeiluaO tofo~a·· tion.For firft ofall,the right but the worke, both for the beginni•g, collti– nuance, andaccQmplilhrnent,Js in the whole man, andeuerypart atonce, fpecially inthe mind,c6fcience,will,and alfedions:as or. the contrary, when .4d.imlolbhe image ofGod, he loft it in eutry part.Secondly,the conuerfi– onof afinn,r,isnot wroughta:latont infiani-,. but in continuance oftime,& that by certaine meafures and degrees. And a man is then in the lirft degree ofhis cbnuerfion , wben the holy Gkeft by the mi:anes of the word, in. fpires him with fome fpirituall motions, and begins to regenerate and renew the inward vndcrllanding ofthispoint, is the very foun– dation of true comfett vnto all troubled and touched confciences. Secondly , it is a nota• ·· ble meanes to frirre vp thankfulnes in them that haue any grace at all ; when they lhall in examiootion of themfelues confider , tliat they hauc receiued of God the leail: meafure 'ofgrace, or more. Thirdly, itwillbeanin– ducement and a fpurre vnto many icarelelfe and vnrcpentant perfons, to imbrace the Gofpell, and to begin repentance for their finnes ; when they lhall perceiue, and that by the wordofGod, that God acceptS thevery feedes and rudiments offaith and repentaMcc atthefiril:, though they be but inmeafure, as a graineof mufterd-feede. Now then for the opening and clqring ofthis point, I will,fet downe fixe feuerall conclufwns, in fuch or– der, asonefhallconfirme andexplaine the o– ther, and one depend vpon theorher, B powers ofhis foule. And he may in this cafe very fitly becompared to thenight, in the firft dawning of the day, in which, inough the darkenelfe remaine, and be more in quanti it then the light, yet the Sun hatb already call: fome beames oflight into the ayre: whereup– on wetearrr!e it the breaking ofthe day.~<ow then the very poi_nr which lteach, is, that a man ar that lnfiant, & in this very Hate, (God as yet haning but laid certa.ine beginnings of true conucrfion inhis heart) is the vety child .ofGod, (& thatnot onely inthe eternall pur· pole ofGod,)asal the eled are(but inde<d by c a8ual adoption:)and this isplaint by a mani– fdl reafon. Thtre befoure feuerall workes of I. Conclufion. graceiJieuerychildeofGod: his vnionwith A manthatdothbut begin tobu cOHRtrttd, u Chrilt,hisadoprion,iuftification, and conuermm:atthatinflant, the '1/trychi/de if Cod, though fion: and thefe four< are wrought all at one inwat·d!Jh~be more carnall thenJPiritHafJ. infrant, fo asfor order of time, neithc:r goes The Expojition, btfore orafter other; and yetin regard ofor. 1 N aman, there mull bee confidered three derofnature,vnion with Chrift, iuflification, things; tbe fubllance of the body and foulc and adoption, goe before theinward conuerwhereofa man is faidtoconfill; the faculties fion ofa finner, it being1he fruit and elfed of placed in the foule, andexercifcd inthe bodie, them all. Vpon thisit followeth neccfl.nly, as vndcrfianding,will,alfeUIOns: the integtithat afinner inth< v<ry fir!hc! of hisconucrtieand puritieofthe faculties, whereby they fion,iS iuflified,adopted,andincorporated inarc conformable to the will ofGod, & beare ,to the myfticall body of Chrifi. Iu tht parahis image. Aod fince thefall<>f.AJam, man I bleoftheprodigal fonne, thefatherwithioy is not depriuedofhis fubftance,or ..fthe powreceiues the wicked childe; but whe" ? furcly crs and faculties ofhis foule, but onely ofthe D1when hee faw him comming afarre off, :md third, which is the purity or integrity ofnawhen as yet he had made no confcfsion or huture: And therefore the conuerfion of a fmmiliation to hisfatber,but only bad concciued ner, whereofthe conclufion fpeaketh, is not with himfelfe a purpofe toreturne and to fay; hechangeofthe fubftanceofman, orofthe Father, Ihaue fumed againftheauen and afaculties ofthe foule, but arenewingand regainll thee,&c. and p..,,, faith ofmany ofthe doring of that purity and holinel!e , which Corinthians, that he would not fpeake vnto was loll: by mans fall, with the abolilhment them as fpiritualll)len, fur as carnall, euen 1 • Cor.J· of that naturall corruption that is in all the babes in Chriil:. When '])411id reprooued by '· powers of the foule. This is the worke of NAthan, did butbegin to repeat & fay; 1ha•• God, andofGodalone,andthatonthismt- [umed: prefently N~<th•w the Prophet ofthe ner. Firltof all, when it pleaf~th God toll Lordfaid;. The LordhAthtAk~n •w•ythyfinne. workeachangemany, heedoth ltnotfirfim Of this thmg Da••dfe"I)Je>ro fpeakein the •.Sam. one part, then afterwardioa•o~her, ashee 32. '1'[.U.v,5. I[aid [that is, I 9urpafed and "•'l· thatrepairesadecaied houfe bypecee-meale: thoughtwith my fdfe J I wiiJconjeflt Againft my felfe ----------------------------------------------------~~-----~