THE TRVE GAINE: MORE THEN IN VVORTH ALL THE GOODS IN THE WORLD. PH 1 L· 3· verfe 7· 71Mtthet,ings which lferu.U.•nt•getome, thefomtl w:<ounttdloffifor Chrif/,6<. T u• concl•fWII oj ••r religion worthy (D ~· conjidered: Th.t C5rifi1Ione h oxr A:JtdiAtonr,-b'./ljfier, 'Propiti4tosr, SauioNr"by work.!s A1UImeritswhichhe'him– ftlfn•ro•ght within himfiife, JndnoHj •ny workes, or merits, l'l!hichhe wor/qth in vs by hi< Spirit. The Scripture foiih thHJmllchin expreffiwords. Iu!lified freely by the redemption THAT IS IN CHRIST I E SVS, Rom. 3• •4· Hce hath byH I MSE LFE, purged our Gnnes, Heb_x. 3• Hce was Gone fi>r vs, that we fhould bee madetheorightcoufudfeof God I N HIM, •. Corixth,5·ll· IN HIM areyecompleate,Coi.2.IO. Byhis 0 W'N E BL0 0 D hcentred onceintotheholy place, and obt•ined cternail redemption, Heb.9 u . .Againi, Ohrijl ufoidt• purge our confciences from dead wo•kes byhis blood: be. caufo h~ offeredhimfelfe by his crernall fpirit, w!thoutfpot to his Father, v. 14· .Andcommon reafoniels vs M mUch. t For if menbemJ.ftic~t/ly_ vnitedvnt, Chrifl, andby thU vnion, doe receiue the JPiritofChrijl, ••dby thtJPiritdoeg..d,.orf<!s, andconfoq•ently meriteterna/Nife, thl) arethenbe– comep~trtners with Chrift, 411d~tre re~eiued iNto fe!ltJW.fhip withhim, in the wor~ if mansredemption: whereiUhe i11 the aEI:ofoHr reCrJ11cilit~tion with God, adm1ts neitherdeputie, n1rpartner. Thuconc/Mjien being th111 ofinfaOiblttruth, it firuesgreatly to exalt thtgrace ofGod, to •haftna– tHre, a•dto bwe downe thepride of a/1/uj/itiarJperfons andreligions. .Andfur thefurther explamngof it,[cruesthiurwifofoHowing, which/ prefi•tt•}Our Worjhip• .And there.Jon of my doing u this: 1 rememberalmofltwoyeeresMgot, i11f}eechyo11 nztredWtocommtndations of .that golden text, Phil. ;. 7• and..,;thaO,gauejignificationofyourd•fire, thatfomething might bt fitdowne, wherebyyoNmight bee broughttoaf•rrher vndnjfanding of th4tplace ofScriptNre. Therefore, 11 fotufieJoUr dtjire, I haut herepennedajhort expojition •fit. And I h•ue forther pre[umtd to pub/ifh it inyo•r name, dtjiring it may be Ate{iimonieofAth:tnk._ifuOminde,foryour lout 11ndfaHour towards me. Thm wifhing toyour Worjhip,;ontinuanceandencreafiofloueto theholy word of God,/tak! my/eaue. Ann. !601. lan.oo. YourW.inalldutie to command, W. Perkins. Ii i