164-o ;f,>irit of God iu vs, doe indeed ma~ercqudl ;A ~~~erfeeles in h~ h<•rtan earnefl difir., •nd •flri– ~nto G?d thadhal behe~rd,f.Ca (as llie words 1 ,umg •g••~Jih_w n•t•r•lidoubtings , both can and are)we doe mo:c then make requ~fi:& though V"'ufiaffore hsmfilfe that bee u indi<ed with true /wcdonotalwaiesfce'whatGodsfpiritmal<es '.folfh. 'Againe, Wi<~dm.en d., notdifire the 1 v•_ro figh ~fter,yet God doth. ~<> :h~tefiimolgrac, of th< holy ffirit, whereby th<y may rrjij/ 1 11leofScnpture Iaddcthe tefiunolii~of god- /Jinne. Awdthmfore they arri•JIIy depriuedofit: l ly and_learned men, npt to proone the do- !for,hec thatearnef!iy dijimhtbe holy Gb.jl, hath ctnne 111 hand, ~ut to !hew a confenl..~nq to !•r.lr<lldse ' ':b<c•ufi t~u deftr~ of thefPirit can- !proouc_t~us m_uch, thattl)cthmg "(hiehia- ••!beebu!ft~m t~e JPirit: ., a~ i;,isfaid, B/effid : .._ J uouch,'!S no pnuatephantafic of a~)'"m~n,' Eaare they thitt hunger ••d t~iifl af(,tr righreouft:C·.:.·~~ jily.(faith ..Ambrofi_pf God) "he_: re<onc:fed, neffi: for they fh•IJ beefaiisfted. ( ~) Bradford 2 £i im-j (a)if,he bee mj/amlyVllr.e.ttd. AllgHf/<ne faith 1 fa)th, Thyji~nes are vndo•bpediyp•rdoned, &c. pcofc ro- Lett?Jdcfirebebeforehim,andt/Jyfotherwhr<~ -~'Godh•thg••en thee apenitmt andbeleeuing g""'· ljicthmficrtt flutlr<~Ya~iltheeopen(Y:fo~!!!J dtfi;e li.'<'rt: tha; ~&., ·~heart which difll"eth to repe•t k F.pillle to Cart:– lcffc. On Pf>l. u thy pra~er,&ifthydejirebecontmual,•hjpwtr andb<iemc:forJiichanoneutaf(gnofhim(heeac. J•· is continual. Ht addstur,ther in tht!fame place, B eep~ing thcwillforrhe deed) for apmittntandbe– rhatt.~cdefireu acontJ!zuaOvoJC~, apdthecr~eof - ;eeumghe~rt indeede. (I)Taffine[aith,Onrfaith 1Bookc \. the hsarr,AJJJthe lti_Ward I"UOCatJOn ofC?od;Whoch maJ b(efoj/nal/andwea~,IU ite/oth not_yet briwg of <he m~ be madewttholltmttnniJ!i4n. Agame,TgJe_ mhfruitu, thllt rn4yb1e /iue!Jfelt in vs· bHt if ~arJcsof Jiret1Jf helpeofgrace,i<t,hebeginning~{gr•ce~ A- . they whichfoele themftl•n injuchefl•te: dejiu ch~ld~..,. hE•pofi. game, (b) Thcwholt)ifeofagoodChrijfian, u •n r.haHe th!Ji feelings [n•me!J, ofGods fa..Hr Epi.!oh. holywiNanddejire. Andth<t whichthoudejirej/, andlcue]ifthryaskf thfflJat Gods hands bypr"Ji tuft. 4·'· thonftefl not:but by dtflring,art( ;u it wereJinl.trtr. thYdefireandpr4yer 11re tcjli1fJonies th4t the ~om. of ged&"madccapable, thatwhcnitjhal(com<t•hich flirit ofG•disin them, and that they h.uefaith humilioy. tboufhaltfie,thoumAief'bcefulfiNed. Eajilfaitli; already: for u.facha deftre •fruitoftheflt{h,., c Sup. Onety thoumuj/will,andGodwillcom,eofhi!owne •fthefPiritl it uoftheholy flirit,wb.bringerhit Canr. accm/. (c) Eernard[airh, What, is not de{ire • Jfoorth owely in.facha. he dwtls in,&c. TheN thofi 5 "· 8 •· vorcc?yea,a veryflron& vuict. Godheareththe de- \holy dejim and prayers, beeingthe motionsofthe dTom. JPea~ flothing,h a-voicecontinurd. (d) L•ther th•nghtheyfittnrto vs fmaHand w«~e. Asthe fire of tht poore, Andacontinu•O dejire, 'though we I holyGhoJIin 1n, art trf/imoniesof•urfaith, •I4 .p.u 4 . fdrh,Chrift i& thentrHiy omnipoullt~& thnur!I(J wom.an that fetleth the moclting of-tchi!dinher reignts in vs, when