Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

rd' (jraine of 8tfujlerd-feed. I V. Conclufion. /A He that bath lng•n toJithtE! himft/fttoChrift & hUword, thtu:gh 44)'tt hee bu i,guorltnt in mo.ft point J ofreligion,y~t if heha He a C4rt to increaft i>t >e•wltdge, •ndto prail•f: that which hce k!foweJJ heu.acceptedofGodmA trltt ~eleruer. TheE.<pojieion. S Vndry perfons by the Et~angdifis are faid to belccue, which h~d oncly feene the mi– ucles 0fChrilr, and 2s yet had made no fur– ther proceedings but to acknowledge Chrifi grow vp and increafe as the Grair.e of Mu.! fierd-feed ro a great me, and bearefruit an .I fiverably. The grace in_ the heart is lihe rl:e j Grame ofMufierd-fe<d m two tlungs. Fufi it ts fm~l to fee to at the beginning: fecondly,~fret 11 ts cafi mto tl>e ground ofthe heart it in– creafeth fpeedily & fpre•ds it felf. The(<fore ifa1_11an at the firfihaue but fomelittlc feeling ofhtswants,fome weake 2nd1aimdefire,fcrne fmallobedience, he mufi notlmhis fparke of'l, grace goe out , but theft monons otthcfpirit nmfi beincreafed by the vfe ofthe word, Sa– craments,& praier;and t.hey mufrdaily be fiir– red_vp by medirating,cndeauourin_;;,driuing,. a<kmg,feekmg, knockmg. The malter deliueB ring histaltnts to his fcruants,faith vmo thun, I Occupy ull I come, and not hide them in the earth, Matth.,b,•6· P••lvfeth an excellent fpeech toTimot ie: I exhort thee to fiirre vp j thegift of God which is in thee,namdy,as fi:e is fiirredvp byoft<n blowing, and putting to ofwood. •-Ttm,r.6. Asforfuchrnotionsof theheart thatlafr for a wetke, or a moneth, & after vanilh •"'ay,they arenono be regar– ded : and the Lordby the Prophet Oft com– plainesofthem, faying, 0 Ephraim,thy righ– recufnetTe is like the morning dew, cha.6-4o Thereforo confidering, gracevnleffe it bee col\lirrned and exercifcd,is indeed no grace; I will h<readde ccrtainerul<sof dire(lion, that we may the more eafily put in pra[life the fJ?irituall cxerci{uofinuocatian,faith.,:md re– pentance : an9 thereby alfo quicken and reto be the Mcfsias, and to fubmit tllemfclues to him and his dochine,which aftcrwatd lhoold bee taught. On this manner the woman of S;~maria bdecued, and m>ny ofthe Samari– tancs vpon her report l and acertai.neruler J by reafou c,f amiracle wrought vpon his fonne , is faid to beleeuc, and all his houlhold, l•h~ 4·4•·~ ;. When our Sauiour Chrifi commen· ded the faith of the Apofilcs, tearmingita rocke, again!l: whicb the gates of helllhould notpreuailelit was not for the know– ledge ,of the doctrine of faluation (for they were: ignorant of .many articles of faith , as 11amely ofthe death,re1l1rrc8ion.,afcenfion~& kingdome of Chrifl) but becaufe they belee– utd him to be the Sonnc ofGod , and the SOl.. uiourofmanktndc, and they had withal refcl– ucd themfducs to cleaue vmo him, and the c bltffcd doctrine of faltution whichhe taught, though as yet they were ignorant in many points. The holy Ghofi commends the faith ofR•hab when lhee rcceiued the fpies. Now this her faith was iudced but a feed & brgin– ning of liudy faith: for then lhee had onely heard ofthe miracles done in .£gypt , and of thedeliueranccofthe Ifraclites, & was there– upon fi1litten with r~arc, and bad concejued a rdolution with her felfc, to ioyne her felfe to the·Ifraclites, and to worfl1ip the true God. Now thefe and the likc,are rearmedbe lecucrs, vpon iufi c.mfe ; for though they be ignorant aSyet, yet their ignorance fhal1 be no conti·· nuin.gor IaCting ignorance: aod they haue ex– cellcm ftedcs ofgrace, namely, a purpofe of D I hcarttoclcaut tO Chrift, and a care to profit in the doLl rine of f.tluatiop, whereof they haue fcrr.c little J,now!tc:ge. VI. Conclufion. ume the feedesand beginnings of grace. 1. In what placcloeuerthou art, whether alone or abroade , by day or by night, and whatfoeuer thou artdoing, fer thy fclfe in the prefence ofGod, let this perfwaficn alwaits take place in thy heart, that thou art before the liuing God: and doe thy endeauour that thisperfwafion may fmite thy heart with awe and r'uerencej and make thee afraid tofinne. This counccll the Lord ('l.ue .A..ham, Gen. I7·I. Watkf befuremeanib, vpright. This thmg alfowas pracbfed byEnoch, who tor this caufe is faid towaikf~ithGod. 2. Efiet-meof euery day aSrhe day ofthy death:and therefore liue as though thou wen dying , and doe thofe good duties euery day, that thou wouldefi doe if thou wert . · dying. 'Ibis is Chriflian warcbfulneffe ; and remember it. · 3· Make catalogues and bils ofthine owne finnes, fpecially ofrhofe finnes that haue mofi The (ore-foid b,ginnings ofgrace are co•nterftit, dilbonoured God, 2nd wcundtd thine owne vnlejjeth'}'in<reafc. c<'>friencc: fct:them before thee ofien,fperially then, whenthou haQ: any particular occafion . The Expojition. ofrenewing thy repentance, that thy heart by THewickedneffe ot mans nature, and the this do!efull fight may be< fnrthcr hu~blcd. depth of hypocriue is fuch, that a man This was Dauids pratiife when he conhdered may and can cafily transforrne himfdfe into bis waies,& turned his fectto Gods comanderhe counterfeit2nd rcfemblance ofany grace ments,Pj:II9·;9.And when he conf<ffed ~he of God. Thcreforel put downe in this lafi finsofhisyourh,'l'fz5.Thrswaslobsprathfi· conclufion accrraine note whereby the gifts whoo he faid, 11< was uot abk to anfwer o e ofGod may be difcerned , namely, thatthcy ofa thoufandofhis finnes vnto God, llb 9· 3· :____ ___:____~_....:_::__ _ __:_________, 4· Whm