Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

d qra1neoj8'vt:uflerd-feed. thought,calledof Diuines,Tentati• blafphemi· arum,a tentarion ofblafphemies. t6, When any good motion or aftellion. rifi:rh in the heart, fuffer it notto pa!fc away, bur feede itbyreading, meditating,praying. 17 Whatfoeuer good thiog thou goefl a– bour;wherher it bein word or deedc,doicnot inaconceit ofthy felfe, or in the pride ofthy heart, but in humilitie, afcribing the power whereby thou doeO: thy worke, and the praife thereofto God; otherwife thou fhalr liode by experience, God willcurfe thy bc!l:doings. r 8. Defpifenor ciuill honeflie1 good con– fcience and good manners muO: goe rogirher: ,therefore remember to make confcience of lying, and cuO:omablc (wearing in common ralke:conrend not cirherin deedor word with any man, bee curreous and gentle to all, good and bad: beare with mens wants and frailties, as ha!l:inelfe,frowardne!fe,f<lf.likiog,curiouf– nes, &c. pafsing by them as bceing not per– ceiued : retume noteuill for euill , burrather good for euill:vfe meare,drinke,and apparell, in chat manner and meafure, that they may further godlines; and maybeasit were fignes, in which thoumaieO:expre!fe thehidden grace ofrky hearr.Striue not to goe beyond any,vn– le!fe it bein good thingS! goe before thine e– quals in giuing of honour, rather then in ra– king ofit: making confcience of thy word, and letit be as a bond: profe!fe no more out· wardly thenthou hall inwardly in heart: op· pre!fe ordefraud no man in bargaining: in all companies,either doe good,or take good. 19. Cleaue not by inordinate alf.:tlion to any creature, but aboue all things, quiet and refl thy minde in ChriO:, aboueall dignity and honour, aboue all cunnir.g and policy , aboue all glorie and honour, aboue all health and beauty , aboue all ioy and delight, aboue all fame and praife, aboue all mirth and confola· tion,that mans heart can fcele ordeuife befide Chri!t. Withthefcrulesofprallife, ioynerulesof A meditation; whereof I propound fixe vnto thee , as I finde them fet downe by alearned Diuine calledYiCiori,. Strigtlim, I. We mu!\ nor fall away from God for any creature. n. Infinite eternityis farre to bepreferredbe· fore rhelhorrraceofrhis mortalllife. ni; Wee mu~hold faO: the promife of grace, thoughwee lofe temporall blefsings, and rhey aUOin dearbmu!l needesbe lefc. IV, Letthe loue ofGod in Chrill, and theJoue ofrhe Church for ChriO:, be!lrong ih thee, andprcuaile.again£1: all otheratfellions, V It isthe principallArt ofa Chri£Han:tobc– l<eue things inuifible, to hope farthings de– ferred,ro loue God when he fhewes himfclfe to be an enemy , and thus to:perf<ucre vnto theend, vr. · Jrisa moO: effctluall remedyforanygriefe, to quiet our felues in aconfidence ofthe pre• fence and helpe ofGod, and to a.keofhim, and wirhal,rowaiteeitherfor fomeeafement, ordeliu"ance. VII. All the workcsofGod ared0ncincontrary meaces. FI:J(]S.