Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

d qraineof~uflerdifeed. 643 -----~~,----:-'-:-:-----,--- I ·"4· When thou firfi opendl: thine eyes in a A little or gteat,lie not in it,but fpeedily recouer morning, pray to God, and git~e him thankes ' thy fclfe,confefsing thine oft<:nce,andby.Prai· heartily: God then fhall haue his honour, and ,rontrear the Lord to p>raonthe fame l<~nd thy heart fhallbee the better for it~he whole . that.earnclt!y,rillfuoh time al thou find~ltthy day following. For we fee tn expenenae,that I confciencettuely pacified, andthyc~re ro ef. ve!fds keep long the talt ofthat liquor wh~r- • cbew the-fame finne iocreafed, 1 with they are fidl feafoned. And whe thou liro. Confideroftenofthdight and 'proper elt downe, let that bee the Ialt alfo: .for thou end ofthy life in this wodd, •i•hich is nono knowelt not whether fotllen allcepe,thou fl>alt fecke profit, honour, pleafure, but th~i ili!fer- . cuer rife againe aliue.<iiood therefore itis,that uingofmen, wee might ferueGod iriour cal. thou fhoulde(r giue vp thy felfe iota thehaods lings, God could,ifit io pleafed him, preferue ofGod,while!l:thouartwaking. ·'· ,.,:: man without the miniltery pfman, but his ~, Labourto fee and fecle thy fpiriruall po· pleafureisto fulfill his worke and will, in th~ uerty, that is, tofcothe want ofgrace in thy prefcruation of our bodies, and faluation of · felf,q>ecially thG>feinward corruptions,ofvn· our foules, by the imploimentef men in his beleefe,pride,felf~-louc,&c.Lal:i<>ur to bedif. B feruice, euery one according to his vocation. plea(ed with thy felfe:and l•bor to feele, that Neitheris there fo much as a bo•dflaue, bur ' byreafon ofthem thou £1:andelt iri.need of ehe mu!l: in& by his faithfuH feruicetohis ma. uery drop oftheblood of Chri!t to heale and lter,feruethe Lord. Men theref<>re doe comclcanfe thee from thcfe wants.andlet thispramonly profane their labours and liues, by ai- 1 ctife takefuchplace with thee, that ifthou be ming at a wrong end, when all their care condemanded, whatin thine eltimation is the vifiltcth onelyin getting fufficiem maintenance lelt ofthe creatures vpon earth?rhine heart & f?r them& theirs, for the obtaining ofcredit, confcience may anfwerwithalcud voice:, J,e. r,1ches,and carnall commodities. For thus mea um1,by re~tfonofmineownefinnes: and againe,if ferue themfelces,an8 not God,<nmen : much thou be demanded , what is the be!l: thing in lelfe doe they ferue God in feruing ofmen. the world for thee? thy heart and confcience 11. Giue all diligence to make thy election may anfwer again with a tlrong and loudcry, fure, andto gather manifold tokens thereof. One drop ifthebt.•dof Chrift to w•fh aw.ry my For lhis cauk: obferue the workes of Gods Jinnes. . prouidence,loue,and.mercy, both in thee, and 6. Shew thy felfe to h< a member ofChri£1:, C vpon thee,from timeto time : for the ferions and aferuaHt ofGod,not onely in the generall contideration ofthem, and the layingof them callingot a Cbriltian, butalfo in the particwlar togetherwhen they are many and fcueral/,mi; calling in wnich thou art placed. It is notenifter muchd~te<.'iion, a!furance 0 f God• fanough for a M•gilhate to be a ChrilHan man, uourand comfort.This wasthe praftife ofD4buthe mu!l: aifo be a Chri!l:ian Magillrate : it •id,r.S~m.r7. 34•36.Pfo!., 3· all. is not enough for a matlerofafamily to bee a 12· Thinke euermore thy prefent eltate Chri!l:ian man, or a Chri!l:ian in the Church, whatfoeuer it bc,to be the bell eltate for thee: but he mult ~lfo be a Chri/Han in his family, becaufe whatfoeuer h<fals thee, thoughi~bee and in thetrade wh1ch he followethdaily.Not fickenefie,or aoy otherafflictionor death, beeuery one that is a common hearer of the falstheeofthegoodFrouidcnceofCfiod.That word, and afrequenterofthe Lords table, is this may the better bedone,labour to fee, and therefore a good Chri!l:ian,vnleffe his conucracknowledge a prouideaceofCod, as well in fati<>n inhis priuate houfe , and in his priuate pouerry,as in abundance,as well indifgrace as alfaires and dealings bee fi•table. There is a in goodreport,as well inticknes as in heaith, man to be feene what heis. as well in life as indeath. 7· SearchtheScripture>,tofeewhatistin, D q. Pray continually, I meancnor by foand what isnot fin in euery acftion: this done, lemne andfetpraycr,butby fec«tand inward carry in thy heart a coA!l:ant aod 'refolute purreiaculations ofthe hearr,that is,by a continup<>fe, not to fin in any thing: for faith and the all eleuati•m of minde vnto Chrilt , fitting at purpofe oftinning oan neuer £1:andtogither. the right handof Godthe Father,land that ei8. Let thine indeauour bee futable to thy ther by prayer, or giuingofthankes, fo often purpofe: and therefore donothing at any time as anyaccafion fhall be offered. again!l: thy confcience, dghrly enformed by I4· Thinkc often of the wor!l: and mo(l the word: exercife thy felfe to efchew euery ~:rieuous thingsthatmay befall thee, either in fin, and to obey God in euery one ofhiscom. thislifc,ordeath,forthe name ofChrilt;make mandements, thatperraine either totbe genea reckoning ofthem, and prepare thy felfe to rail callingofa Chri!l:iao, or to thy particular beare them : that when theycome, they may calling.This didgood I •fiM, who turnedvnto not feemltrange,hut beborne the moreeatily. God withall his heart, according to4/lthelaw I~• Makeconfcience ofidle, vaine,vnhoofMofos,,.King. •3·>i.andthusdid2i•ch•ric, nelt, and vngodly thoughts, forthefe are the andE/itAhetb, that walked in 411 the commanfeedes an~beginnings ofafl:uall tinne in word demeQts ofGod withoutrepraofe,LHI;r ·I· c>. aad in dcede. This want of care in ordering 9· If atany time again!l: thy pnrp<>fe and and compoting of our thoughts, is often purefolution, thou be ouerraken with any tinne nillied with~fearefull temptation in the very I i i • thought