6'8 rvf qraine of a£ujlerd-feed. ----- elfe,mevnrighuo,.fo;,, .,.dthouforgaMejlmiwe AI by the corraptionof!in, isnot onely rellraJ •mqH•tw. VpoK thefe words AHg•Jime faith: ned, but alfo mortified, & the decaiedimage Aug. Mark[, be doth notconftjfi, hRt promijithtoconofGod, rdl:oredin righteouf.es and true- hoHoro.r4. Ieffi, andGodforgtHethhim. Againe, Therebeo lines. Now thcntheoonclufion mull oncly be (fait~ he)thmjjllabies, pcccaui, I h•Mefinned: vnderftoodofthefecond,and not ofthe firth andfomthefe threejjllables, thtfotme of.-focrifonhough aman haue ncucr fo much ofthis ftced•d afttHdinto beauen bofore God. Chryforcftraining groce, yet vnlelfehehauethefpi· Cl>ril. ftome faith, S4J thouhAjlfinned, andrhoM ha}/ ritofChrift,tocreatefaith inthe heart and to hom. 9• loofidthyfinne. AndAmbrofi faith, Jfhefoid,! fant!ifie him, he is as farre from falu;tion as de pa:oit. 1 '_!iD wifeffi, llrd obt4inedpardon before he con. any other. Thusthen the fenfe aad meaning of I teffid, bowmlt'th more when be badconfeffid, Jay· the,conclufion is, that the very leaft meafure ing:I bowmineiniq•itie, w.u huJmnepardoned! effauing grace , and the very beginnings or Gregorieon this Pfal. faith, Mark[hoRJjpudily feedesofregenerationdodeclare, andafter a pardoncomes,andhowgreat i& tht cot~~men.IAtion fort,giue titleto men, ofallthe merciful! proofGods mercy: inthatparJonconwtogctberwitb mifesofGod,whether they concerne this life, thtd.ftre if confeJJwn, and remifJwn comes to tbt B or the life to come;and are therefore approo– heort, beforeccnfeffion brtak[sforth inJPtech, ued ofGod, ifthey bein truth, and accepted as greater meafuresofgrace. That which our Sauiour Chrift faith ofthe worke ofmiracles; Math.17·20~/fyebanefaith IUag•~intofM•· .flerdfeede,yeJh•Rfay vntotbi&moHt:taine, Re– mooJU hence to yonderplace, 11nditfoa/1 remoDut, mull bythdaw ofequall proportion, beeap– plyed to fauing faith, repentance, the feare of t!iod, andall other graces; ifthey bee trudy wrought inthe heart, though they bee butas I I. Conclufion. Thefir}/ m•terU./1beginnings oftheClnMerjion of lfjit~ner, ortheJmaOe.ftmeafore of renewinggrA"• haoethe promifes of ehu lift, •ndthe life to r-•· THe beginnings of con~erfi6n m•ll bee fmalasone littlegraineofmufterd-feed, they diftioguilbed. Some are beginnings of lhall be fufliciently e!felluall to bring forth preparation,fomebeginningsofcompoution. good workes, for wh1ch they are ordained. Beginnings ofpreparationare fuch, as bring T~eProphet, Efo-4•·3· faith,that Chrillfoa4 vnder, tame, andfubduc the llubbornnesof notqHenchthefmokJ.•gflaxe, nor break[thebrNimans nature , without making any change at C lfieJreed, Let the comparifon be marked: lire all.Ofthis fort are the accufations ofthe conin flax< mull be both litle and weake, in quan• fcience,by themini!l:eryofthe law, feares and tity as afparke or twaine , that cannorcaufe terrors arifingthenee, compunthon ofheart, a ftame, but onely a fmoke, fpccially inamatwhichis the apprehending of Gods anger a· ter foeafie to burnc..Here then is fignified, gainft linne. Now thefe and the like,! exclude thatthe gifts &graces ofGods fpirit, thatare in the conclufion; for though they" go before both for meafare and firength as a fparke or to prepare a!inner to his conuerlion followtwaine offire, !hall notbe negleded, butraing, yet are they nograces o~~ocl, but frnics therac~epted an~ cheriihed by Chrift. When bothofthebw, being the mmlf'tcryofdeath, our Sau1our Chn!l heard theyoungman make Malfoofan accufing confcience. _Beginnings •.conf~!Sion of apradife but of outward and ofcompofition,I tearme allthofe mward mo- . C!Uill t!ghteoufnelfe, Hee kok[dvponhim, and ·cions&inclinationsofGodsfpirit, thatfol- !.Nrdhim, Marl(,to.:h and when heeheard low after the workofthe law vpon the con. the Scribe fpeake dikreetly but one good fcicnce, and rife vpon the meditation of the fpeech, thatto loue God with all the heartis Gofpd, that promifeth cighteoufi,es and life aboueall facrifices, hdaidvnto him, That htt <uerlafting by Chrill: out ofwhich motions D WMWHfamfromth<ki_ngdomeofhe41len, Mar!(, the conuerfion ofa finner arifeth,& ofwhich 1>·34· Therefore no doubt, he willlouewith itconfilleth:whatthefe are, it (ball afterward amore fpcciallloue, and accept as thegood appeare. Againe,gracemuftba diftiaguilbed; fubiellsofhis kingdome, thofe chathauereIt JS two-fold, reftraining grace,orrenew!ng ceiued afunher mercieof<;>~, to bee borne grace. Reftraining graco, ltearme certame anewofwaterand ofthe {pmr. common gifr. ofGod, fcruing onely to order and frame the outward conuerfation ofmen to the law ofGod, orferuing tobereaue men ofexcufe in the day of iudgement. By this kind ofgrace, heathen men haue bin liberal, iu!l:,fober,valiant,rnercifull. By it,menliuing inthe ChorchofGod, hauc bin enlightened, and bauing called of the good word ofGod, hauereioyced therein, &for atime outward– ly confirmed themfelues thereto. Renewing gr>ce, is not common toall men , but proper to thedea,& itis agift ofGods fpirir,wher· Ill. Conclufion; A CMj/Ant •nde•rnejl d.ftrtto herec011<ikdto Gotl,t~helttMI, M~tit,repent, ifit heillt~tfJJ~cheJ het~rt UinMCept•ti.nwithGid, ""reconrili~ttiD», faitJ.,reptntanuitfe!fe. The Expojition. LVllordcureistwo-fold, naturall, and JU. pernararall. Natural is that,whofe begin– ningand obicd is innature, tilads, which arifeth