Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

rvf yrai~~:_Of&uflerd-feeil.____ _ 639 arifeth of the narurall will of ll)an, and alf~.- A 'drink!. ReNtl.u.6. llri/1 gi~tt vntohim nrm;b lleth fach things as are thought to bee goo~ il .rhirfl, if the well if the water f[Jifeft"IJ· according to the light ofn•r)lre-And thh,l<iod Now is this to thirfi? properly itis, ofdefirehathhisdegrees,yetfo as.t~eyarc!i· when wee, are in a drought or drinelfe and mited within the compalfe of na\ure. Som~ want drinke ro refrdb ·vs, to delire it• .And defireriches, honours,pleafure,"fome learning therfore oy all rcfemblarnoe. th•y are.faid to and knowledge,bccaufeitiSthe ligbt audper~ thir!t a(ter tighteoufnelfe, that want·it, and fedionoftheminde: fomegoefurrher, and would fainehaue it. i\nd they thirfi after feeke afrer,t~e v~rtuesofiu£lice, temperance, Chrift,,tha~ fcele themfelues outof ,Chdft, & {iberalitie, &c. and thus many heathen men delire, yealong aftert~e blood of Chrifr,that haue excelled.Someagainedefiretme happithey might be refrefhed with itin theirconnelfe, as Ba/aamdid, who wifhed to die t~e fciei1ces. &ere.then.we fee, that rhe defire of death ofthe righteous : becaufe it is the promercyJ, in the want ofmercy, isthe obtaining pertie ofnatureto feekethe pieferuation ofit ofmeroy; & thedefireto beleeueinthe want felfe.But her< nature frayes it fclfe: for w:hcre offaith,is faith. Marke then: though as yet the mindrcueales not,the will affe~s not. S~~ B thou wapt lirme and liuely grace. r.etart thou pernaturall defires are ft1ch, as both for the1r no1 altOgither yoid ot grace, ifthoucan!l vubeginning and obiea, are aboue nature: for faine,dly defireit;thy qc;ficeistbe feed,conceprheir beginning is fromtheholf. Ghofr; and ti.onor bud ofthat which thou want~ft. Now the obiect or matter about which they are istlie.fp#ngtimeoftheingr~fted word,orthc ·conuerfant, are things diuine and fpirituaU,. immertall fced cafr iD!O .the furrowcs of.thy whichconcernc the kingdome ofheauen: and heart:wait~ ~ut awhile,vlingthe good means ofthis kind are the defires, ofwhich I fpcake (O this end,appointed., and thou !haltfee the inthisplace. Againe, that we may not be deleaues,biB_If?mes,and fruire-wilfhortlyfollow ceiucd in ourdefires, but may the betrerdif-. ~fter • .Secon~Jy, thede/ireofany good thing cerne them froll\.flitteting and fleeting motiIS acpcpt~d ~fGod, as tpe liuely inuncatiooof ons,r addethre~ reftraints.Firfrofall,thede• his~olypame,Pfol.,o.l7· Godheamhthe de. fire ofreconciliation, the defire to beleeue, or lJi;•Ofthe poor~,Pfol. I4$•I9·He willfnlfillthed,. the defire to repent, &c. mufr be confrant and fir< "{themth~tfe~~re him, When ..m'ofos faid haue continuance, otherwife it may iufily be nothwg.~ tmt onely de!lred in heart the belpc fufpetled. Secondly, it mull be earneft and a~pwr,ed10nofGodat theredfea,theLord ferious,though not alwaies,yet at fometimcs, C fatdvutohlm, Whycryft thou'll.~tome? Exod. that wee may bee able to faywithD.Wd, My I4•15·Andw~en we know not t<>prayaswe foole defires afrer thee, 0 Lord,as the thirfry ought,PaN/ f:uth,Tb•t the fPirit ,.,.~th requef/ land. And, As the Harr braieth after the riby tht •nw•rdgrones if the he•rt, Rom. g. 2 6. uersofwaters, fo panteth my foule'after thee: Hence I gather, that whena man inhis weak0 Lord, my foule thirfreth for God, euen the, nelfeprayea withfighes and groanes, for the lining God. Thirdly, it mull be in a touched gift ofliuely faith, the want whereofhe finds heart; for wben am>n is touched in confciin himfelfe, his very prayer on this manner ence,t~e h~art is caft ~owne,and as muc~(as made,isas truelyin ~coept~tion with God,as ttcan) tt wtthdrawes tt felfe from God. For the pr.yer made ID buely fatth. And hereit is thiscauf< then,ifthere be any fpiritoall motitimher to beconfidered, that Pas/ cals thefe ons whereb)' the heart is liftedvp vnto God, groann <~nfPe•k!ablt,and why? Ofmofr interthey are without doubt frorq the Spirit of preterstheyare.thought to be vnfpeakeable, fiod. Thus then I auouch, that the defire of by rcafon of thetr greatnelfe, and tllis I will r~~o~cili~tion with God in Chtifl:, is ~eco'l· not deni< : it feemcs neuerrhelelfe that they cdtanon lt felfe: the deliretobe!ecue, 1s f•ith arc fotoarmed by reafon oftheir weakenelfe. indeede; aud the defire to reP.nt, repen- D fortheyarec<'mmonlyfmall,weake,andcon: tanceitfelfe. Butmarkehow. Adelirerooe fufed in the ht·arts of Gods children when reconciled, i~ not re~onciliation in. ?•rure they are ~ifirelfed. And the words following (forthedelireIs onethmg,and reconcthauon, fccme to1mportth•smuch: for when it had another.) Butin Gods acceptation: for ifwe bin faid, that Gods fpirit in vs makes rtquefr &eeing touched throughly for our finnes, withgroanes notto bee vttcred, fome man doe defire to hauethem pardoned, and tobee mighthaplyreply and fay, Ifwee cannor dif.. atone with God, Ged accepts vs as reconcicerne& Vtterthefcgroanes inourfelues what led.Againe, defire to beleeue, itis not faith in arewe thebetter ? PAN/saddes therefo;e,that natare, but onelr in Gods acceptation, God althoughwe knownot, yet God afearcher of accepting the wdl for the decde. That this allthingshiddenintheheart, kz!..,tstheminde doctrine is the will aDd word ofGod, itapfl!1dmttmingo{thefP~rit. And thus the words peares by thefe teafons. Firll ofall, Godbarn y~,t further alfoard a comfortable inftruction an•exed a promife ofblelfednelfe, and qflife to the childrenof God, namely, that beeing cuerlafhogtothedefire of grace, M•th.H• indiftrdfe, whether in life or death if by Bleffid ar< they which hunger 411d thirft After grace wee can but ligh, or fobbe vntd God, rsghteoNfneffi,fortheyfh•abufotisfied. l•h·7• tnough it bee weake and feeble like the 37• lfarrym•nthirjl, let him ••mtto "'"""" faint pulfe in the time of death; \~ee, "rthe !Plrit