we arefo wea~ tliat wee can C bsdie, though very wcak.e,afflmthl;erftlfuhat foe ftarcegiueanygroane. For P•ulfoith:,_that one I hathconceiHed,•ndthot fhegmhwitha/iucchsld; fuch groanc 1S a.firong crie in the cares of foifwe hauethofimotions;hefiho':Jaffr£1ions,and clbid. God filling torh heauen& earth. (e)" Agline, 1 dcfms boforementioncd, let vs not doHbtbut that fol. z s•- vr'Jfewk.tzow, bowwe•~aRd{ma/1foith andhope j we ha Het heholy Ghof/(who isth,.nthorofthem) Uvnderthec"rojfe 3 (j-intempt4tion.Foritappeares 1 a'wellmg in vs, andcorzfiqHent!J that we hlf~tt al.fo then to be< .ufmoak.!,ngflaxe, whichagoodbl.jl if 1 faith. AgJinehe faith, t . Ifthou haft begu~t~te windwouldprtJinrlyput out:butfoch a. beleeue in to hate411djlieJinne. ,.Jfthoufeeltjl that tho~ art theft combtttesandterrours Aga1Hjl hopt 1 vntler ~ difPle~Jfodat thine infirmities andcorrHptions:3.! hope,that iS_ ~pofmgth<mfiluesbyfaithinthepro- • 1 hauing ojfmded Godthou foeltjlagriife, and11 miftofCbrijt again}/ thefeeling offi••e, andthe urrowfor it'+ Ifthou dejireroabj/aine:5. Ifthou ' wr.rh ojqod,do findafmwardth•r th_u litleJPark_ "~oidef/ the occafton: 6. If thou traHellej/todoeihy off•ith( M it •ppeares t• reafon,whirh hardiyptr- 1 tndtauour: 7• Ifthou prayef/to Godto!.'•• thee ceiJdhit) M per.a~entiJrt AJ the whole Element of\ grnc:e:A/1 thefeholy4(e£!io?1s_troceedingftom none firewhi<hfillethall heAuen, andfw•Rowtth vp all otherthenjiomtheJPmtofGod,ought to befomar Ibid. tenoursaudfinnes. (f)Againe,The tiumw<find nypledges~ndt<j/JmomcJ th.r heumthee, "Ma- • Pfal.~• .fol.Joo. our vnrv~rthineffi,&theleffowefindtthe promifts 'D Her Kno.kes fauh, .Aibe~tyonrpazmsfomet111US gl\cfp. ~ ad ABa Colloq. Monpd. ll Loc. to btlongvntovs,themoremuflwedeflre them, be'· bt~foho~rib~e~ thtct ]OHfndn~ rekafo or COf'Jftwt, ingaf!imdthat thudefire d.thgrw!JpleafiGod, nmhennJPmt nor bodse,yet if thy heart canonely who dejirtth andwiOerh th4t hl4graceJhouldbee Jib VRto Gqd, defP•~r<tJot, yo•]hall obtame_yoNT earneflly dejired.Thid doth faith,which sudgtth it beamdejirc.AnddejlitNte)'••.renot offaith:for 4 preciomthi•~, andtherforegreatly hunr,rcth & atfoch time"' th<Jlefh. natNraU rrajOn. thef,.,. thirflethafrent,andfoobt•mutt. For Godu de~ of G~, th~p~eft"t ttJ.rment, the dJHeR at Dtt~e Jigheed tofill th1h1mgrie withgoodthingsj 4ndt~ do~'"', qod u Angne~ ~tnd therefore tktre ~ , findthcri<hcmpti••W":J• (g) Theodore Bcz1 •mher helpe nor remedfe to bee hopedfor.athu faith,l[th•Hfindnotthineheartinwardiyuuthed, hands:. at foch t"'" f jdJ, to fobbe vnto ~~mpar. ~;,;,:t:~~~~},::~·:;7:~~ t;.~=~?.';h!t::; ~:1: :hi~t'is~'/Jd:1;•~::ds ft:;eJ,';!J,.~t:~! tothee. (h)Kcmnitius faith, when 1.. haue agood thatturryfo~be u vnto God• moreace<pt.blefo. dejir.,though it dofarr:e!J ~>tlV itft/ft infome litcrijice,thm rt!Jihoutthu crojfc, togrueoNr bodJts '! tl•andflmdcrJigh,J mnjlbe afforedthatthejpifit beeburnt eHen for th< trMthsfo~. More tdhofGod u prefint, ..dwor~th hw g"d wor~; momes might bee allcadgcd, but tl1efe !hall ;C3lc- \i)Vrfi.,us laith,Faith"' the~»#holymu III thu fuffice.. . . . .• chif. ti[ru imp<rfeil & wea~il'etnt•erthelejji,whofoAgamft thls pomt of do8:rme 1. may bee a!-